blob: 72446b8e5bbf1f6719cf675a4be1cf1d0bb3842f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
enum MessageVersion {
kMajor = 1,
kMinor = 0,
enum MessageMainType {
kRequest = 0,
kResponse = 1,
kData = 2,
/* We will use a handler table to process these messages.
* _g_handler[] in session.c
enum MessageType {
kReset = 0,
kGetVersion = 1,
kConfigVideoStream = 2,
kConfigShrinkVideoStream = 3,
kDumpVideoFrame = 4,
kDumpRealtimeVideoFrame = 5,
kStopDumpVideoFrame = 6,
kDumpRealtimeAudioPage = 7,
kStopDumpAudioPage = 8,
enum ErrorCode {
kOK = 0,
kNonSupportCommand = 1,
kArgument = 2,
kRealtimeStreamExists = 3,
kVideoMemoryOverflowStop = 4,
kVideoMemoryOverflowDrop = 5,
kAudioMemoryOverflowStop = 6,
kAudioMemoryOverflowDrop = 7,
kMemoryAllocFail = 8,
typedef enum {
kNonRealtime = 0,
kStopWhenOverflow = 1,
kBestEffort = 2,
} RealtimeMode;
typedef struct {
uint16_t type;
uint16_t error_code;
uint32_t length;
char content[];
} PacketHead;
typedef struct {
uint8_t major;
uint8_t minor;
} GetVersionResponse;
typedef struct {
uint16_t screen_width;
uint16_t screen_height;
} ConfigVideoStreamRequest;
typedef struct {
uint8_t shrink_width;
uint8_t shrink_height;
} ConfigShrinkVideoStreamRequest;
typedef struct {
uint32_t memory_address1;
uint32_t memory_address2;
uint16_t number_of_frames;
} DumpVideoFrameRequest;
typedef struct {
uint8_t is_dual;
uint8_t mode;
} DumpRealtimeVideoRequest;
typedef struct {
uint32_t frame_number;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint8_t channel;
/* indicate padding explicitly.*/
uint8_t padding[3];
uint8_t rawdata[];
} VideoDataStream;
typedef struct {
uint8_t mode;
} DumpRealtimeAudioRequest;
typedef struct {
uint32_t page_count;
uint8_t rawdata[];
} AudioDataStream;
typedef struct {
PacketHead head;
VideoDataStream data_head;
} VideoDataStreamHead;
typedef struct {
PacketHead head;
AudioDataStream data_head;
} AudioDataStreamHead;
typedef DumpVideoFrameRequest DumpRealtimeVideoFrameRequest;
#endif // PACKET_FORMAT_H_