Enable arc-cts-follower test suite in the test lab.


Change-Id: Ic3098f7771f9a866110e30c291726ad3b33b5f13
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/987241
Commit-Ready: Rohit Makasana <rohitbm@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Ilja H. Friedel <ihf@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Po-Hsien Wang <pwang@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Ilja H. Friedel <ihf@chromium.org>
2 files changed
tree: fe0c118ca891d6ba4fda1bb36238503bd90ca359
  1. bin/
  2. configs/
  3. www/
  4. .gitignore
  5. app.yaml
  6. appengine_config.py
  7. base_event.py
  8. base_event_unittest.py
  9. build_event.py
  10. build_event_unittest.py
  11. build_lib.py
  12. cloud_sql_client.py
  13. config_reader.py
  14. config_reader_unittest.py
  15. constants.py
  16. cron.py
  17. cron.yaml
  18. datastore_client.py
  19. datastore_client_unittest.py
  20. file_getter.py
  21. gae_import.py
  22. gae_test.py
  23. global_config.py
  24. local_import.py
  25. local_integration_test.py
  26. main.py
  27. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  28. queue.yaml
  29. README.md
  30. requirements.txt
  31. rest_client.py
  32. runner.py
  33. sanity_test.py
  34. setup_environment.py
  35. stackdriver_lib.py
  36. swarming_lib.py
  37. swarming_lib_unittest.py
  38. task.py
  39. task_executor.py
  40. task_executor_unittest.py
  41. task_unittest.py
  42. test.yaml
  43. time_converter.py
  44. time_converter_unittest.py
  45. timed_event.py
  46. timed_event_unittest.py
  47. tot_manager.py
  48. tot_manager_unittest.py
  49. trigger_receiver.py
  50. trigger_receiver_unittest.py
  51. utils.py
  52. utils_unittest.py


  1. Put your Google gCloud SDK to ~/google-cloud-sdk.

    SDK download page

  2. Install App Engine SDK to ~/google-cloud-sdk:

     ~/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud components install app-engine-python
  3. Run python setup_environment.py to download third-party libraries and credentials.

Known Issues

  1. Failed to install third-packages in requirement.txt:

    Workround: Run pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt locally on your workstation to verify whether it could work.

  2. Failed to download credentials from ‘gs://suite-scheduler.google.com.a.appspot.com/credentials/’:

    Workround: Run gsutil ls gs://suite-scheduler.google.com.a.appspot.com/credentials/ locally on your workstation to verify whether you can fetch credentials with gsutil.

    If there's any auth issue, it may be because

    a. You‘re not using your corp account to login gcloud. Please run gcloud auth list to check what’s the used account for gcloud.

    b. Your corp account is not whitelisted by suite-scheduler project. Please contact @xixuan to whitelist your ldap.

How to test:

  1. Presubmit will kick off sanity test for verifying suite_scheduler.ini:

     python runner.py --test_type sanity
  2. Run unittest:

     python runner.py' or 'python runner.py --test_type unittest
  3. Run integration test:

     python runner.py --test_type integration
  4. Run tests with debug mode:

     python runner.py --debug