Configuring Installation and Tests with GN

Warning: This document is old & has moved. Please update any links:


This guide describes how to configure tests and installation. It assumes that you are familiar with platform2 primer. Using GN can reduce the amount of code in ebuild.

Install configuration

Installing Targets defined in

A file built by a GN target, either by executable, shared_library or static_library, can be installed by specifying install_path.

A target that install the output must be a dependency of group("all").


  • install_path
    • An install destination path.

Installing executable targets

  • install_path must end in bin or sbin.

  • When you specify the install_path simply as bin, the binary will be installed into /usr/bin.

    executable("executable_target") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        install_path = "bin"

    is equivalent to

    dobin ${OUT}/executable_target
  • If you want to change the destination, you can specify the absolute path.

    executable("executable_target") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        install_path = "/sbin"

    is equivalent to

    into /
    dosbin ${OUT}/executable_target

Installing Shared Library Targets

Installing shared library requires specifying install_path in the shared_library target.

  • The install_path must end in lib.

  • When you specify the install_path simply as lib, /usr/lib will be used.

    shared_library("libtarget") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        install_path = "lib"

    is equivalent to ${OUT}/lib/libtarget
  • If you want to change the destination, you can specify the absolute path.

    shared_library("libtarget") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        install_path = "/usr/local/lib"

    is equivalent to

    into /usr/local ${OUT}/lib/libtarget

Installing Static Library Targets

Installing static libraries requires specifying install_path in the static_library target.

  • The install_path must end in lib.

  • When you specify the install_path simply as lib, it installs into /usr/lib.

    static_library("libtarget") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        install_path = "lib"

    is equivalent to

    dolib.a ${OUT}/libtarget
  • If you want to change the destination, you can specify the absolute path.

    static_library("libtarget") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        install_path = "/usr/local/lib"

    is equivalent to

    into /usr/local
    dolib.a ${OUT}/libtarget

Installing files not defined in

You can install files that are not generated by GN and ninja by using install_config target.


  • sources (required)
    • A list of files to be installed.
  • install_path (optional)
    • An install destination path.
    • default: /
  • recursive (optional)
    • A boolean, indicating whether to install files recursively.
    • default: false
  • options (optional)
    • A string of options for installing files.
    • default: "-m0644"
  • outputs (optional)
    • A list of new file names, if sources should be renamed too.
    • When not specified, original names are used.
  • symlinks (optional)
    • A list of symbolic links to be created.
    • When install_path is specified, links are created in ${install_path}/${symlink}


  • To install files, add install_config into dependency tree of group("all").

    install_config("install_init") {
        sources = [ "init/initialize.conf" ]
        install_path = "/etc/init"

    is equivalent to

    insinto /etc/init
    doins init/initialize.conf
  • To install files recursively, set recursive to true.

    install_config("install_rec") {
        sources = [ "source_directory" ]
        install_path = "/usr/local"
        recursive = true

    is equivalent to

    insinto /usr/local
    doins -r source_directory
  • When you want to change owner or permission, specify options.

    install_config("install_exe") {
        sources = [ "source" ]
        install_path = "/usr/local"
        options = "-m0755"

    is equivalent to

    insinto /usr/local
    insopts -m0755
    doins source
  • When you want to install multiple files, specify sources all together.

    install_config("install_init") {
        sources = [
        install_path = "/etc/init"

    is equivalent to

    insinto /etc/init
    doins init/initialize.conf
  • When you want to use newins command, specify new file name as outputs.

    install_config("install_policy") {
        sources = [ "policy/configuration.policy" ]
        outputs = [ "newfilename.policy" ]
        install_path = "/usr/share/policy"

    is equivalent to

    insinto /usr/share/policy
    newins policy/configuration.policy newfilename.policy
  • outputs are also used for installing multiple files.

    install_config("install_multiple_new") {
        sources = [
        outputs = [
        install_path = "/usr/share/policy"

    is equivalent to

    insinto /usr/share/policy
    newins old.policy new1.policy
    newins another_old.policy new2.policy
  • symlinks parameter is similar to outputs, but it creates symbolic links by dosym.

    install_config("install_sym") {
        sources = [ "source" ]
        symlinks = [ "symlink" ]

    is equivalent to

    dosym source symlink
  • When install_path is specified, it is added to the head of symlinks.

    install_config("install_sym") {
        sources = [ "source" ]
        symlinks = [ "symlink" ]
        install_path = "/path/to/install"

    is equivalent to

    dosym source /path/to/install/symlink

Tests configuration

  • A unit test executable can be run in the test phase by specifying run_test = true in the executable target.

    executable("test_target") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        run_test = true

    is equivalent to

    platform_test "run" "${OUT}/test_target"
  • When you want to specify config, you can use test_config variable.

    executable("test_target") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        run_test = true
        test_config = {
            run_as_root = true
            gtest_filter = ".RunAsRoot*-"

    is equivalent to

    platform_test "run" "${OUT}/test_target" "1" "*.RunAsRoot*-"