blob: 45138a87edd69b3fe9e58cfa06642f63f39cc292 [file] [log] [blame]
# ChromeOS firmware bitmap block - board configuration.
# name1,name2,...:
# key1: value ...
# key2: value ...
# ...
# name: List of board names for this configuration, separated by comma.
# keys are as follows:
# screen: Resolution of the framebuffer where firmware plots pixels
# panel: Display dimension. This is optional and used as a hint to adjust
# image sizes for stretched displays. For a stretched display, narrower
# images will be created so that displayed images will look proportional to
# the original aspect ratio. If this is omitted, the panel dimension is
# assumed to be the same as the framebuffer.
# bad_usb3: Presence of USB3 ports that cannot boot recovery
# locales: List of locales to include
# hi_res: List of locales rendered in higher DPI
# phy_rec: Presence of physical recovery button (
# sdcard: Presence of SD/MMC Card Reader that can boot in recovery mode
# text_colors: Maximum number of colors for text images.
# Note the locale should be supported (and named) by Chrome browser:
# In other words, iw should be 'he', and no should be 'nb'.
# Default configuration
# These are the values used unless set otherwise in the board specific config
screen: [1366, 768]
panel: []
sdcard: True
bad_usb3: False
phy_rec: False
text_colors: 7
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, pt-PT, ca, it, de,
el, nl, da, nb, sv, fi, et, lv, lt, ru, pl, cs, sk, hu, sl, sr, hr, bg, ro,
uk, tr, he, ar, fa, hi, th, ms, vi, id, fil, zh-CN, zh-TW, ko, ja,
bn, gu, kn, ml, mr, ta, te]
hi_res: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, pt-PT, ca, it, de,
el, nl, da, nb, sv, fi, et, lv, lt, ru, pl, cs, sk, hu, sl, sr, hr, bg, ro,
uk, tr, he, ar, fa, hi, th, ms, vi, id, fil, zh-CN, zh-TW, ko, ja,
bn, gu, kn, ml, mr, ta, te]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# Boots recovery image on any SD card and USB ports.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
hi_res: [en]
hi_res: [en]
hi_res: [en]
# Using native graphics mode 1366x768.
# Boots recovery image on any SD card and USB ports.
hi_res: [en]
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
# Using old U-Boot firmware with smaller size so the locale list is limited.
screen: [1920, 1080]
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja, id,
th, ar, ms, zh-CN, zh-TW, fi, pl]
# 1280x800, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1280, 800]
hi_res: [en]
# 1366x768, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
# Using old U-Boot firmware with smaller size so the locale list is limited.
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja, id,
th, ar, ms, zh-CN, zh-TW, fi, pl]
# 1366x768, and can only boot recovery by SD card or USB2 [not USB3].
# Using old U-Boot firmware with smaller size so the locale list is limited.
bad_usb3: True
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja, id,
th, ar, ms, zh-CN, zh-TW, fi, pl]
hi_res: [en]
# 1366x768, can only boot recovery by USB (No card reader, or not able to
# recover from card reader).
# Using old U-Boot firmware with smaller size so the locale list is limited.
sdcard: False
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja, id,
th, ar, ms, zh-CN, zh-TW, fi, pl]
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# With card reader. USB3 ports will run in USB2 mode for recovery boot.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
hi_res: [en]
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117).
# A chromebox without built-in panel/keyboard.
# Assume the display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With card reader and physical recovery switch.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1920, 1080]
phy_rec: True
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117).
# A chromebox without built-in panel/keyboard.
# Assume the display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With card reader and physical recovery switch.
# Special firmware with WrongPowerSupply screens.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1920, 1080]
phy_rec: True
optional_screens: [ReserveCharging, ReserveChargingEmpty, WrongPowerSupply]
text_colors: 4
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117).
# A chromestation with built-in panel, without built-in keyboard.
# Display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With physical recovery switch, without card reader.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1920, 1080]
phy_rec: True
sdcard: False
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117).
# A chromestation with built-in panel, without built-in keyboard.
# Display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With physical recovery switch, with card reader.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1920, 1080]
phy_rec: True
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# Can only boot recovery by USB. (No card reader, or not able to recover
# from card reader.)
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
sdcard: False
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# Can only boot recovery by USB2 [not USB3]. (No card reader, or not able
# to recover from card reader.)
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
sdcard: False
bad_usb3: True
text_colors: 4
hi_res: [en]
# Non-standard Graphics mode 1280x850, with 2560x1700 panel.
# Can boot recovery by USB and SD card readers.
# Note its firmware can not contain all default locales so the shipping locale
# list is specified.
screen: [1280, 850]
panel: [2560, 1700]
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja, id, th]
hi_res: [en]
# There's no standard panel size for Stumpy -- depends on the monitor user has
# attached. Let's assume it's a modern LCD panel with 1920x1080 dimension.
screen: [800, 600]
panel: [1920, 1080]
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja]
sdcard: False
hi_res: [en]
# Lumpy was shipped with old firmware bitmaps and caused its resolution to be
# 800x600.
screen: [800, 600]
panel: [1366, 768]
locales: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja]
hi_res: [en]
# A chromebit with external display only, use low-res "safe" mode.
# With physical recovery switch, without card reader.
screen: [640, 480]
panel: [1920, 1080]
phy_rec: True
sdcard: False
text_colors: 4
hi_res: [en]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
text_colors: 4
# 1536x2048, "detachable", boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1536, 2048]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
sdcard: False
hi_res: [en]
screen: [1280, 850]
hi_res: [en]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
hi_res: [en]
text_colors: 4
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
hi_res: [en]
text_colors: 4
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
hi_res: [en]
# Using VESA graphics mode 1024x768 (0x0117), stretched to 1366x768 panel.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1024, 768]
panel: [1366, 768]
hi_res: [en]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
hi_res: [en]
text_colors: 4
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
hi_res: [en]
text_colors: 4
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
hi_res: [en]
text_colors: 4
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
hi_res: [en]
text_colors: 4
# 3840x2160, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2160]
sdcard: False
hi_res: [en, es-419, pt-BR, fr, es, it, de, nl, da, nb, sv, ko, ja, id,
th, ar, ms, zh-CN, zh-TW, fi, pl]