blob: ec07a7e51e6dbe890e1e8c08582574b92ca76e5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The Keysight N1914a power meter.
Reference: Keysight official document
N1913A/N1914A EPM series Power Meter Programming Guide.
import graphyte_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from graphyte.inst import InstBase
from graphyte.default_setting import logger
from graphyte.testplan import ChainMaskToList
# The mapping from the port name to the index. The port name is recorded at
# the port_mapping config file, and the index is used for calling SCPI command.
'A': 1,
'B': 2}
'link_class': 'SCPILink',
'host': '',
'port': 5025
class Inst(InstBase):
name = 'Keysight N1914a'
need_link = True
def __init__(self, range_setting='AUTO', avg_count=0,
continuous_trigger=False, trigger_source='IMMediate', **kwargs):
"""Initialize method.
range_setting: 0, 1, or 'AUTO'.
avg_count: integer or 'AUTO'.
continuous_trigger: enable continuous trigger or not. boolean.
trigger_source: the trigger source. string.
kwargs.setdefault('link_options', {})
for key, value in DEFAULT_LINK_OPTIONS.items():
kwargs['link_options'].setdefault(key, value)
super(Inst, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.port_mapping = None
self.current_pathloss = None
assert range_setting in [0, 1, 'AUTO']
assert isinstance(avg_count, int) or avg_count == 'AUTO'
self.range_setting = range_setting
self.avg_count = avg_count
self.continuous_trigger = continuous_trigger
self.trigger_source = trigger_source
self.controllers = {rf_type: RFController(self)
for rf_type in ['WLAN', 'BLUETOOTH', '802_15_4']}
def _Initialize(self):'Inst Initialize')
# Choose SCPI language
self.SendCommand('SYSTem:LANGuage SCPI')
# Set range and average filter
self.SendCommand('FORM ASCii')
for port_idx in PORT_INDEX_MAPPING.values():
self.SendCommand('UNIT%d:POWer DBM' % port_idx)
self._SetRange(self.range_setting, port_idx)
self._SetAverageFilter(self.avg_count, port_idx)
self._SetContinuousTrigger(self.continuous_trigger, port_idx)
self._SetTriggerMode(self.trigger_source, port_idx)
def _Terminate(self):
def _SetPortConfig(self, port_mapping, pathloss):
self.port_mapping = port_mapping
self.current_pathloss = pathloss
def LockInstrument(self):
# Multi-DUT testing is not supported, ignore this method.
def UnlockInstrument(self):
# Multi-DUT testing is not supported, ignore this method.
def GetVersion(self):
def QueryCommand(self, command):'*CLS')
output =
# *ESR? returns the error string. We do this to make sure that we can
# detect an unknown header rather than just waiting forever.
check_str ='*ESR?')
if ',' in check_str:
raise ValueError('Error issuing command %s while calling *ESR?: %s' %
(command, check_str))
# Success! Get SYST:ERR, which should be +0
check_str ='SYST:ERR?')
if check_str != '+0,"No error"':
raise ValueError('Error issuing command %s while calling SYST:ERR?: %s' %
(command, check_str))
return output
def SendCommand(self, command):'*CLS')
# Success! Get SYST:ERR, which should be +0
check_str ='SYST:ERR?')
if check_str != '+0,"No error"':
raise ValueError('Error issuing command %s while calling SYST:ERR?: %s' %
(command, check_str))
check_str ='*OPC?')
if int(check_str) != 1:
raise ValueError('Expected 1 after *OPC? but got %s' % check_str)
def _SetRange(self, range_setting, port_idx):
"""Selects a sensor's range (lower or upper).
range_setting: None to enable auto-range feature. To speed up the
measurement, caller can specify the range manually based on the
expected power. To manually set the range, use 0 to indicate a
lower range and 1 for the upper range. Because range definition
varies from sensor to sensor, check the manual before using this
port_idx: the index of the selected port. 1 or 2.
assert range_setting in ['AUTO', 0, 1]
if range_setting == 'AUTO':
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:POWer:AC:RANGe:AUTO 1' % port_idx)
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:POWer:AC:RANGe:AUTO 0' % port_idx)
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:POWer:AC:RANGe %d' %
(port_idx, range_setting))
def _SetAverageFilter(self, avg_count, port_idx):
"""Sets the average filter.
There are three different average filters available, averaging disable,
auto averaging and average with a specific window length.
avg_length: Use 'AUTO' for auto averaging, 0 for averaging disable, and
other positive numbers for specific window length.
port_idx: the index of the selected port. 1 or 2.
if avg_count == 'AUTO':
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:AVERage:COUNt:AUTO ON' % port_idx)
elif avg_count == 0:
# Disable the average filter.
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:AVERage:STATe 0' % port_idx)
elif isinstance(avg_count, int):
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:AVERage:COUNt:AUTO OFF' % port_idx)
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:AVERage:COUNt %d' % (port_idx, avg_count))
raise ValueError('Invalid avg_count setting [%s]' % avg_count)
def _SetContinuousTrigger(self, enable, port_idx):
status = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF'
self.SendCommand('INITiate%d:CONTinuous %s' % (port_idx, status))
def _SetTriggerMode(self, trigger_source, port_idx):
self.SendCommand('TRIGger%d:SOURce %s' % (port_idx, trigger_source))
def SetFrequency(self, freq_mhz, port_idx):'Set frequency to %d MHz', freq_mhz)
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:FREQuency %sMHz' % (port_idx, freq_mhz))
self.SendCommand('SENSe%d:CORRection:GAIN2:STATe 0' % port_idx)
def FetchPower(self, port_idx):
self.SendCommand('INITiate%d:IMMediate' % port_idx)
result = float(self.QueryCommand('FETch%d?' % port_idx))
logger.debug('Fetch power: %s', result)
return result
except Exception:
logger.exception('Fetch power failed.')
return float('-inf')
class RFController(InstBase.PowerMeterControllerBase):
def __init__(self, inst):
super(RFController, self).__init__(inst)
self.result = None
def _TxMeasure(self, center_freq, **kwargs):
for port_idx in PORT_INDEX_MAPPING.values():
self.inst.SetFrequency(center_freq, port_idx)
def _MeasurePower(antenna_index):
port_name = self.inst.port_mapping[antenna_index]
logger.debug('Measure power for antenna %s, port name is %s',
antenna_index, port_name)
port_idx = PORT_INDEX_MAPPING[port_name]
power = self.inst.FetchPower(port_idx)
return power + self.inst.current_pathloss[antenna_index][center_freq]
if 'chain_mask' in kwargs: # WLAN case
antenna_indice = ChainMaskToList(kwargs['chain_mask'])
result = {}
for idx in antenna_indice:
result[idx] = _MeasurePower(idx)
# SISO case.
assert len(self.inst.port_mapping) == 1
result = _MeasurePower(0)
self.result = {'avg_power': result}
def _TxGetResult(self, result_limit, **kwargs):
ret = self.result
self.result = None
return ret
def _RxGenerate(self, rx_num_packets, power_level, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def _RxStop(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError