Rust on Chrome OS

This provides information on creating Rust projects for installation within Chrome OS and Chrome OS SDK. All commands and paths given are from within the SDK's chroot.


Rust and Cargo is already installed in all current SDKs. The particular flavor of Rust that is installed is targetable to x86_64, armv7a, and aarch64, but requires the installation of cross-compiling toolchains on chroots that haven't already setup boards for each target architecture. To quickly install the extra toolchains, run the following:

sudo $(which cros_setup_toolchains) --targets=boards --include-boards=kevin,lumpy

Place the following contents into ~/.cargo/config to enable cross-compiling:

linker = "armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabi-gcc"

linker = "aarch64-cros-linux-gnu-gcc"

linker = "x86_64-cros-linux-gnu-gcc"

The toolchain is configured to use the system allocator (malloc) in resulting binaries instead of the usual jemalloc. This is to avoid putting a copy of the jemalloc routines in every binary, which is a significant source of Rust binary bloat.


Rust projects can be written and built in the usual fashion using Cargo. Projects intended for usage on Chrome OS should be located in ~/trunk/src/platform/<project_name>. If the project is intended for installation, create an ebuild for it at


with the following template:

# Copyright <copyright_year> The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2



inherit cargo cros-workon

DESCRIPTION="Incredible Rust Project"


SRC_URI="$(cargo_crate_uris ${CRATES})"

Thanks to the cargo.eclass, the ebuild for Rust projects should be quite minimal. As long as the project builds with cargo build and is installed with cargo install the defaults inherited from the eclass should work fine.

There is some non-trivial amount of work related to the CRATES variable. All Rust crate dependencies must be listed in CRATES, even transitive and build time dependencies. This is so that a proper Manifest file can be generated and so the ebuild system can download all necessary crates from the Chrome OS source mirror before building the project. The line starting with SRC_URI utilizes the inherited cargo eclass to generate all the source URLs needed by this project.

Depending on Crates

Because the sources for all ebuilds in Chrome OS must be available at localmirror (link only accessible with Google account), you will have to upload all crate dependencies for the project to localmirror.

The following will download a crate, upload it to localmirror, and make it accessible for download:

WARNING: localmirror is shared by all Chrome OS developers. If you break it, everybody will have a bad day.

curl -L '<crate_name>/<crate_version>/download' >/tmp/crates/<crate_name>-<crate_version>.crate
gsutil cp /path/to/crates/<crate_name>-<crate_version>.crate gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R 'gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/<crate_name>-<crate_version>.crate'


Release Profile

Because space is always a premium on Chrome OS devices, put the following in any executable Rust project's Cargo.toml.

lto = true
panic = 'abort'

This will cause release builds (made with cargo build --release) to be built with link time optimizations and for the panic handler to be a simple abort. The optimizations help to minimize dead code brought in by dependencies. The removal of the default panic handler will save a bit of space at the price of less useful output on panic. The largest size reduction by far from this is that the resulting binary can be stripped. Experience shows that this can shave off about half of the binary size.

Note that building with the release profile will be significantly slower and less friendly to debugging panics at runtime.


The toolchain that is installed by default is targetable to the following triples:

Target TripleDescription
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu(default) Used exclusively for packages installed in the chroot
armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabiUsed by 32-bit usermode ARM devices
aarch64-cros-linux-gnuUsed by 64-bit usermode ARM devices (none of these exist as of August 4th, 2017)
x86_64-cros-linux-gnuUsed by x86_64 devices

When building Rust projects for development, a non-default target can be selected as follows:

cargo build --target=<target_triple>

If a specific board is being targeted, that board's sysroot can be used for compiling and linking purposes by setting the SYSROOT environment variable as follows:

export SYSROOT="/build/<board>"