blob: 3b0bad9d0d9bffd1a6f7e61137e4ce6fef4c7b03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.skylab_test_runner;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/cros_tool_runner_container_service_templates.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/lab/api/ip_endpoint.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/provision.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/cros_publish_service.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/cros_test_cli.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/test_suite.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/post_test_service.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/generic_service.proto";
import "chromiumos/build/api/container_metadata.proto";
import "test_platform/skylab_test_runner/cros_test_runner_service.proto";
// CrosTestRunnerRequest is an input to CrosTestRunner that
// provides greater flexibility in regards to the variability
// and order by which test runner tasks are executed.
// next number = 5;
message CrosTestRunnerRequest {
oneof start_request {
BuildMode build = 1;
test_platform.skylab_test_runner.CrosTestRunnerServerStartRequest server =
message Task {
// List of containers to run for this task.
// ie container for cros-dut, then for cros-provision.
repeated ContainerRequest ordered_container_requests = 1;
oneof task {
ProvisionRequest provision = 2;
PreTestRequest pre_test = 3;
TestRequest test = 4;
PostTestRequest post_test = 5;
PublishRequest publish = 6;
GenericRequest generic = 8;
bool required = 7;
CrosTestRunnerParams params = 3;
repeated Task ordered_tasks = 4;
// Common parameters to include when sending a CrosTestRunnerRequest
message CrosTestRunnerParams {
repeated chromiumos.test.api.TestSuite test_suites = 1;
// Container metadata to be used in test execution. container_metadata = 2;
// Keyvals are (key, value) pairs
map<string, string> keyvals = 3;
// BuildMode provides the necessary parameters by which
// test execution using a build may be achieved.
message BuildMode {
// The buildbucket ID of the CTP build that sent this test_runner request.
int64 parent_build_id = 1;
// The UID of the individual CTP request which kicked off this test run.
// Note that distinct requests inside a multi-request CTP build will have
// different UIDs.
string parent_request_uid = 2;
// ProvisionRequest is designed to be extensible to all provisions
// that implement the GenericProvisionService, not just cros-provision.
message ProvisionRequest {
chromiumos.test.lab.api.IpEndpoint service_address = 1;
chromiumos.test.api.ProvisionStartupRequest startup_request = 2;
chromiumos.test.api.InstallRequest install_request = 3;
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 4;
// target refers to the device targeted for provision.
// i.e. primaryDevice, companionDevice_brya, companionDevice_brya_2
string target = 5;
// PreTestRequest targets requests towards services that implement
// the PreTestService.
message PreTestRequest {
chromiumos.test.lab.api.IpEndpoint service_address = 1;
google.protobuf.Any pre_test_request = 2;
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 3;
// TestRequest targets requests towards services that implement
// the ExecutionService.
message TestRequest {
chromiumos.test.lab.api.IpEndpoint service_address = 1;
chromiumos.test.api.CrosTestRequest test_request = 2;
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 3;
// PostTestRequest targets requests towards services that implement
// the PostTestService.
message PostTestRequest {
chromiumos.test.lab.api.IpEndpoint service_address = 1;
google.protobuf.Any post_test_request = 2;
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 3;
// RunActivityRequest will trigger a call to RunActivity
// within the rpc service `PostTestService`.
chromiumos.test.api.RunActivityRequest run_activity_request = 4;
// PublishRequest targets requests towards services that implement
// the GenericPublishService.
message PublishRequest {
chromiumos.test.lab.api.IpEndpoint service_address = 1;
chromiumos.test.api.PublishRequest publish_request = 2;
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 3;
// GenericRequest targets request towards services that implement
// the GenericService.
message GenericRequest {
chromiumos.test.lab.api.IpEndpoint service_address = 1;
chromiumos.test.api.GenericStartRequest start_request = 2;
chromiumos.test.api.GenericRunRequest run_request = 3;
chromiumos.test.api.GenericStopRequest stop_request = 4;
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 5;
// Starts a container and uploads its IpEndpoint to TestRunnerV2's
// dynamic map of locally exposed information.
// Will not support dynamic injections into the container's start arguments.
// If the generic template is not enough, then a specific template should be
// implemented.
message ContainerRequest {
// Starting a binary within a container sometimes requires a "metadata"
// file or some type of proto file as input.
message FileInput {
string identifier = 1;
google.protobuf.Any content = 2;
// Dependencies to be injected within 'context'
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 3;
// Identifier for DynamicDependencies to inject this container's IpEnpoint, eg
// cros-provision, cros-dut, etc.
string dynamic_identifier = 1;
chromiumos.test.api.Template container = 2;
// Dynamic dependencies for the templated container.
repeated DynamicDep dynamic_deps = 3;
// Identifiable file inputs for the binary call within the generic container.
repeated FileInput inputs = 4;
// default = "host"
string network = 5;
string container_image_key = 6;
// Location of image that can be directly pulled by docker.
// e.g.
// If set, ignore container_image_key.
string container_image_path = 7;
// Some information within TestRunnerV2 is required by the services it runs.
// This information is not known at the time of request, and thus needs to be
// dynamically injected within the request. This provides the definition
// required to handle the injection, however, the exact object being injected is
// unknown to this proto and must be handled by the implementation.
message DynamicDep {
// camelCase object identifier, seperated by "."
// ie dutServer.address
// If the key needs to point to an array index, simply put the index
// after the seperator.
string key = 1;
// The identifier of the value within TestRunnerV2's map of
// locally exposed values.
// Separate by "." if an interior value of a top-level mapped
// object is required.
string value = 2;