Snapshots of manifests for specific ChromiumOS versions; must be fast-forward only for manifest_version / mvp logic.

Clone this repo:


  1. 8d34a31 Creating buildspec: buildspecs/73/11512.407.0.xml by chromeos-ci-prod · 9 hours ago main master
  2. bddc8be Creating buildspec: buildspecs/79/12587.404.0.xml by chromeos-ci-prod · 4 days ago
  3. 22d792b Creating buildspec: buildspecs/73/11512.405.0.xml by chromeos-ci-prod · 6 days ago
  4. c05e3dd Creating buildspec: buildspecs/81/12812.210.0.xml by chromeos-ci-prod · 6 days ago
  5. ac1f82f Creating buildspec: buildspecs/80/12692.252.0.xml by chromeos-ci-prod · 6 days ago

This REPO is to structurally store our buildspec informations for later use.

Description of the directory structure.

buildspecs - all the builds that we have attempted

variants - directory of all the various boards/variations of builds that we do

variants//pass - Build specs for all the succesful builds for that variant variants//fail - Build specs for all the failed builds for that variant variants//inflight - Build specs for the build that's currently ongoing.