Enable Pre-CQ exonerator's cron request

When deployed with "gcloud app deploy cron.yaml", this will enable
pre-cq exonerator.


Change-Id: I038d6d2346a1f9f9a1c4e95b4d2a3d5aa2753794
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/936681
Commit-Ready: ChromeOS CL Exonerator Bot <chromiumos-cl-exonerator@appspot.gserviceaccount.com>
Tested-by: Paul Hobbs <phobbs@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Paul Hobbs <phobbs@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Aviv Keshet <akeshet@chromium.org>
1 file changed
tree: fdb77e179fa39dc333c3960901d229062eebad9f
  1. bin/
  2. exonerator/
  3. .gitignore
  4. app.yaml
  5. config.py
  6. cron.yaml
  7. debug_routes.py
  8. debug_routes_test.py
  9. deploy_app.py
  10. gunicorn.conf.py
  11. main.py
  12. Pipfile
  13. Pipfile.lock
  14. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  15. pytest.ini
  16. README.md

CL Exonerator



This app finds CLs which were incorrectly blamed for a CQ failure, and re-marks them as CQ-ready. It does this by polling cidb‘s buildMessageTable for finalize messages, then finds CLs which were blamed in the build’s annotatations and marks them as CQ+1 in Gerrit (if they haven't already been).


Create a “creds” folder, then:

  • For local development, run “cros cidbcreds --folder=creds/cidb” to fetch the readonly credentials.

  • For deploying to production, see go/cros-cidb-admin and get the prod_cidb_gen2_bot credentials.


Local deployment is done by creating a virtualenv from requirements.txt:

virtualenv --python=`which python2` en
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt

Then, install the Google App Engine SDK and either symlink it or copy it into the virtualenv. Assuming the google appengine SDK is installed at $GAE, run

cp -r $GAE/* env/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Tests are run with pytest. Some tests require a chroot; enter with “cros chroot.” The virtualenv will need to be created inside the chroot, or with “virtualenv --relocateable” for this to work.

Start a development server with bin/local_server and run curl -u admin http://localhost:8080/cls?type=pending to see a list of pending CLs.


  • Debug environment:

Run ./deploy_app --debug=True after copying or symlinking debug_cidbi_gen2_bot creds into ./creds/cidb.dbg (see the [Credentials][#Credentials] section)

  • Production:

Run “./deploy_app” after copying or symlinking prod_cidb_gen2_bot creds into “./creds/cidb”.