So you want to try running the test plan generator locally? Cool! Alright, you‘re going to have to do a bit of setup, and you’ll have to be a Googler.
OK, now edit gen_test_plan_input.json and replace the REPLACE strings.
This might look something like
{ "chromiumos_checkout_root": "/home/sean/chromiumos", "buildbucket_protos": [ { "serialized_proto": "SomeBase64EncodedBuildBucketBuildProto" }, { "serialized_proto": "SomeOtherBase64EncodedBuildBucketBuildProto" } ] }
Alright, now you'll need to get OAuth credentials to run the program:
# Get to this folder in the repo # cd test_planner/src/testplans/ go run cmd/test_plan_generator/main.go auth-login
And now you can actually run it:
go run cmd/test_plan_generator/main.go gen-test-plan \ --input_json=$PWD/cmd/test_plan_generator/sample/input.json \ --output_json=$PWD/cmd/test_plan_generator/sample/output.json