blob: 07137db3d0b8aa72265ccbffd48e5900d318f1c7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utils class and functions. """
import collections
import inspect
import json
import math
import os
import graphyte_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from graphyte.default_setting import CONFIG_DIR
from graphyte.default_setting import LOG_DIR
from graphyte.default_setting import logger
def LoadConfig(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
def OverrideConfig(base, overrides):
"""Recursively overrides non-mapping values inside a mapping object.
base: A mapping object with existing data.
overrides: A mapping to override values in base.
The new mapping object with values overridden.
for key, val in overrides.iteritems():
if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
base[key] = OverrideConfig(base.get(key, {}), val)
base[key] = overrides[key]
return base
def SearchConfig(filepath, search_dirs=None):
"""Finds the config file and returns the content.
The order of searching is:
1. relative path
2. config folder
3. search_dirs
possible_dirs = ['', CONFIG_DIR]
if search_dirs is not None:
if type(search_dirs) != list:
search_dirs = [search_dirs]
possible_dirs += search_dirs
for possible_dir in possible_dirs:
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(possible_dir, filepath))
logger.debug("Trying to find config file at '%s'", path)
if os.path.exists(path):
logger.debug("config file found at '%s'", path)
return path
logger.debug("Failed to find config file at '%s'", path)
logger.error('Failed to find config file: %s', filepath)
raise IOError
def PrepareOutputFile(file_path):
"""Confirms the output file path is ok.
1. If the file_path is not absolute, then assign it to default log folder.
2. Check if the directory exists. If not, create the folder first.
if not os.path.isabs(file_path):
logger.debug('file path %s is not absolute, assign to default log folder',
file_path = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, file_path)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
logger.debug('%s folder is not existed, create it.', dir_path)
return file_path
def IsInBound(results, bound):
"""Checks the results meet the bound or not.
results: A number for SISO case, or a dict for MIMO case. The values of the
dict should be numbers.
bound: A tuple of the lower bound and uppper bound. The bound is a value or
True if all the result are between the lower bound and upper bound.
def _CheckNumberType(value):
return isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float)
def _OneValueInBound(value, bound):
if value is None:
return False
lower_bound, upper_bound = bound
return ((lower_bound is None or value >= lower_bound) and
(upper_bound is None or value <= upper_bound))
if isinstance(results, dict):
value_list = results.values()
value_list = [results]
if not all([_CheckNumberType(value) for value in value_list]):
logger.error('The type of the result %s is invalid.', results)
return False
return all([_OneValueInBound(value, bound) for value in value_list])
def MakeMockPassResult(result_limit):
"""Makes the result that pass all limit."""
def _MakeInBoundValue(bound):
lower, upper = bound
return lower or upper or 0
return dict([(key, _MakeInBoundValue(bound))
for key, bound in result_limit.iteritems()])
def CalculateAverage(values, average_type='Linear'):
"""Calculates the average value.
values: A list of float value.
average_type: one of 'Linear', '10Log10', '20Log10'.
the average value.
length = len(values)
values = map(float, values)
if length == 0:
return float('nan')
if length == 1:
return values[0]
if average_type == 'Linear':
return sum(values) / length
denominator = {
'10Log10': 10,
'20Log10': 20}[average_type]
actual_values = [math.pow(10, value / denominator) for value in values]
average_value = sum(actual_values) / length
return denominator * math.log10(average_value)
except ValueError:
return float('-inf')
except OverflowError:
logger.warning('The values exceed the range. Return NaN.')
return float('nan')
def CalculateAverageResult(results, average_type='Linear'):
"""Calculates the average results.
For WLAN multi-antenna case, the result would be a dict where the key is the
antenna index. So we handle this kind of situation in this method.
results: a list of float values, or a dict, where the key is antenna index
and the value is a list of float values. For example:
[150.12, 149.88, 151.22] or
{0: [150.12, 149.88, 151.22],
1: [148.14, 151.79, 150.24]}
average_type: one of 'Linear', '10Log10', '20Log10'.
the average results, a float value or a dict where the key is antenna
index and the value is a float value. For example:
150.41 or
{0: 150.41,
1: 150.06}
if isinstance(results, list):
return CalculateAverage(results, average_type)
elif isinstance(results, dict):
return {ant_idx: CalculateAverage(values, average_type)
for ant_idx, values in results.items()}
raise TypeError('The type should be list or a dict. %s' % results)
def LogFunc(func, prefix=''):
"""The decorator for logging the function call."""
def Wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args_name = inspect.getargspec(func).args
if args_name and args_name[0] in ['self', 'cls']:
real_args = args[1:]
real_args = args[:]
arg_str = ', '.join(map(str, real_args) +
['%s=%r' % (key, val) for key, val in kwargs.items()])
logger.debug('Calling %s(%s)', prefix + func.__name__, arg_str)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return Wrapper
def LogAllMethods(cls):
"""The class decorator that Logs all the public methods."""
prefix = cls.__name__ + '.'
for func_name, func in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.ismethod):
if not func_name.startswith('_'):
setattr(cls, func_name, LogFunc(func, prefix))
return cls
def AssertRangeContain(condition_message, arg_name, outer, inner):
"""Check if the outer interval contains the inner interval.
condition_message: the description of what standards need this check.
arg_name: the name of the argument under check.
outer: A pair of values, the standard required interval.
inner: A pair of values, the interval from the testplan.
ValueError if the lower bound of the outer larger than the lower bound of
the inner or the upper bound of the outer smaller than the upper bound of
the inner. None stands for infinity in upper bound and negative infinity in
lower bound.
lower = outer[0] is None or (inner[0] is not None and inner[0] >= outer[0])
upper = outer[1] is None or (inner[1] is not None and inner[1] <= outer[1])
if lower and upper:
raise ValueError('For %s, the bounds of %s must be contained by %r but '
'get %r.' % (condition_message, arg_name, outer, inner))