blob: 133375e6a12cc7c04c304b7fd645781d8fafb496 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package testplans;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/provision_state.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/test_suite.proto";
import "test_platform/common/cft_steps_config.proto";
import "lab/license.proto";
message TestSuiteCommon {
// Human-readable consistent name for a build target, test type pair.
string display_name = 1;
// Whether or not the test suite is considered critical.
google.protobuf.BoolValue critical = 2;
message TestSuiteGroup { string test_suite_group = 1; }
// A list of groups to which this test suite belongs.
// This is a key into other testingconfig modules.
repeated TestSuiteGroup test_suite_groups = 3;
// Whether this suite should be disabled by default. It will only be enabled
// if some other rule forces it to be put into the test plan.
bool disable_by_default = 4;
// Specs for a companion DUT in multi-dut tests.
message TestCompanion {
// Board means Cros board or an Android phone family (e.g. pixel7, which
// includes pixel7a, pixel7 and pixel7pro models) following the same naming
// convention as in suite scheduler: http://shortn/_Xphologdnc
// The initial implementation of multi-dut in CQ only support board-level.
// Future improvements may add model and other specs.
string board = 1;
// Provision config for the companion.
chromiumos.test.api.CompanionConfig config = 2;
message TastTestShard {
// The total number of shards to be used in a test run.
int64 total_shards = 1;
// The index of the shard to use.
// Note: This value is 0-indexed.
int64 shard_index = 2;
message HwTestCfg {
enum HwTestSuiteType {
TAST = 2;
// Configuration for a hardware test suite.
// NEXT ID: 25
message HwTest {
TestSuiteCommon common = 12;
// Name of the test suite to run.
string suite = 1;
// The key that identifies a distinct type of device in Skylab.
// Skylab uses the term "board", hence use of this otherwise controversial
// word.
// e.g. could use device_target 'caroline' to test the build_target
// 'caroline-arcnext'.
string skylab_board = 11;
// Key that further specifies the device to test on in Skylab.
// e.g. for skylab_board 'octopus', may require skylab_model 'ampton'
string skylab_model = 15;
HwTestSuiteType hw_test_suite_type = 13;
// The swarming pool in which to run the test suite, e.g. DUT_POOL_QUOTA.
string pool = 14;
// The licenses required for the DUT the test will run on.
repeated lab.LicenseType licenses = 16;
// If true, then run test via containerized autoserv binary rather than
// autoserv on the drone. This allows opt-in to the containerized execution
// path.
// TODO(b/227666105): Deprecate after removing all references.
bool run_via_container = 17;
// If true, then run test via CFT workflow.
// This allows opt-in to the CFT execution path.
bool run_via_cft = 18;
// Tags criteria that will be used to enumerate tests for CFT test execution
// workflow.
chromiumos.test.api.TestSuite.TestCaseTagCriteria tag_criteria = 19;
// The total number of shards to be used in a test run. Only used when
// tag_criteria is also set.
int64 total_shards = 22;
// If true, then run test via cros_test_runner(trv2) workflow.
// This flag can only be true if run_via_cft is true.
bool run_via_trv2 = 20;
// Steps config for cft test execution. If not provided, all desired steps
// will be executed by default. Will only be passed on to trv2 if
// run_via_cft & run_via_trv2 is true.
test_platform.common.CftStepsConfig trv2_steps_config = 21;
reserved 2 to 10;
// Optional companion DUTs for multi-dut tests.
repeated TestCompanion companions = 23;
// If true, then autotest tests will be sharded
bool enable_autotest_sharding = 24;
repeated HwTest hw_test = 1;
message TastVmTestCfg {
message TastTestExpr {
// A single tast test expression. See
string test_expr = 1;
message TastVmTest {
TestSuiteCommon common = 4;
// String containing short human-readable name describing test suite.
string suite_name = 1;
// List of string expressions describing which tests to run; this
// is passed directly to the 'tast run' command. See
// for info about test expressions.
repeated TastTestExpr tast_test_expr = 2;
reserved 3;
TastTestShard tast_test_shard = 5;
repeated TastVmTest tast_vm_test = 1;
message TastGceTestCfg {
reserved 2;
reserved "gce_metadata";
message TastTestExpr {
// A single tast test expression. See
string test_expr = 1;
message TastGceTest {
// This message should be used to fill
// recipes.chromeos.gce_test.GceTestProperties.GceMetadata.
message GceMetadata {
// The GCE project in which we create GCE images/instances for test.
string project = 1;
// The GCE zone in which we create GCE instances for test.
string zone = 2;
// The machine type of the GCE instance (e.g. n2-standard-8).
string machine_type = 3;
// The network the GCE instance should be part of.
string network = 4;
// The subnet the GCE instance should be part of.
string subnet = 5;
TestSuiteCommon common = 1;
// String containing short human-readable name describing test suite.
string suite_name = 2;
// List of string expressions describing which tests to run; this
// is passed directly to the 'tast run' command. See
// for info about test expressions.
repeated TastGceTestCfg.TastTestExpr tast_test_expr = 3;
// GCE instace metadata to run the tests on.
GceMetadata gce_metadata = 4;
TastTestShard tast_test_shard = 5;
repeated TastGceTest tast_gce_test = 1;
message VmTestCfg {
message VmTest {
TestSuiteCommon common = 8;
// Test suite to be run in VMTest.
string test_suite = 2;
reserved 1, 3 to 7;
repeated VmTest vm_test = 1;
// Specifies a CrOS builder to target.
message TargetCriteria {
// DEPRECATED: we need to target builder_name instead. build_target
// has to go away. See
oneof target_type {
// Any CrOS build target, such as "kevin". This should correspond to a
// Portage overlay.
string build_target = 2;
// A CrOS builder to target for testing, e.g. eve-postsubmit or
// amd64-generic-kernel-v5_4-cq.
string builder_name = 3;
// Details which testing is needed for a single CrOS build target.
message PerTargetTestRequirements {
// Specifies the crieria for builds to target for testing.
TargetCriteria target_criteria = 1;
// These configure what testing is needed for these BuildCriteria.
HwTestCfg hw_test_cfg = 3;
VmTestCfg vm_test_cfg = 5;
TastVmTestCfg direct_tast_vm_test_cfg = 7;
TastGceTestCfg tast_gce_test_cfg = 8;
reserved 2, 4, 6;
// A listing of all testing that should be done for all CrOS builds.
message TargetTestRequirementsCfg {
// The testing that should be performed for a single set of target criteria.
repeated PerTargetTestRequirements per_target_test_requirements = 1;