This section defines all of the core entities of the ChromeOS domain model. Terms are loosely grouped into categories based on where the terms are the most prevalent.
Form Factors: Form Factors are high level classification for the devices that ChromeOS supports. The current supported form factors are (chromebooks, convertible, detachable, chromeslate, chromebox and chromebase). Old form factors are chromebit. Please refer here for details on each form factor.
Hardware Requirements: Hardware Requirements are requirements defined for each form factor and have to be met by devices that are certified by Google. The requirements are snapshot and versioned (usually for each RFP cycle) and shared with partners (OEMs, ODMs etc) on ChromeOS partner site. Latest requirements (master branch) are published here and maintained under git here.
Reference Design (Kit): Reference Kits are provided to each OEM who wants to build a Chrome device. The kits includes schematics (PDF), board layout files (BRD), initial BIOS/EC, as well as the approved BOM, and are an actual deliverable used to kickoff a project.
RFP: Twice a year ChromeOS PEng team sends out ‘request for proposal’ to OEM partners that introduces the new reference designs for ChromeOS device form factors that Google is working, and OEMs can respond with proposals to build devices based on these platforms.
HWID Config/Database: A config file/definition that defines all the parts that are approved for a particular device and actually used. A single config can result into several combinations of parts. Each unique combination creates a unique pattern called HWID (String).
SoC Family: These are the major releases from chip manufacturers, loosely defined as a unique silicon die, which subsequently drive Reference Board designs and the overall product roadmap.
Architecture: This is the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) implemented by a given SoC Family (e.g. x86_64, ARM, etc…).
Platform: This is name (set in the AP-RO firmware) that uniquely identifies the firmware build branch supporting a given set of device projects.
Device Model: This is a unique implementation of a Reference Board design based on the following criteria:
Significant Form Factor Variation
Screen size
Different MIPI camera specs
Software Critical Component Variation
Device Model Name: This is a unique identifier set on a per model basis, which is read via mosys/cros_config in order to make runtime decisions about configuration usage.
Device Variant (aka Device SKU previously): This is every unique specification configuration that will be manufactured for a given Device Model.
The following defines the criteria for different device variants.
For example:
This is most aligned to the previous concept of SKU, but SKU is sufficiently conflated across so many projects and different workflows that we’re decoupling from SKU.
Device Brand: This is the information that makes a device uniquely recognizable to an end user. There is some type of marketing name users will recognize and this is generally the level at which we sign devices for verified boot.type:docs
Device Config Identifier: This is a globally unique identifier that determines what set of configuration data is used for a given device.
Currently, this identifier is composed of the following:
Device Project: A project is a mechanism to track development phases (Proto, EVT, DVT, PVT) for an OEM device or a reference device (Google may build a reference device to prove a reference design even without a OEM. We will have a project to track it). One project only tracks one device, but not all devices have a project (For example LOEM devices made on white label devices don’t have a project except for the original white label project).
Component: These are individual components (memory, camera, display panel, battery, etc…) that are plugged into a given board over various interfaces, or part of the board design. MLB components may be second sourced on the PCB (eg, emmc, dram), or require board modification. System components are not part of the board design/layout itself and are sourced from external vendors (eg. USB camera, display). Based on cost, availability, and other reasons, ODMs generally want more than one supplier of each respective component.
Component Identifier: This is a unique identifier for a given component that is used across the architecture to reference a given instance of a component.
Qualified Component: This is a specific component from a given vendor that has met Google’s minimum quality standards for a given SoC Family. Partners are required to complete component qualification testing before components can be used with a given SoC Family. For context, see Component Qualification and AVL.
OEM Keys: These are OEM specific root and firmware signing keys are generated on a per OEM basis. The root key is set during manufacturing and starts the trust chain for verified boot.
Keyset: This is a unique set of keys managed in the signer infrastructure that are used to sign a given image. A keyset shares the kernel and recovery keys, but allows root and firmware keys to be managed on a per OEM basis.
Device Config: This is the payload of configuration data that is managed in given overlay’s config ebuild and deployed to the device image as part of the build process.
Build Target: This is a distinct portage build target that is used to generate builds.
Build Image: This is a unsigned binary image that can be deployed on a ChromeOS for development/testing purposes.
Signed Build Image: This is an image that has been signed (with official production or dev keys), making it a valid image to support secure verified boot.
Payload: This is a signed binary differential that can be applied to a system based on the auto-update feature.
Test Case: This is a atomic unit of testing that can be executed as a unit test, on a VM, or on live hardware.
Test Suite: This is a collection of test cases. A given test case may belong to many test suites.
Test Plan: This is a collection of Test Suites to execute and a set of rules that dictate specific coverage requirements for a given Project.
Release: A release is a set of builds for a given milestone and channel which are pushed to devices, typically through Omaha.
Final Shipping Image (FSI): This is a specific build image that is used as the final image deployed to device during the manufacturing process. There will be several FSIs for a given device over the manufacturing lifetime of the device.
Manufacturing Phases: These are the different phases (Proto, EVT, DVT, PVT) that devices are manufactured during a given project (for details, see Partner Expectations Terminology ). During development, devices are commonly referred to based on which phase they were produced.
RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization): This is the process executed when users return devices for repair/replacement (for details, see RMA Requirements ).
Vital Product Data (VPD): VPD (specifically RO VPD) is set during manufacturing and can be used to control software behavior at runtime based on various settings. For example, VPD is used to differentiate Whitelabel Devices, which dictates with root and firmware keys should be used at runtime. For context, see VPD Specifications.
Factory Line: TBD
This section demonstrates how the domain model actually fits together based on the respective relationships.
Based on all of the entity definitions, this a logic view of the relationships and plurality of the high level entities in the domain.
Based on the schema, this is a simple example of one device in the Coral project definition.
Additionally, this is an example of Coral white-label implementation:
The Workflow section of this architecture document has a richer example of this domain model and how the information would actually flow through the architecture.