Alsa Conformance Test

ALSA Conformance Test is a tool to verify the correctness and performance of audio drivers. It can be used to verify the quality of audio bringup and prevent regression. The tool has found many audio issues on different devices.


Make sure these packages are on the host to compile the tool.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git pkg-config build-essential libasound2-dev

Make sure these packages are on the device under test(DUT) for testing.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils libasound2-dev

NOTE: ChromeOS has already had these packages.


The tool is a built-in binary in the ChromeOS test image. There are two ways to build ALSA conformance test manually.

Build in the ChromeOS chroot

(inside the cros chroot) emerge-${BOARD} audiotest

The binary will be in /build/${BOARD}/usr/bin/alsa_conformance_test.

The command cros deploy ${DUT_IP} audiotest can deploy this tool to a device. The binary will be in /usr/bin/.

NOTE: The built-in binary is in /usr/local/bin where the developer root is mounted at. The location is different from building by yourself. Make sure that you use the correct binary before testing.

Build in the git package

git clone
cd audiotest
make alsa_conformance_test

The default binary is in ./alsa_conformance_test/alsa_conformance_test. You can set the variable OUT to change the build directory. For example make alsa_conformance_test OUT=/path/to/builddir changes the output to /path/to/builddir/alsa_conformance_test/alsa_conformance_test.


alsa_conformance_test [OPTIONS]

Notice that some devices may not work before the correct UCM (Use Case Manager) is set. In ChromeOS, the UCM should be set automatically when selecting audio nodes from UI. Users can also find the UCM file for each supported sound card in /usr/share/alsa/ucm/ and set it manually by alsaucm.

Example: To enable the headphone specified on kbl_r5514_5663_max.

alsaucm -c kbl_r5514_5663_max set _verb HiFi set _enadev "Headphone"


  • -h, --help
    • Print this help and exit.
  • -P, --playback_dev
    • PCM device for playback. (default: NULL)
  • -C, --capture_dev
    • PCM device for capture. (default: NULL)
  • -c, --channels
    • Set channels. (default: 2)
  • -f, --format
    • Set format. (default: S16_LE)
  • -r, --rate
    • Set rate. (default: 48000)
  • -p, --period
    • Set period. If not set, the default value set in the driver will be used.
  • -d, --durations
    • Set durations(second). (default: 1.0)
  • -B, --block_size <block_size>
    • Set block size in frames of each read(for input devices) and write(for output devices). (default: 240)
    • For more details, please refer to the section about Underrun and Overrun.
  • --debug
    • Enable debug mode. (Not support multi-streams in this version)
  • --strict
    • Enable strict mode. It will set params to the fixed value.
    • ALSA conformance test sets the rate and the period size nearest to the target. The final value may not be the same as a user set in the params. With this flag, the test will fail if these values are unexpected.
  • --dev_info_only
    • Show device information only without setting params and running I/O.
  • --iterations
    • Number of times to run the tests specified. (default: 1)
  • --device_file:
    • Device file path. It will load devices from the file. File format:
      	[name] [type] [channels] [format] [rate] [period] [block_size] [durations] # comment
      [type] could be either `PLAYBACK` or `CAPTURE` # comment
      	eg: hw:0,0 PLAYBACK 2 S16_LE 48000 240 240 10 # Example
  • --merge_threshold
    • Set merge_threshold_t. (default: 0.0001)
    • If the value is not zero, there will be a dryrun to set the merge_threshold_sz as the median of frame diff. Points with TIME_DIFF less than merge_threshold_t and SAMPLES_DIFF less than merge_threshold_sz will be merged.


These are the functions that ALSA conformance test covers.

Correctness of params

Sometimes audio device claims that it can support some params but it actually does not. In this case, snd_pcm_hw_params fails. Therefore, verifying all params can be set correctly is necessary.

---------PRINT PARAMS---------
PCM name: hw:0,0
card: acpd7219m98357 [acpd7219m98357]
device: Playback da7219-hifi-0 []
stream: PLAYBACK
format: S16_LE
channels: 2
rate: 48000 fps
period time: 5000 us
period size: 240 frames
buffer time: 160000 us
buffer size: 7680 frames

Correctness of card name

A specific UCM configuration file is sometimes required for a USB audio device. If the card name is the default USB card name, like ‘USB Audio Device’ it will not be possible to add a UCM configuration file because UCM files are matched by card name.

Device Information
	Name: hw:3,0
	Card: Device [USB Audio Device]
	Device: USB Audio [USB Audio]
	Format: ['S16_LE']
	Channels: [2]
	Rate: [44100, 48000]
	Period_size range: [45, 48000]
	Buffer_size range: [90, 96000]
		Mixer name: PCM
		Mixer index: 0
		Mixer has_volume: 1
		Mixer db_range: [-9999999, 0]
		Mixer volume_range: [0, 37]

Correctness of usb audio mixer control

If the device is a USB audio device, it is very important that the USB audio mixer control exposes reasonable values. Otherwise, applications may rely on incorrect values and lead to undefined behavior.

Mixer name

The following are the requirements for the USB audio mixer control name for playback:

  • Headphone
  • Headset
  • Headset Earphone
  • Speaker
  • PCM
  • Master
  • Digital
  • Speaker Volume

The following are the requirements for the USB audio mixer control name for capture:

  • Capture
  • Digital Capture
  • Mic
  • Microphone
  • Headset
  • Mic Volume

Number of mixers

Device can only have one playback/capture mixer control system can recognize. Otherwise system will fail to know which control should be select in the system.

Mixer volume control ability

If the mixer control does not have the ability to control volume, there is likely something wrong with it. The main function of a mixer control for a USB audio device is to control volume.

Mixer volume db range

The volume db range must be within a reasonable range. If the volume db range is not reasonable, the system may use it as a basis for its actions, which could cause incorrect behavior.

  • The playback pass criteria are: 500 <= db_range_max - db_range_min <= 20000.

Mixer playback volume range

The system will use the playback volume range to calculate the percentage of volume that should be increased with one volume up/down event. If the value is less than 10, it will cause incorrect behavior. The minimum value for the volume range is 10.


This headset is Cyber Acoustics, and the device info is

Device Information
	Name: hw:3,0
	Card: Device [USB Audio Device]
	Device: USB Audio [USB Audio]
	Format: ['S16_LE']
	Channels: [2]
	Rate: [44100, 48000]
	Period_size range: [45, 48000]
	Buffer_size range: [90, 96000]
		Mixer name: PCM
		Mixer index: 0
		Mixer has_volume: 1
		Mixer db_range: [-9999999, 0]
		Mixer volume_range: [0, 37]
  • number of mixer is 1 - pass
  • The mixer name “PCM” is a valid name. - pass
  • This mixer has volume control, which is indicated by the has_volume value of 1. - pass
  • The mixer's db_range is 9999999, which is outside the acceptable range of 500-20000. - fail
  • Mixer volume_range is 37, is >= 10 - pass

Stability of rate

The number of samples consumed / time must be the same as the sampling rate. For short-term, it can be checked every time when writing a block into the device by calculating samples_diff / time_diff.

TIME_DIFF(s)    HW_LEVEL       READ               RATE
0.000780757           32          0       40985.863719
0.000791478           72          0       50538.359879
0.000834111          112          0       47955.248162
0.000838265          152          0       47717.607201

For long-term, the tool can record all data when hw_level changes. And then, it will use linear regression to find out the measured rate. If measured rate is not close to the sampling rate, or standard error from linear regression is too large, the device doesn’t have enough stability of rate.

rate: 48001.729135
rate error: 7.050352

The script only uses the long-term rate to determine pass or fail because an unstable short-term rate may not affect the whole stability.

Explaination of fields

  • HW_LEVEL - Hardware level. The number of frames in a device buffer.
  • READ - The cumulative number of frames has been read since the beginning.

Explaination of point merge

TIME_DIFF(s)    HW_LEVEL              PLAYED           DIFF               RATE
0.001000772          376                1064             48        47962.972585
0.001000089          328                1112             48        47995.728380
0.001000082          280                1160             48        47996.064323
0.001016092          232                1208             48        47239.816867
0.000983772          424                1256             48        48791.793220
0.000998709          400                1280             24        24031.024052
0.000082259          376                1304             24        291761.387812 [Merged]

In the last two lines above, the device consumes 24 samples twice in a short time instead of 48 samples in the fixed period and result in higher rate error. To reduce the error, points with TIME_DIFF less than merge_threshold_t and SAMPLES_DIFF less than merge_threshold_sz will be merged. The merge_threshold_sz is determined automatically by the test and merge_threshold_t can be set by --merge_threshold option. With the --merge_threshold set to 0.0001, the last two points will be merged, and only the latter point is counted in linear regression. The result of point merge is the same as below:

TIME_DIFF(s)    HW_LEVEL              PLAYED           DIFF               RATE
0.001000772          376                1064             48        47962.972585
0.001000089          328                1112             48        47995.728380
0.001000082          280                1160             48        47996.064323
0.001016092          232                1208             48        47239.816867
0.000983772          424                1256             48        48791.793220
0.001080968          376                1304             48        44404.6447258

Stability of step

If a device consumes too large a block at once, we cannot maintain the buffer level at low. This affects continuous latency. To measure this, the tool can monitor hw_ptr and see whether the largest step during monitoring is small enough.

step min: 8
step max: 288

Runtime of each ALSA API

The runtime of APIs is also important. If it needs a long time to open PCM device, it might affect stream efficiency or cause long latency.

---------TIMER RESULT---------
                                 Total_time(s)               Counts          Averages(s)
snd_pcm_open                       0.003351390                    1             0.003351
snd_pcm_hw_params                  0.039304997                    1             0.039305
snd_pcm_hw_params_any              0.000055113                    1             0.000055
snd_pcm_sw_params                  0.000017586                    1             0.000018
snd_pcm_prepare                    0.000007613                    1             0.000008
snd_pcm_start                      0.000774880                    1             0.000775
snd_pcm_avail                      0.807074662               246177             0.000003
precision: 0.000000001

Correctness of recorded samples

Without any help from users, we can verify the correctness of recorded samples by checking whether all of them are zeros. The tool shows whether each channel is a zero channel, which means all samples in this channel are zeros. Usually the recorded samples should not be all zeros.

zero channels: 0 1 // Channel 0 is not a zero channel but channel 1 is.

Underrun and Overrun

The basic request of the audio device is not causing any underrun or overrun.

  • Underrun happens when there are no frames to playback on a running device. It makes the device play obsolete samples in the buffer, which sounds like glitches.

  • Overrun happens when frames in a device buffer are more than buffer size. It makes the device have a long delay and the latest recorded samples will overlay the old ones.

The block size is the size ALSA conformance test puts data into or gets data from a device buffer. For playback, it puts data into the device once the remaining frames in the device buffer are smaller than the block size. For capture, it gets data from a device once the remaining frames in the device buffer are larger than the block size. Users can adjust the block size to detect whether this size might cause underrun or overrun.

number of underrun: 0
number of overrun: 0


These are some examples to show how to use ALSA conformance test.

  • Get the PCM name Before testing, to get the PCM name of the device is necessary. The name format is hw:{CARD},{DEVICE}. Users can get it by the command aplay -l and arecord -l.
> aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sofglkda7219max [sof-glkda7219max], device 0: Speakers (*) []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: sofglkda7219max [sof-glkda7219max], device 1: Headset (*) []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: sofglkda7219max [sof-glkda7219max], device 5: HDMI1 (*) []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: sofglkda7219max [sof-glkda7219max], device 6: HDMI2 (*) []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: sofglkda7219max [sof-glkda7219max], device 7: HDMI3 (*) []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

From this result, the PCM name for internal speaker is hw:0,0 and for headset is hw:0,1. We will use hw:0,0 as a playback and hw:0,1 as capture device for the below examples.

  • Show the range of parameters of PCM device
alsa_conformance_test -P hw:0,0 --dev_info_only
  • Run playback and get the result
alsa_conformance_test -P hw:0,0
  • Run capture and get the result
alsa_conformance_test -C hw:0,1
  • Try to change the rate and format
alsa_conformance_test -P hw:0,0 -r 44100 -f S32_LE
  • Try to show detail of playback
alsa_conformance_test -P hw:0,0 -d 0.1 --debug
  • Playback and capture at the same time
alsa_conformance_test -P hw:0,0 -C hw:0,1
  • Test playback for more times
alsa_conformance_test -P hw:0,0 --iterations 10
  • Playback and capture at the same time with different params
> cat ./device
hw:0,0 PLAYBACK 2 S16_LE 48000 240 240 1
hw:0,1 CAPTURE  2 S32_LE 44100 240 240 2
> alsa_conformance_test --device_file ./device


For more convenience, this is a script that can test the basic funtions of ALSA PCM device automatically. [-h] [-C INPUT_DEVICE] [-P OUTPUT_DEVICE]
                         [--rate-criteria-diff-pct RATE_CRITERIA_DIFF_PCT]
                         [--rate-err-criteria RATE_ERR_CRITERIA]
                         [--json] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
                         [--test-suites  [...]]


  • -h, --help
    • show this help message and exit
  • -C INPUT_DEVICE, --input_device INPUT_DEVICE
    • Alsa input device, such as hw:0,0
  • -P OUTPUT_DEVICE, --output_device OUTPUT_DEVICE
    • Alsa output device, such as hw:0,0
  • --rate_criteria RATE_CRITERIA
    • The pass criteria of rate. The value is a percentage of rate. For example, 0.01 means the pass range is [47995.2, 48004.8] for rate 48000. (default: 0.01)
  • --rate_err_criteria RATE_ERR_CRITERIA
    • The pass criteria of rate error. (default: 10)
  • --json
    • Print result in JSON format
  • --log-file LOG_FILE
    • The file to save logs.
  • --test-suites
    • Customize which test suites should be run. If not set, all suites will be run. See next section for more information.

Test Suites

  • test_card_name
    • Check whether card name is in the block list.
  • test_params
    • Check whether all parameters can be set correctly.
  • test_rates
    • Check whether all estimated rates are the same as what it set.
  • test_all_pairs
    • Check whether the audio is still stable when mixing different params. The test will check if rates meet our expectation when testing all combinations of channels, sample rates and formats.
  • test_usb_mixer
    • Check whether the usb device exposes the required alsa mixer controls. If the device is not a usb audio device, this test will be skiped.


The result will show pass or fail.


Internal device example

> -P hw:0,0
11 passed, 0 failed
Device Information
        Name: hw:0,0
        Card: sof-glkda7219max
        Stream: PLAYBACK
        Format: ['S16_LE', 'S32_LE']
        Channels: [2]
        Rate: [44100, 48000, 96000, 192000]
        Period_size range: [16, 8192]
        Buffer_size range: [32, 16384]
Test card name
        Test card name is not in the block list: pass
Test Params
        Set channels 2: pass
        Set format S16_LE: pass
        Set format S32_LE: pass
        Set rate 44100: pass
        Set rate 48000: pass
        Set rate 96000: pass
        Set rate 192000: pass
Test Rates
        Set rate 44100: pass
        Set rate 48000: pass
        Set rate 96000: pass
        Set rate 192000: pass
Test All Pairs
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 44100: pass
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 48000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 96000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 192000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S32_LE, rate 44100: pass
        Set channels 2, format S32_LE, rate 48000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S32_LE, rate 96000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S32_LE, rate 192000: pass
Test USB mixer - skip

USB device example

> -P hw:1,0
20 passed, 0 failed
Device Information
        Name: hw:1,0
        Card: Wired [Zone Wired]
        Device: USB Audio [USB Audio]
        Stream: PLAYBACK
        Format: ['S16_LE', 'S24_3LE']
        Channels: [2]
        Rate: [44100, 48000, 96000]
        Period_size range: [45, 131072]
        Buffer_size range: [90, 262144]
                Mixer name: PCM
                Mixer index: 0
                Mixer has_volume: 1
                Mixer db_range: [-6562, 0]
                Mixer volume_range: [0, 175]
Test card name
        Test card name is not in the block list: pass
Test Params
        Set channels 2: pass
        Set format S16_LE: pass
        Set format S24_3LE: pass
        Set rate 44100: pass
        Set rate 48000: pass
        Set rate 96000: pass
Test Rates
        Set rate 44100: pass
        Set rate 48000: pass
        Set rate 96000: pass
Test All Pairs
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 44100: pass
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 48000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S16_LE, rate 96000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S24_3LE, rate 44100: pass
        Set channels 2, format S24_3LE, rate 48000: pass
        Set channels 2, format S24_3LE, rate 96000: pass
Test USB mixer
        Test usb mixer number correctness: pass
        Test usb mixer has_volume correctness: pass
        Test usb mixer playback db range correctness: pass
        Test usb mixer playback volume range correctness: pass

Bugs we found

  • Unsupported channel number on Octopus. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate and params on Octopus. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate on Veyron HDMI. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate after suspending on Grunt. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate with period size 256 on strago. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect params supported on Veyron. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect params supported on Peach. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect params supported on Coral. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate supported on Gru. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate supported on Scarlet. (Issue, Fix)
  • Read a large block of frames once on Grunt. (Issue, Fix)
  • Abnormal consuming size on Kefka-kernelnext. (Issue, Fix)
  • Unstable sample rate after suspending on Kukui. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate with period size 256 on Reks. (Issue)
  • Capture is not stable in the beginning on Grunt. (Issue, Fix)
  • Unstable playback rate on Grunt. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate supported on Grunt. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate with 1 channel on veyron-minnie. (Issue, Fix)
  • Incorrect sample rate with 3 and 4 channels on samus. (Issue)
  • Incorrect sample rate with 3 channels on buddy. (Issue)