blob: a111f6d8020f4c02570c71deae440eef082a85f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package generator
import (
bbproto ""
// BuildTarget is an OS build target, such as "kevin" or "eve".
type BuildTarget string
// targetBuildResult is a conglomeration of data about a build and how to test it.
type targetBuildResult struct {
buildTarget BuildTarget
buildReport bbproto.Build
perTargetTestReqs testplans.PerTargetTestRequirements
// CreateTestPlan generates the test plan that must be run as part of a Chrome OS build.
func CreateTestPlan(
targetTestReqs *testplans.TargetTestRequirementsCfg,
sourceTreeCfg *testplans.SourceTreeTestCfg,
unfilteredBbBuilds []*bbproto.Build,
changeRevs *git.ChangeRevData,
repoToSrcRoot map[string]string) (*testplans.GenerateTestPlanResponse, error) {
testPlan := &testplans.GenerateTestPlanResponse{}
btBuildReports := make(map[BuildTarget]bbproto.Build)
// Filter out special builds like "chromite-cq" that don't have build targets.
filteredBbBuilds := make([]*bbproto.Build, 0)
for _, bb := range unfilteredBbBuilds {
bt := getBuildTarget(bb)
if len(bt) == 0 {
log.Printf("filtering out build without a build target: %s", bb.GetBuilder().GetBuilder())
} else if isPointlessBuild(bb) {
log.Printf("filtering out because marked as pointless: %s", bb.GetBuilder().GetBuilder())
} else if !hasTestArtifacts(bb) {
log.Printf("filtering out with missing test artifacts: %s", bb.GetBuilder().GetBuilder())
} else {
btBuildReports[BuildTarget(bt)] = *bb
filteredBbBuilds = append(filteredBbBuilds, bb)
// BuildTargets for which HW or VM testing may be skipped, due to source tree configuration.
skippableTests, err := extractSkippableTests(sourceTreeCfg, filteredBbBuilds, changeRevs, repoToSrcRoot)
if err != nil {
return testPlan, err
// List of builds that will actually be tested, e.g. one per build target.
targetBuildResults := make([]targetBuildResult, 0)
for _, pttr := range targetTestReqs.PerTargetTestRequirements {
tbr, err := selectBuildForRequirements(pttr, btBuildReports)
if err != nil {
return testPlan, err
if tbr == nil {
// Occurs when there are no affected builds for this TargetTestRequirement.
continue perTargetTestReq
targetBuildResults = append(targetBuildResults, *tbr)
return createResponse(targetBuildResults, skippableTests)
func isPointlessBuild(bb *bbproto.Build) bool {
pointlessBuild, ok := bb.GetOutput().GetProperties().GetFields()["pointless_build"]
return ok && pointlessBuild.GetBoolValue()
func hasTestArtifacts(b *bbproto.Build) bool {
art, ok := b.GetOutput().GetProperties().GetFields()["artifacts"]
if !ok {
return false
fba, ok := art.GetStructValue().GetFields()["files_by_artifact"]
if !ok {
return false
// The presence of any one of these artifacts is enough to tell us that this
// build should be considered for testing.
testArtifacts := []string{
fileToArtifact := fba.GetStructValue().GetFields()
for _, ta := range testArtifacts {
if _, ok := fileToArtifact[ta]; ok {
return true
return false
// getBuildTarget returns the build target from the given build, or empty string if none is found.
func getBuildTarget(bb *bbproto.Build) string {
btStruct, ok := bb.Output.Properties.Fields["build_target"]
if !ok {
return ""
bt, ok := btStruct.GetStructValue().Fields["name"]
if !ok {
return ""
return bt.GetStringValue()
// createResponse creates the final GenerateTestPlanResponse.
func createResponse(
targetBuildResults []targetBuildResult,
skippableTests map[BuildTarget]map[testType]bool) (*testplans.GenerateTestPlanResponse, error) {
resp := &testplans.GenerateTestPlanResponse{}
for _, tbr := range targetBuildResults {
art, ok := tbr.buildReport.Output.Properties.Fields["artifacts"]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found no artifacts output property for build_target %s", tbr.buildTarget)
gsBucket, ok := art.GetStructValue().Fields["gs_bucket"]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found no artifacts.gs_bucket property for build_target %s", tbr.buildTarget)
gsPath, ok := art.GetStructValue().Fields["gs_path"]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found no artifacts.gs_path property for build_target %s", tbr.buildTarget)
bp := &testplans.BuildPayload{
ArtifactsGsBucket: gsBucket.GetStringValue(),
ArtifactsGsPath: gsPath.GetStringValue(),
pttr := tbr.perTargetTestReqs
bt := chromiumos.BuildTarget{Name: string(tbr.buildTarget)}
tuc := &testplans.TestUnitCommon{BuildTarget: &bt, BuildPayload: bp}
isCritical := tbr.buildReport.Critical != bbproto.Trinary_NO
if !isCritical {
log.Printf("Build target %s is not critical. Skipping...", tbr.buildTarget)
continue targetLoop
critical := &wrappers.BoolValue{Value: isCritical}
if pttr.GceTestCfg != nil {
for _, gce := range pttr.GceTestCfg.GceTest {
gce.Common = withCritical(gce.Common, critical)
resp.GceTestUnits = append(resp.GceTestUnits, &testplans.GceTestUnit{
Common: tuc,
GceTestCfg: pttr.GceTestCfg})
if pttr.HwTestCfg != nil {
if skippableTests[tbr.buildTarget][hw] {
log.Printf("No HW testing needed for %s", tbr.buildTarget)
} else {
for _, hw := range pttr.HwTestCfg.HwTest {
hw.Common = withCritical(hw.Common, critical)
resp.HwTestUnits = append(resp.HwTestUnits, &testplans.HwTestUnit{
Common: tuc,
HwTestCfg: pttr.HwTestCfg})
if pttr.MoblabVmTestCfg != nil {
for _, moblab := range pttr.MoblabVmTestCfg.MoblabTest {
moblab.Common = withCritical(moblab.Common, critical)
resp.MoblabVmTestUnits = append(resp.MoblabVmTestUnits, &testplans.MoblabVmTestUnit{
Common: tuc,
MoblabVmTestCfg: pttr.MoblabVmTestCfg})
if pttr.TastVmTestCfg != nil {
for _, tastVm := range pttr.TastVmTestCfg.TastVmTest {
tastVm.Common = withCritical(tastVm.Common, critical)
resp.TastVmTestUnits = append(resp.TastVmTestUnits, &testplans.TastVmTestUnit{
Common: tuc,
TastVmTestCfg: pttr.TastVmTestCfg})
if pttr.VmTestCfg != nil {
if skippableTests[tbr.buildTarget][vm] {
log.Printf("No VM testing needed for %s", tbr.buildTarget)
} else {
for _, vm := range pttr.VmTestCfg.VmTest {
vm.Common = withCritical(vm.Common, critical)
resp.VmTestUnits = append(resp.VmTestUnits, &testplans.VmTestUnit{
Common: tuc,
VmTestCfg: pttr.VmTestCfg})
return resp, nil
func withCritical(tsc *testplans.TestSuiteCommon, critical *wrappers.BoolValue) *testplans.TestSuiteCommon {
if tsc == nil {
tsc = &testplans.TestSuiteCommon{}
tsc.Critical = critical
if !critical.Value {
log.Printf("Marking %s as not critical", tsc.DisplayName)
return tsc
// selectBuildForRequirements finds a build that best matches the provided PerTargetTestRequirements.
// e.g. if the requirements want a build for a reef build target, this method will find a successful,
// non-early-terminated build.
func selectBuildForRequirements(
pttr *testplans.PerTargetTestRequirements,
buildReports map[BuildTarget]bbproto.Build) (*targetBuildResult, error) {
log.Printf("Considering testing for TargetCritera %v", pttr.TargetCriteria)
var eligibleBuildTargets []BuildTarget
if pttr.TargetCriteria.GetBuildTarget() == "" {
return nil, errors.New("found a PerTargetTestRequirement without a build target")
eligibleBuildTargets = []BuildTarget{BuildTarget(pttr.TargetCriteria.GetBuildTarget())}
bt, err := pickBuilderToTest(eligibleBuildTargets, buildReports)
if err != nil {
// Expected when a necessary builder failed, and thus we cannot continue with testing.
return nil, err
if bt == nil {
// There are no builds for these test criteria, so this PerTargetTestRequirement is
// irrelevant. Continue on to the next one.
// This happens when no build was relevant due to an EarlyTerminationStatus.
return nil, nil
br := buildReports[*bt]
return &targetBuildResult{
buildReport: br,
buildTarget: BuildTarget(getBuildTarget(&br)),
perTargetTestReqs: *pttr},
// pickBuilderToTest returns up to one BuildTarget that should be tested, out of the provided slice
// of BuildTargets. The returned BuildTarget, if present, is guaranteed to be one with a BuildResult.
func pickBuilderToTest(buildTargets []BuildTarget, btBuildReports map[BuildTarget]bbproto.Build) (*BuildTarget, error) {
// Relevant results are those builds that weren't terminated early.
// Early termination is a good thing. It just means that the build wasn't affected by the relevant commits.
relevantReports := make(map[BuildTarget]bbproto.Build)
for _, bt := range buildTargets {
br, found := btBuildReports[bt]
if !found {
log.Printf("No build found for BuildTarget %s", bt)
relevantReports[bt] = br
if len(relevantReports) == 0 {
// None of the builds were relevant, so none of these BuildTargets needs testing.
return nil, nil
for _, bt := range buildTargets {
// Find and return the first relevant, successful build.
result, found := relevantReports[bt]
if found && result.Status == bbproto.Status_SUCCESS {
return &bt, nil
log.Printf("can't test for build target(s) %v because all builders failed\n", buildTargets)
return nil, nil