blob: bccaca46454a2e18c09f51f9a770e2d22ed6312e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package testplans;
option go_package = "";
import "testplans/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// The input proto for invocations of the Pointless Build Checker program.
// Next: 13
message PointlessBuildCheckRequest {
message Path { string path = 1; }
// A list of paths to be considered as relevant to the current build. Can
// be used instead of passing a full DepGraph.
repeated Path relevant_paths = 9;
// A list of source paths affected by the changes in the CQ run.
// If provided, the gerrit_changes and gitiles_commit fields are ignored.
repeated Path affected_paths = 11;
// Serialized buildbucket GerritChanges, or none if this is a postsubmit run
// or similar. Explicit proto import is avoided here to prevent a dependency
// on the luci-go repo.
// See
// Must be used in conjunction with gitiles_commit.
// If affected_paths is passed in, this field is ignored.
repeated ProtoBytes gerrit_changes = 7;
// Serialized buildbucket GitilesCommit, representing the manifest or
// manifest-internal commit to which the build is synced.
// Must be used in conjunction with gerrit_changes.
// If affected_paths is passed in, this field is ignored.
ProtoBytes gitiles_commit = 8;
// DEPRECATED use gitiles_commit instead.
// The manifest-internal snapshot commit hash that's being used for the
// current build. Note that manifest_commit will be soon replaced with
// gitiles_commit below.
string manifest_commit = 6 [ deprecated = true ];
// In some cases (e.g. when pointless build checker is called for toolchain
// update detection) we don't want known non-portage paths to trigger
// relevency. A specific case here is that manifest changes force relevancy
// but shouldn't force a toolchain update.
// TODO(b/186002205): Improve this such that manifest changes are treated
// treated via introspection. We know the paths being changed in the manifest,
// and we should be able to surface that.
bool ignore_known_non_portage_directories = 10;
// The name of the builder for which we're evaluating build relevance, to
// allow for relevance to be applied differently for different builders. Note
// that we pass the builder name not the build target because the initial use
// case is for Bazel builds vs. Portage builds, which have the same build
// target but different builder names.
string builder_name = 12;
reserved 5;
// The output proto for invocations of the Pointless Build Checker program.
message PointlessBuildCheckResponse {
// Whether the build is pointless and can be terminated without proceeding to
// building packages and testing.
google.protobuf.BoolValue build_is_pointless = 1;
enum PointlessBuildReason {
// If build_is_pointless, this is the reason that the Pointless Build Checker
// came to that conclusion. Otherwise, this is unspecified.
PointlessBuildReason pointless_build_reason = 2;