How to do fuzz testing on Chrome OS

The target audience for this document are developers in Chrome OS who work on packages. It explains how to write a fuzz test target for a package, which will then be automatically picked up and run regularly by ClusterFuzz. It assumes some basic familiarity with the Chrome OS development environment.

What is fuzz testing?

Fuzz testing (or “fuzzing”) is the process of testing an application by feeding invalid, malformed, or malicious inputs to a target program in an attempt to crash it. It is particularly useful for testing APIs because it can play the part of an attacker sending malicious input to the API.

The input data is created by randomly mutating other inputs. Sometimes the initial inputs are provided by the user in what is known as a seed corpus, otherwise the fuzzer will generate inputs from scratch. Coverage-guided fuzz testing is an extension of fuzz testing that explicitly attempts to increase code coverage when it generates new tests, adding the new tests to its test corpus when it finds tests that increase coverage, i.e. when a new test executes a new code path in the target program.

LLVM has a built-in fuzzing engine, libFuzzer, that is provided as part of LLVM's sanitizer instrumentation. Google has a cross-platform fuzzing infrastructure, ClusterFuzz, that works with libFuzzer and aids developers by providing an end-to-end pipeline that automatically picks up new (and existing) fuzz targets, runs fuzz testing on these targets, reports bugs (assigning them to appropriate owners), and even verifies fixes. Chromium on Linux and MacOS has been using libFuzzer and ClusterFuzz for years, and they have proved very useful, finding thousands of security bugs and non-security bugs.

A fuzz test target is nothing more than a piece of code that can take a chunk of bytes and do something with them by calling the code to be tested. For the remainder of this document we will use the word fuzzer to refer to a fuzz test target that gets linked against libFuzzer to produce an executable that exercises the code under test. This is what ClusterFuzz will run.

Chrome OS has tooling to support writing fuzzers for Chrome OS packages. This document will walk you through the steps necessary to get your fuzzers up and running on ClusterFuzz.

Quickstart guide

This section of the document describes the basic steps needed to write a fuzzer in Chrome OS and have ClusterFuzz pick it up. For more detailed instructions, see the Detailed instructions section.

If you are working on a platform package (one that is in the platform or platform2 source directory and whose ebuild inherits from the platform eclass), see the Build a fuzzer for a platform package section.

Steps to create a new fuzzer in Chrome OS

  • Write a new test program in your package, whose name ends in _fuzzer and which defines a function LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput with the following signature:

    extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
        <your test code goes here>
        return 0;

    Ensure LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput calls the function you want to fuzz.

  • Update the build system for your package to build your *_fuzzer binary.

  • Update your package's ebuild file:

    1. Add fuzzer to the IUSE flags list.
    2. Build you new fuzzer (conditioned on use fuzzer), with the appropriate flags:
      1. Inherit cros-fuzzer and cros-sanitizers eclasses
      2. Set up flags: call sanitizers-setup-env in src_configure
      3. USE flags: fuzzer
    3. Install your binary in /usr/libexec/fuzzers/
    4. Build the libraries your fuzzer depends on with the appropriate -fsanitize flags (optional).
  • Build and test your new fuzzer locally. Commit your changes.

  • Add the package dependency to the chromium-os-fuzzers ebuild, and commit the change.

That's it! The continuously running fuzzer builder on the Chrome OS waterfall will automatically detect your new fuzzer, build it and upload it to ClusterFuzz, which will start running it. For more details on what you can do with ClusterFuzz, see the Using ClusterFuzz section.

Detailed instructions

This section goes over the steps mentioned in the Quickstart guide in more detail. If you're working on a platform package, read Build a fuzzer for a platform package. Otherwise, read Build a fuzzer for any other package.

Build a fuzzer

It might be counterintuitive to start by building a fuzzer before one is even written, but the process of actually writing the fuzzer will be easier with a fast compile-test cycle, for which we need to be able to compile the fuzzer.

Start with a dummy fuzzer:

// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

struct Environment {
  Environment() {
    // Set-up code.

extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
  static Environment env;
  // Fuzzing code. Empty for now.
  return 0;

Build a fuzzer for a platform package

These steps assume that you have at least a dummy fuzzer to compile. Check out the previous section for an example.

  1. Update the build system for your package to build your *_fuzzer binary.

    • For packages that are built with GYP files, update your GYP file to build the fuzzer binary:

        'targets': [
        'conditions': [
          # Fuzzer target.
          ['USE_fuzzer == 1', {
            'targets': [
                'target_name': 'your_fuzzer',
                'type': 'executable',
                'includes': [
                'dependencies': [
                  # This could be an intermediate static library target in your
                  # package.
                'sources': [

      See the midis GYP file for a complete example.

    • If your package is not built with a GYP file, then you will need to update your Makefile (or whatever build system you use), in such a way that your fuzzer binary gets built when a special flag or argument is passed to the normal build command.

      If testing this by hand (without the ebuild file changes in step 2 below), you will need to manually pass the compiler flags -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link and the linker flags -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=fuzzer to your build. You will not need to pass these flags manually once you have updated the ebuild file.

  2. Update your package's ebuild file:

    1. Update the ebuild file to build the new binary when the fuzzer USE flag is being used. For platform packages built with GYP files, you should skip this step and go directly to the next step for installing the fuzzer binary.

      1. Find the src_compile() function in your ebuild file. If there isn't one, add one:

        src_compile() {
      2. Add the call to actually build your fuzzer.

        Find the line in your src_compile function that actually builds your package (the command will probably look like emake or make or cmake). This is the command that is meant by original build command below. Copy the original build command and add whatever flags or arguments you need in order to make it build just your fuzzer binary (see step 1 above). Replace the original build command in the src_compile function with a conditional statement similar to the one below, so that when USE="fuzzer" is used to build the package, it will build your fuzzer binary, otherwise it will build the package normally.

        if use fuzzer ; then
             <modified build command>
             <original build command>
    2. Install your binary in /usr/libexec/fuzzers/

      In your ebuild file, find the src_install() function. Add a statement to install your fuzzer:

      platform_fuzzer_install "${S}"/OWNERS "${OUT}"/<your_fuzzer>
  3. Build and test your new fuzzer locally.

    To build your new fuzzer, once you have updated the ebuild file, it should be sufficient to build it with USE="asan fuzzer".

    Note: Fuzzing using undefined behavior sanitizer (ubsan) is also supported. To use ubsan, simply replace asan with ubsan in the commands below.

    # Run build_packages to build the package and its dependencies.
    $ USE="asan fuzzer" ./build_packages --board=${BOARD} --skip_chroot_upgrade <your-package>
    # If you make more changes to your fuzzer or build, you can rebuild the package with:
    $ USE="asan fuzzer" emerge-${BOARD} <your-package>

    These flags work with cros_workon_make as well for a faster compile cycle:

    $ USE="asan fuzzer" cros_workon_make --board=$BOARD <your-package>

    You should verify that your fuzzer was built and that it was installed in /usr/libexec/fuzzers/ (make sure the owners file was installed there as well). To run your fuzzer locally, you first run this script outside your chroot to set up your environment properly:

    $ path-to-chroot/chromite/bin/cros_fuzz_test_env --board=${BOARD}

    Then run your fuzzer, outside of the chroot as well:

    $ sudo chroot /path-to-chroot/chroot/build/${BOARD}
    $ ASAN_OPTIONS="log_path=stderr" /usr/libexec/fuzzers/<your_fuzzer>

    You should also verify that your package still builds correctly without USE="fuzzer".

    Once you are happy with your new fuzzer, commit your changes.

  4. Add the package dependency to the chromium-os-fuzzers ebuild. Inside your chroot:

    Edit ~/trunk/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/virtual/chromium-os-fuzzers/chromium-os-fuzzers-1.ebuild. In that file, find the RDEPEND list and add your package/fuzzer (you can look at the other packages there, to see how it‘s done). Don’t forget to uprev the ebuild symlink. Commit the changes and upload them for review.

  5. Optional: Verify that the amd64-generic-fuzzer builder is happy with your changes.

    Submit a tryjob outside of the chroot:

    $ cros tryjob -g 'CL1 CL2' amd64-generic-fuzzer-tryjob

    Replace CL1 and CL2 with the actual CL numbers.

    You should verify that your package is picked up by the builder by looking at the BuildPackages stage logs.

    The builder builds the full system with AddressSanitizer and libFuzzer instrumentation. If you do not want a particular library pulled in by your changes to be instrumented, you can add a call to filter_sanitizers in the library's ebuild file.

Build a fuzzer for any other package

  1. Update the build system for your package to build your *_fuzzer binary.

    The exact instructions here are going to vary widely, depending on your package and the build system in your package (Make, Ninja, SCons, etc.). In general, you will need to be able to invoke your normal build command, passing a special flag or argument or environment variable, so that it will build your fuzzer binary and only your fuzzer binary. This will involve updating GYP files or Makefiles or whatever other build files your package uses.

    If testing this by hand (without the ebuild file changes in step 3 below), you will need to manually pass the compiler flags -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link and the linker flags -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=fuzzer to your build. You will not need to pass these flags manually once you have updated the ebuild file.

  2. Update your package's ebuild file:

    1. Add fuzzer to the IUSE flags list.

      In all probability your package ebuild already contains an IUSE definition. Look for a line starting IUSE="...", and add fuzzer to the list. If your file does not already contain such a line, add one near the top:


      See the puffin ebuild for a good example.

    2. Update the ebuild file to build the new binary when the fuzzer USE flag is being used:

      1. Find the inherit line in your ebuild (near the top of the file). Make sure that cros-fuzzer and cros-sanitizers are in the inherit list. If your file does not have a line that starts with inherit , add one near the top (after the EAPI line and before the KEYWORDS line):

        inherit cros-fuzzer cros-sanitizers
      2. Find the src_configure() function in your ebuild file. If there isn't one, add one:

        src_configure() {
      3. Add calls sanitizers-setup-env, near the top of src_configure, to set the appropriate compiler/linker flags:

        src_configure() {
      4. Find the line in your src_compile function that actually builds your package (the command will probably look like emake or make or cmake). This is the command that is meant by original build command below. Copy the original build command and add whatever flags or arguments you need in order to make it build just your fuzzer binary (see step 1 above). Replace the original build command in the src_compile function with a conditional statement similar to the one below, so that when USE="fuzzer" is used to build the package, it will build your fuzzer binary, otherwise it will build the package normally.

        if use fuzzer ; then
            <modified build command>
            <original build command>
    3. Install your binary in /usr/libexec/fuzzers/

      In your ebuild file, find the src_install() function. Add a conditional statement to install your fuzzer:

      if use fuzzer; then
          local f="${OUT}/<your_fuzzer>"
          insinto /usr/libexec/fuzzers
          exeinto /usr/libexec/fuzzers
          doexe "${f}"
          newins "${S}/OWNERS" "${f##*/}.owners"

      (The owners part above is so that ClusterFuzz knows to whom to assign the bugs generated by this fuzzer.)

  3. Build and test your new fuzzer locally.

    To build your new fuzzer, once you have updated the ebuild file, it should be sufficient to build it with USE="asan fuzzer":

    Note: Fuzzing using undefined behavior sanitizer (ubsan) is also supported. To use ubsan, simply replace asan with ubsan in the commands below.

    # Run build_packages to build the package and its dependencies.
    $ USE="asan fuzzer" ./build_packages --board=${BOARD} --skip_chroot_upgrade <your-package>
    # If you make more changes to your fuzzer or build, you can rebuild the package by:
    $ USE="asan fuzzer" emerge-${BOARD} <your-package>

    You should verify that your fuzzer was built and that it was installed in /usr/libexec/fuzzers/ (make sure the owners file was installed there as well). To run your fuzzer locally, you first run this script outside your chroot to set up your environment properly:

    $ /path-to-chroot/chromite/bin/cros_fuzz_test_env --board=${BOARD}

    Then run your fuzzer, outside of the chroot as well:

    $ sudo chroot /path-to-chroot/chroot/build/${BOARD}
    $ ASAN_OPTIONS="log_path=stderr" /usr/libexec/fuzzers/<your_fuzzer>

    You should also verify that your package still builds correctly without USE="fuzzer".

    Once you are happy with your new fuzzer, commit your changes.

  4. Add the package dependency to the chromium-os-fuzzers ebuild. Inside your chroot:

    Edit ~/trunk/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/virtual/chromium-os-fuzzers/chromium-os-fuzzers-1.ebuild. In that file, find the RDEPEND list and add your package/fuzzer (you can look at the other packages there, to see how it‘s done). Don’t forget to uprev the ebuild symlink. Commit the changes and upload them for review.

  5. Optional: Verify that the amd64-generic-fuzzer builder is happy with your changes.

    Submit a tryjob outside of the chroot as:

    $ cros tryjob -g 'CL1 CL2' amd64-generic-fuzzer-tryjob

    Replace CL1 and CL2 with the actual CL numbers.

    You should verify that your package is picked up by the builder by looking at the BuildPackages stage logs.

    The builder builds the full system with AddressSanitizer and libFuzzer instrumentation. If you do not want a particular library pulled in by your changes to be instrumented, you can add a call to filter_sanitizers in the library's ebuild file.

Write a fuzzer

Now that you can build and execute your fuzzer, you can start working on getting it to actually test things. If the function you want to test takes a chunk of bytes and a length, then you‘re done: that’s what the fuzzing scaffolding will provide in the LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput function. Just pass that to your function:

extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
  // Call your function here.
  return 0;

Some things to keep in mind:

  • The fuzz target will be executed many times with different inputs in the same process.
  • It must tolerate any kind of input (empty, huge, malformed, etc). You can write your fuzz target to simply return 0 on certain types of malformed input. See the GURL fuzzer for such an example.
  • It must not exit() on any input.
  • It may use threads but ideally all threads should be joined at the end of the function.
  • It must be as deterministic as possible. Non-determinism (e.g. random decisions not based on the input bytes) will make fuzzing inefficient.
  • It must be fast. Avoid >= cubic complexity, logging, high memory consumption.
  • Ideally, it should not modify any global state (although that's not strict).

In particular, if you‘re fuzzing code that’s using the logging primitives from <base/logging.h>, you should disable logging:

#include "base/logging.h"

struct Environment {
  Environment() {
    logging::SetMinLogLevel(logging::LOG_FATAL);  // <- DISABLE LOGGING.

extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
  static Environment env;
  // Fuzzing code.
  return 0;

What if my code doesn't simply consume a chunk of bytes?

Odds are that the code that you want to test doesn't just take a chunk of bytes and a length. You might want to fuzz an API where functions take integers and strings. There might be useful state to set up before hitting parsing code, or you might want to test a state machine where some calls need to happen in a certain order to avoid erroring out of functions early.

Don't despair! This is actually very common. Most fuzzers end up extracting some structure out of the random data received in order to better exercise the code under test.

Consider the interface of the permission_broker firewall implementation:

bool AddAcceptRules(ProtocolEnum protocol,
                    uint16_t port,
                    const std::string& interface);
bool DeleteAcceptRules(ProtocolEnum protocol,
                       uint16_t port,
                       const std::string& interface);

It's not really straightforward to feed a chunk of bytes to this API. To address this, we can use code provided by libchrome: FuzzedDataProvider.

FuzzedDataProvider will consume fuzzing input and allow extracting structure out of it:

class FuzzedDataProvider {
  std::string ConsumeBytes(size_t num_bytes);

  std::string ConsumeRemainingBytes();

  std::string ConsumeRandomLengthString(size_t max_length);

  uint32_t ConsumeUint32InRange(uint32_t min, uint32_t max);
  int ConsumeInt32InRange(int min, int max);

  bool ConsumeBool();

  uint8_t ConsumeUint8();

  uint16_t ConsumeUint16();


Using this API, we can obtain integers and strings to pass to the above API, and also use booleans to decide how to call the API:


// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <set>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/test/fuzzed_data_provider.h"

#include "permission_broker/firewall.h"


struct Environment {
  Environment() {

extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
  static Environment env;

  permission_broker::FakeFirewall fake_firewall;  // <- Mocks out system calls.
  base::FuzzedDataProvider data_provider(data, size);

  std::set<uint16_t> tcp_ports;
  std::set<uint16_t> udp_ports;

  // How many ports should we try?
  uint8_t num_ports = data_provider.ConsumeUint8();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
    bool is_tcp = data_provider.ConsumeBool();
    uint16_t port = data_provider.ConsumeUint16();

    if (!is_tcp && port == 0) {
      // Did we run out of data? Consume another bool to check.
      if (!data_provider.ConsumeBool())

    bool do_add = true;

    if ((is_tcp && tcp_ports.count(port) == 0) ||
        (!is_tcp && udp_ports.count(port) == 0)) {
      // Port does not exist.
      // With small probability, hit the error case: delete a port that doesn't
      // exist.
      do_add = data_provider.ConsumeUint8() < 0xFF;
    } else {
      // Port exists.
      // With small probability, hit the error case: add a port that already
      // exists.
      do_add = data_provider.ConsumeUint8() == 0xFF;

    if (do_add) {
      fake_firewall.AddAcceptRules(is_tcp ? permission_broker::kProtocolTcp
                                          : permission_broker::kProtocolUdp,
                                   port, "iface");
    } else {
      fake_firewall.DeleteAcceptRules(is_tcp ? permission_broker::kProtocolTcp
                                             : permission_broker::kProtocolUdp,
                                      port, "iface");
  return 0;

The fuzzer is using its input to decide what to do and which functions to call. As long as the FuzzedDataProvider object is initialized with the same input, its functions will return the same values and the results will be deterministic.

Note that in this particular case we could have chosen to also pass a fuzzed string for the interface argument. However, the check for that argument happens very early in the code, so fuzzing that argument ends up being counterproductive because it prevents the rest of the code from being reached. When writing your fuzzer, take this into account. If random input is unlikely to make it past an initial check consider using a boolean value to decide whether or not to test that argument, or forgo testing that argument altogether.

Running the fuzzer locally will continuously print a measure of coverage that can be used (in relative terms) to understand whether skipping an argument allows the fuzzer to reach more code:

#3268 NEW cov: 218

The cov value will increase (unsurprisingly) with increased coverage. In the current example, avoiding random strings for the interface argument significantly increased coverage because both API functions were no longer erroring out early.

Getting help with modifying ebuild files

Some ebuild files are more complex or confusing than others. There are several links in the References section of this document that can help you with understanding/editing your ebuild file. If you are still having difficulties editing your ebuild file and need more help, please file a bug in the Chromium issue tracker, assign it to the Tools>ChromeOS-Toolchain component, and send an email to We will try to help you figure this out.

Using ClusterFuzz

As already mentioned, ClusterFuzz will pick up any fuzzer written using the above steps, run the fuzzer, and file bugs for any crashes found. ClusterFuzz runs fuzzers as soon as the fuzzer builder completes a build and uploads it to the Google Cloud Storage bucket (gs://chromeos-fuzzing-artifacts/libfuzzer-asan/amd64-generic-fuzzer/).

ClusterFuzz has many features such as statistics reporting that you may find useful. Below are links to some of the more important ones:

  • Fuzzer statistics - Statistics from fuzzer runs, updated daily. Ignore the columns edge_cov, func_cov, and cov_report as these are not supported for Chrome OS. Graphs of stats can viewed by changing the “Group by” drop down to “Time” and specifying the fuzzer you are interested in, rather than “libFuzzer”.
  • Crash statistics - Statistics on recent crashes.
  • Fuzzer logs - Logs output by your fuzzer each time ClusterFuzz runs it. This is usually a good place to debug issues with your fuzzer.
  • Fuzzer corpus - Testcases produced by the fuzzer that libFuzzer has deemed “interesting” (meaning it causes unique program behavior).

Improving fuzzer effectiveness

Below are some optional things you can do to improve the effectiveness of your fuzzer. Note that these instructions primarily explain how to make these improvements for ClusterFuzz to use. Using them locally is explained at the end of each section.

Adding a seed corpus

A seed corpus is a set of interesting test cases (input files) that are meaningful for your fuzz target and provide a good starting point for libFuzzer to mutate. For example, if you are fuzzing a PNG parser, a good seed corpus would be a small number of small PNG files from the parser's test suite. A seed corpus is helpful in this case since it is much easier for libFuzzer to produce interesting PNGs if it starts from valid ones than if it starts from nothing (where it would need to learn to produce PNG-like inputs over many thousands of executions).

A small file that has the same coverage as a large file is better since it is more likely that the fuzzer will mutate important bytes rather than unimportant ones (eg: comments in a C file). Your seed corpus should contain no redundant (ie: causing no unique program behavior) test cases. You can minimize the size of your seed corpus (but not individual testcases) by running these commands:

$ ./<your_fuzzer> -merge MINIMIZED_SEED_CORPUS <path_to_your_fuzzers_corpus>

Once you have decided what files you will include in your seed corpus: archive them in a zip file called <your_fuzzer> Then modify the ebuild to install it to the correct location, by passing --seed_corpus "${S}"/policy/testdata/<your_fuzzer> to platform_fuzzer_install like so:

platform_fuzzer_install "${S}"/OWNERS "${OUT}"/<your_fuzzer> \
    --seed_corpus "${S}"/path/to/<your_fuzzer>

The ebuild for preg_parser_fuzzer can be used as an example for installing a seed corpus.

DO NOT put an entire corpus you got from fuzzing locally in a seed corpus. There are three reasons for this:

  • A seed corpus gets unpacked by ClusterFuzz each time your fuzzer is run. So unlike testcases in the target‘s regular corpus, seed corpus files don’t get removed during minimization when they are found to no longer be useful (such as when the fuzzer has found another test case that covers a superset of its coverage). This reason is also why it is important to minimize your seed corpus.
  • These test cases are probably not very helpful to ClusterFuzz. These test cases are by definition findable by a fuzzer and ClusterFuzz will likely have an easier time finding them than you.
  • Real inputs probably lead to better coverage than inputs generated by fuzzing from scratch.

Instead of putting your local corpus in the seed corpus, you can upload it directly to the target's corpus (after the fuzzer has already run for the first time, which will probably happen within a day of commiting it) by running this command:

$ gsutil -m cp <path_to_your_fuzzers_corpus>/* gs://chromeos-corpus/libfuzzer/chromeos_<your_fuzzer_name>

Files uploaded to this directory will get pruned when no longer useful. You can follow the instructions to set up the gsutil tool. Note that gsutil must be connected to your account to have access to the corpus.

To use a corpus in local fuzzing, pass the directory to your fuzzer, like so:

$ ./<your_fuzzer> <corpus_directory>

Adding a dictionary

A dictionary is a file containing tokens that are useful for fuzzing a particular format. For example if we are fuzzing a C compiler, useful tokens would be things like void, int, if, break etc. Dictionaries are passed to libFuzzer using the -dict=$DICTIONARY_FILE argument. In a dictionary, each token should be quoted and appear on a line by itself. Here is an example from the libFuzzer documentation:

# Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are ignored.

# Adds "blah" (w/o quotes) to the dictionary.
# Use \\ for backslash and \" for quotes.
# Use \xAB for hex values

Once you have decided the content of your dictionary, add it to a file called <your_fuzzer>.dict and then edit your ebuild to install the dictionary, like so:

platform_fuzzer_install "${S}"/OWNERS "${OUT}"/<your_fuzzer> \
    --dict "${S}"/path/to/<your_fuzzer>.dict

The ebuild for preg_parser_fuzzer can be used as an example for installing a dictionary.

There are many dictionaries in the Chromium code base, you may be able to reuse one if your fuzzer's format is also fuzzed in Chrome.

To use a dictionary in local fuzzing, use the -dict= option, like so:

$ ./<your_fuzzer> -dict=/path/to/your/dictionary

Adding an options file

You can set options that will be passed to libFuzzer. You can read about libFuzzer options in the libFuzzer docs. The options below will probably be most useful to you.

  • -ascii_only which instructs libFuzzer to only feed ascii characters to your target.
  • -max_len which instructs libFuzzer not to feed inputs larger than a certain size to your target.

Note that your fuzzer can not depend on options being passed to it, because ClusterFuzz sometimes intentionally omits options. This means that if your target cannot accept inputs beyond a certain length, you need to handle this in the target function (LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput), rather than depending on max_len, which is an optimization. Your options file should use this format:

ascii_only = 1
max_len = 1024

Your options file should be named: <your_fuzzer>.options You can install the options file by editing your ebuild to use --options like so:

platform_fuzzer_install "${S}"/OWNERS "${OUT}"/<your_fuzzer> \
    --options "${S}"/path/to/<your_fuzzer>.options

Note that you do not need to change an options file when adding a dictionary. ClusterFuzz automatically passes the dictionary, if named correctly, to libFuzzer.


Will my fuzzer get past checks or conditional statements?

It depends on the check, but the answer is probably yes. Most checks (such as string comparisons against a magic string) are easy for the fuzzer to get past. Other less common operations, such as verification of a checksum, hash, or signature are quite hard for the fuzzer to get past. You should first verify (for example, by adding print statements) that the fuzzer is not passing a certain check before worrying about it. If the checks are not among the difficult ones listed above or similar to them, adding a dictionary or a seed corpus can help. It is only recommend to try the options below if these suggestions does not work and you are confident that the fuzzer is having trouble passing some check.

  • The first option is to #ifdef the check so that it isn‘t done in fuzzing builds. This generally works in cases where it is easy to craft an input by hand that causes the targeted code, with the check, to behave the same as a fuzzer-generated input without the check. A good example of this are the checksums on each chunk section in a PNG. libFuzzer isn’t smart enough to write the correct checksum each time it mutates the chunk, but correcting the chunk by hand is trivial and a chunk with the correct causes the same behavior (except for the check itself) in the program with or without the check.

  • The second option is to process the input from libFuzzer in LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput to make it acceptable to your targeted code. For example, if your target code accepts input with the following format:


    You can write LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput so that it passes the hash check:

    extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(uint8t_t* data, size_t size) {
        std::string processed_data = md5sum(data, size) + std::string(data);
        TargetedFunction(, processed_data.size());
        return 0;
  • The options above may not be enough for a complicated format. There are other tools such as libprotobuf-mutator that allow you to specify a format for libFuzzer to mutate, which you then convert into raw bytes. It is not yet supported in Chrome OS (follow issue 853017 for updates).

Reproducing crashes from ClusterFuzz

This section explains how to reproduce bugs found by ClusterFuzz. No knowledge of fuzzing is assumed and it summarizes info from elsewhere in this document.

  1. Set up a board (eg: amd64-generic) and build the package containing the fuzzer:

    $ ./setup_board --board=${BOARD}
    $ USE="asan fuzzer" ./build_packages --board=${BOARD} --skip_chroot_upgrade <your-package>

    Note that your fuzzer will not begin with the prefix libFuzzer_chromeos_.

  2. Download the reproducer testcase from the link on the bug report, and copy it to the build root.

    $ cp ~/Downloads/<testcase-name> /path/to/chromiumos-checkout/chroot/build/${BOARD}/tmp/
  3. Prepare the build chroot for running the fuzzer. Do this outside of the chroot but in the chromiumos checkout.

    $ /path-to-chromiumos-checkout/chromite/bin/cros_fuzz_test_env --board=${BOARD}
  4. Chroot into the build and run the fuzzer on the testcase:

    $ sudo chroot /path-to-chromiumos-checkout/chroot/build/${BOARD}
    $ ASAN_OPTIONS="log_path=stderr" /usr/libexec/fuzzers/<your_fuzzer> /tmp/<testcase-name>

Feel free to send an email to if you get stuck, or to ask questions.

See also


Setting up Fuzzing for Chrome OS

Continuous in-process fuzzing for Chrome OS targets

libFuzzer - a library for coverage-guided fuzz testing.

“Fault injection through unexpected input data (aka Fuzz Testing)”

Getting Started with libFuzzer in Chromium

Gentoo Cheat Sheet

Gentoo Ebuild Variables Guide

Gentoo Ebuild Install Functions Reference

Gentoo Ebuild Writing Developers Manual

Useful go links



