blob: 48d21d39c7e4f7f15daffa7274d17e625937b73d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -ex
build_guest_tools() {
local src_root="${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}"/git/cros-container-guest-tools
local result_dir="${src_root}"/guest_debs
mkdir -p "${result_dir}"
# TODO( This is a hack to get around a kokoro bug. Remove
# it when it is no longer necessary.
rm -rf "/home/kbuilder/.cache/bazel/_bazel_kbuilder/install/4cfcf40fe067e89c8f5c38e156f8d8ca"
cd "${src_root}"
# Build all targets.
bazel build //cros-debs:debs
# Copy resulting debs to results directory.
chmod 644 bazel-bin/cros-debs/*/*.deb
cp -r bazel-bin/cros-debs/* "${result_dir}"
# Builds one of the mesa-related tools. Usage is:
# build_mesa_shard <distro> <architecture> [<package> ...]
# Which will build <package> for the <distro> debian version with the given
# processor <architecture>.
build_mesa_shard() {
[[ $# -ge 3 ]]
local dist="$1"
local arch="$2"
shift 2
local pkg="$@"
local base_image="buildmesa_${dist}"
local base_image_tarball="${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}"/"${base_image}".tar.xz
if [[ -z $(docker images -q "${base_image}" 2> /dev/null) ]]; then
docker load -i "${base_image_tarball}"
# Post-stretch the Docker image build scripts use the mesa checkout
# from Kokoro.
if [[ "${dist}" == "stretch" ]]; then
docker run \
--rm \
--privileged \
--volume "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${dist}_mesa_debs":/artifacts \
--env ARCHES="${arch}" \
"${base_image}" \
docker run \
--rm \
--privileged \
--volume "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${dist}_mesa_debs":/artifacts \
--volume "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/git/mesa":/scratch/mesa \
--env ARCHES="${arch}" \
--env PACKAGES="${pkg}" \
"${base_image}" \
# TODO(hollingum): delete this once we no longer support non-sharded builds
build_mesa() {
local dist
for dist in stretch buster; do
local base_image="buildmesa_${dist}"
local base_image_tarball="${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}"/"${base_image}".tar.xz
if [[ -z $(docker images -q "${base_image}" 2> /dev/null) ]]; then
docker load -i "${base_image_tarball}"
# Post-stretch the Docker image build scripts use the mesa checkout
# from Kokoro.
if [[ "${dist}" == "stretch" ]]; then
docker run \
--rm \
--privileged \
-v "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${dist}_mesa_debs":/artifacts \
"${base_image}" \
docker run \
--rm \
--privileged \
-v "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${dist}_mesa_debs":/artifacts \
-v "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/git/mesa":/scratch/mesa \
"${base_image}" \