blob: f1129f8d372f254703c9074ab28a6ad0b0479003 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package partners;
option go_package = "";
// PartnerConfig contains the metadata exported from Testhaus on a per-partner
// basis.
// NEXT ID: 15
message PartnerConfig {
// Project which the partner is associated with.
string project_id = 1;
// Account ID of the partner. With project_id forms a unique identifier.
int64 account_id = 2;
// Account name of the partner, generally human readable.
string account_name = 3;
// List of devices associated with the partner.
repeated ChromeOSDevice chrome_os_devices = 4;
// Name of the CTP builder bucket used by the partner.
string ctp_builder_bucket = 5;
// Name of the deploy builder bucket used by the partner.
string deploy_builder_bucket = 6;
// Which UFS namespace partners should use.
string ufs_namespace = 7;
// Name of the zone partners have access to in UFS.
string ufs_zone = 8;
// Name of the realm partners have access to in UFS.
string ufs_realm = 9;
// Name of the GCS bucket associated with the partner for test results
// and CrOS images.
string gs_bucket = 10;
// Service account used for CrOS infra for the partner.
string service_account = 11;
// Prefix of the swarming bots associated with the partner.
string bot_prefix = 12;
// Name of the realm associated with the partner.
string partner_private_realm = 13;
// Names of CRIA groups given access to partner LUCI infrastructure.
repeated string luci_access_groups = 14;
// ChromeOSDevice identifies a device used to partition infrastructure by.
// NEXT ID: 3
message ChromeOSDevice {
// Board of the device.
string board = 1;
// Model of the device.
string model = 2;
// PartnerConfigList contains partner configs.
// Used to simplify the export/read process.
message PartnerConfigList {
// List of PartnerConfigs.
repeated PartnerConfig values = 1;