blob: 7704c269ec90c821a59480cb5821cfe0ca5a26ac [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(chromium:395947): Share strings and options with jsonedid
# TODO(chromium:395947): Add JSON validation
"""Creates an EDID binary blob out of a Json representation of an EDID."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
import json
import sys
import edid.edid as edid_module
import options as options_module
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
def _BuildBitsFromOptions(options, json_map):
"""Encodes a list of options into bit form for an EDID binary blob.
The order of the options determines the bit position in the EDID. The first
option corresponds to the most significant bit in the result, the last option
with the least significant bit, etc.
options: The list of options (strings).
json_map: The json dictionary indicating whether each option is true or
false (i.e., supported or not).
An integer to be stored in the EDID that encodes these options.
bits = 0
for option in options:
bits = (bits << 1) + int(json_map[option])
return bits
def BuildManufacturerInfo(edid, manu_json):
"""Adds information from manufacturer info dictionary into the EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
manu_json: The dictionary of manufacturer info.
# Manufacturer Name
manu_id = manu_json['Manufacturer ID']
m1 = (ord(manu_id[0]) - 64) << 10
m2 = (ord(manu_id[1]) - 64) << 5
m3 = ord(manu_id[2]) - 64
m = m1 + m2 + m3
edid[0x08] = m >> 8
edid[0x09] = m & 0xFF
# ID Product Code
prod_code = manu_json['ID Product Code']
edid[0x0A] = prod_code & 0xFF
edid[0x0B] = prod_code >> 8
# Serial Number
ser_num = manu_json['Serial number']
if ser_num:
edid[0x0C] = ser_num & 0xFF
edid[0x0D] = (ser_num >> 8) & 0xFF
edid[0x0E] = (ser_num >> 16) & 0xFF
edid[0x0F] = (ser_num >> 24) & 0xFF
edid[0x0C:0x10] = [0x00] * 4
# Manufacturer week and year
if manu_json['Week of manufacture']:
edid[0x10] = manu_json['Week of manufacture']
edid[0x11] = manu_json['Year of manufacture'] - 1990
if manu_json['Year of manufacture']:
edid[0x10] = 0x00
edid[0x11] = manu_json['Year of manufacture'] - 1990
edid[0x10] = 0xFF
edid[0x11] = manu_json['Model year'] - 1990
def BuildBasicDisplay(edid, bd_json):
"""Adds information from basic display info dictionary into the EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
bd_json: The dictionary of basic display info.
if bd_json['Video input type'] == 'Digital':
vid_input = 1
if not bd_json['Color Bit Depth']:
cbd = 0x00
elif 'Reserved' in bd_json['Color Bit Depth']:
cbd = 0x07
x, _ = bd_json['Color Bit Depth'].split(' Bits')
cbd = int(x) / 2 - 2
dig_supp = {
None: 0x00,
'DVI': 0x01,
'HDMI-a': 0x02,
'HDMI-b': 0x03,
'MDDI': 0x04,
'DisplayPort': 0x05
supp = dig_supp[bd_json['Digital Video Interface Standard Support']]
edid[0x14] = (vid_input << 7) + (cbd << 4) + supp
vid_input = 0
sig_supp = {
'+0.7/-0.3 V': 0x00,
'+0.714/-0.286 V': 0x01,
'+1.0/-0.4 V': 0x02,
'+0.7/0 V': 0x03
sig = sig_supp[bd_json['Video white and sync levels']]
vid_settings = [
'Blank-to-black setup expected',
'Separate sync supported',
'Composite sync (on HSync) supported',
'Sync on green supported',
'VSync serrated when composite/sync-on-green used'
sum_bits = _BuildBitsFromOptions(vid_settings, bd_json)
edid[0x14] = (vid_input << 7) + (sig << 5) + sum_bits
# Aspect Ratios or Maximum Dimensions
arl = bd_json['Aspect ratio (landscape)']
arp = bd_json['Aspect ratio (portrait)']
md = bd_json['Maximum dimensions (cm)']
if arl:
a, b = arl.split(' : ')
edid[0x15] = int((float(a) * 100.0) - 99)
if arp:
a, b = arp.split(' : ')
edid[0x16] = int((100.0 / float(a)) - 99)
if md:
edid[0x15] = md['x']
edid[0x16] = md['y']
# Gamma
g = bd_json['Display gamma']
edid[0x17] = int((g * 100.0) - 100)
# Feature Support
dpm = [
'DPM standby supported',
'DPM suspend supported',
'DPM active-off supported'
sum_dpm = _BuildBitsFromOptions(dpm, bd_json)
sce = bd_json['Display color type']
if bd_json['Video input type'] == 'Digital':
a = 1 if 'YCrCb 4:2:2' in sce else 0
b = 1 if 'YCrCb 4:4:4' in sce else 0
color = (a << 1) + b
color_types = {
'Monochrome/Grayscale': 0x00,
'RGB color': 0x01,
'Non-RGB color': 0x02,
'Undefined': 0x03
color = color_types[sce]
fsf = [
'sRGB Standard is default colour space',
'Preferred timing includes native timing pixel format and refresh rate',
'Continuous frequency supported'
sum_fsf = _BuildBitsFromOptions(fsf, bd_json)
edid[0x18] = (sum_dpm << 5) + (color << 3) + sum_fsf
def BuildChromaticity(edid, chrom_json):
"""Adds information from chromaticity info dictionary into the EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
chrom_json: The dictionary of chromaticity info.
rx = chrom_json['Red']['x'] & 0x03
ry = chrom_json['Red']['y'] & 0x03
gx = chrom_json['Green']['x'] & 0x03
gy = chrom_json['Green']['y'] & 0x03
bx = chrom_json['Blue']['x'] & 0x03
by = chrom_json['Blue']['y'] & 0x03
wx = chrom_json['White']['x'] & 0x03
wy = chrom_json['White']['y'] & 0x03
edid[0x19] = (rx << 6) + (ry << 4) + (gx << 2) + gy
edid[0x1A] = (bx << 6) + (by << 4) + (wx << 2) + wy
edid[0x1B] = chrom_json['Red']['x'] >> 2
edid[0x1C] = chrom_json['Red']['y'] >> 2
edid[0x1D] = chrom_json['Green']['x'] >> 2
edid[0x1E] = chrom_json['Green']['y'] >> 2
edid[0x1F] = chrom_json['Blue']['x'] >> 2
edid[0x20] = chrom_json['Blue']['y'] >> 2
edid[0x21] = chrom_json['White']['x'] >> 2
edid[0x22] = chrom_json['White']['y'] >> 2
def BuildEstablishedTimings(edid, et_json):
"""Adds information from established timings info dictionary into EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
et_json: The dictionary of established timings info.
sum_bits = _BuildBitsFromOptions(options_module.timings, et_json)
edid[0x23] = sum_bits >> 16
edid[0x24] = (sum_bits >> 8) & 0xFF
edid[0x25] = sum_bits & 0xFF
def BuildStandardTimings(edid, sts_json):
"""Adds information from standard timings info dictionary into the EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
sts_json: The list of dictionaries of standard timings info.
# First, set the standard timings that are defined
num_st = len(sts_json)
base = 0x26
edid[base:(base + 16)] = [0x01] * 16
for x in range(0, num_st):
edid[base + (x * 2):base + 2 + (x * 2)] = BuildSt(sts_json[x])
def BuildSt(one_st_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single standard timing object's dictionary.
one_st_json: The dictionary of a single standard timing object info.
A list of two bytes representing a single standard timing object.
x = (one_st_json['X resolution'] / 8) - 31
ratios = {
'1:1': 0x00,
'16:10': 0x00,
'4:3': 0x01,
'5:4': 0x02,
'16:9': 0x03
iar = ratios[one_st_json['Ratio']]
frr = one_st_json['Frequency'] - 60
return [x, (iar << 6) + frr]
def BuildDescriptors(edid, descs_json):
"""Adds information from descriptors info dictionary into the EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
descs_json: The list of dictionaries of descriptor info.
base = 0x36
for x in range(0, 4):
edid[base + (x * 18):base + ((x + 1) * 18)] = BuildDescriptor(descs_json[x])
def BuildDtd(desc_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single detailed timing descriptor dictionary.
desc_json: The dictionary of a single detailed timing descriptor info.
A list of 18 bytes representing a single detailed timing descriptor.
d = [0] * 18
# Set pixel clock
pc = int(desc_json['Pixel clock (MHz)'] * 100)
d[0] = pc & 0xFF
d[1] = pc >> 8
hav = desc_json['Addressable']['x']
hb = desc_json['Blanking']['x']
d[2] = hav & 0xFF
d[3] = hb & 0xFF
d[4] = ((hav >> 8) << 4) + (hb >> 8)
vav = desc_json['Addressable']['y']
hv = desc_json['Blanking']['y']
d[5] = vav & 0xFF
d[6] = hv & 0xFF
d[7] = ((vav >> 8) << 4) + (hv >> 8)
hfp = desc_json['Front porch']['x']
hsp = desc_json['Sync pulse']['x']
vfp = desc_json['Front porch']['y']
vsp = desc_json['Sync pulse']['y']
d[8] = hfp & 0xFF
d[9] = hsp & 0xFF
d[10] = ((vfp & 0x0F) << 4) + (vsp & 0x0F)
d[11] = ((hfp >> 8) << 6) + ((hsp >> 8) << 4) + ((vfp >> 4) << 2) + (vsp >> 4)
hav = desc_json['Image size (mm)']['x']
vav = desc_json['Image size (mm)']['y']
d[12] = hav & 0xFF
d[13] = vav & 0xFF
d[14] = ((hav >> 8) << 4) + (vav >> 8)
d[15] = desc_json['Border']['x']
d[16] = desc_json['Border']['y']
# Byte 17
stereo_map = {
'No stereo': (0x0 << 5) + 0x0, # Could be 0x00 or 0x01
'Field sequential stereo, right image when stereo sync signal = 1':
(0x1 << 5) + 0x0,
'2-way interleaved stereo, right image on even lines': (0x1 << 5) + 0x1,
'Field sequential stereo, left image when stereo sync signal = 1':
(0x2 << 5) + 0x0,
'2-way interleaved stereo, left image on even lines': (0x2 << 5) + 0x1,
'4-way interleaved stereo': (0x3 << 5) + 0x0,
'Side-by-side interleaved stereo': (0x3 << 5) + 0x1
stereo = stereo_map[desc_json['Stereo viewing']]
sync_json = desc_json['Sync type']
if 'Digital' in sync_json['Type']:
if 'Separate' in sync_json['Type']:
x = 0x03
y = 1 if sync_json['Vertical sync'] == 'Positive' else 0
x = 0x02
y = 1 if sync_json['Serrations'] else 0
z = 1 if (sync_json['Horizontal sync (outside of V-sync)'] ==
'Positive') else 0
else: # Analog
x = 0x01 if 'Bipolar' in sync_json['Type'] else 0x00
y = 1 if sync_json['Serrations'] else 0
z = 1 if sync_json['Sync on RGB'] else 0
interlace = int(desc_json['Interlace'])
sync_type = (x << 3) + (y << 2) + (z << 1)
d[17] = (interlace << 7) + stereo + sync_type
return d
def BuildDescriptor(desc_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single descriptor object's dictionary.
desc_json: The dictionary of a single descriptor object info.
A list of 18 bytes representing a single descriptor object.
d = [0] * 18
atype = desc_json['Type']
if atype == 'Detailed Timing Descriptor':
return BuildDtd(desc_json)
d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = 0x00
types = {
'Display Product Serial Number': 0xFF,
'Alphanumeric Data String (ASCII)': 0xFE,
'Display Range Limits Descriptor': 0xFD,
'Display Product Name': 0xFC,
'Color Point Data': 0xFB,
'Standard Timing Identifiers': 0xFA,
'Display Color Management (DCM) Data': 0xF9,
'CVT 3 Byte Timing Codes': 0xF8,
'Established Timings III': 0xF7,
'Error: Reserved/undefined; do not use': 0x11,
'Dummy descriptor': 0x10,
'Manufacturer Specified Display Descriptor': 0x00, # 0x00 to 0xF6
d[3] = types[atype]
if d[3] in [0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFC]: # Type of string descriptor
d[5:18] = [0x20] * 13 # Padding with 0x20
data = desc_json['Data string']
str_len = len(data)
d[5:(5 + str_len)] = list(map(ord, data))
if str_len < 13:
d[5 + str_len] = 0x0A
elif atype == 'Display Range Limits Descriptor':
subtypes = {
'Default GTF supported': 0x00,
'Range Limits Only - no additional info': 0x01,
'Secondary GTF supported - requires default too': 0x02,
'CVT supported': 0x04,
'Unknown': 0x03 # Could be 0x03, 0x05+
asubtype = desc_json['Subtype']
d[10] = subtypes[asubtype]
vmin = int(desc_json['Vertical rate (Hz)']['Minimum'])
vmax = int(desc_json['Vertical rate (Hz)']['Maximum'])
hmin = int(desc_json['Horizontal rate (kHz)']['Minimum'])
hmax = int(desc_json['Horizontal rate (kHz)']['Maximum'])
h = hmax / 256
i = hmin / 256
j = vmax / 256
k = vmin / 256
d[4] = (h << 3) + (i << 2) + (j << 1) + k
d[5] = vmin % 256
d[6] = vmax % 256
d[7] = hmin % 256
d[8] = hmax % 256
d[9] = int(desc_json['Pixel clock (MHz)'] / 10)
if asubtype == 'Secondary GTF supported - requires default too':
d[12] = desc_json['Start break frequency'] / 2
d[13] = desc_json['C'] * 2
d[14] = desc_json['M'] & 0xFF
d[15] = desc_json['M'] >> 8
d[16] = desc_json['K']
d[17] = desc_json['J'] * 2
elif asubtype == 'CVT supported':
v, r = desc_json['CVT Version'].split('.')
d[11] = (int(v) << 4) + int(r)
apc = int(desc_json['Additional Pixel Clock (MHz)'] / 0.25)
maxap = desc_json['Maximum active pixels']
maxap = int(maxap) / 8 if maxap else 0
d[12] = (apc << 2) + (maxap >> 8)
d[13] = maxap & 0xFF
ratios = [
'4:3 AR',
'16:9 AR',
'16:10 AR',
'5:4 AR',
'15:9 AR'
d[14] = _BuildBitsFromOptions(ratios,
desc_json['Supported aspect ratios']) << 3
par = ratios.index(desc_json['Preferred aspect ratio'])
cvt_blank = desc_json['CVT blanking support']
rcvt = 1 if cvt_blank['Reduced CVT Blanking'] else 0
scvt = 1 if cvt_blank['Standard CVT Blanking'] else 0
d[15] = (par << 5) + (rcvt << 4) + (scvt << 3)
scalings = [
'Horizontal Shrink',
'Horizontal Stretch',
'Vertical Shrink',
'Vertical Stretch'
d[16] = _BuildBitsFromOptions(scalings,
desc_json['Display scaling support']) << 4
d[17] = desc_json['Preferred vertical refresh (Hz)']
else: # Not Secondary GTF or CVT supported
d[11] = 0x0A
d[12:18] = [0x20] * 6
elif atype == 'Manufacturer Specified Display Descriptor':
d[5:18] = desc_json['Blob']
elif atype == 'Established Timings III':
est_timings = [
[0x80000000000, '640 x 350 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x40000000000, '640 x 400 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x20000000000, '720 x 400 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x10000000000, '640 x 480 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x8000000000, '848 x 480 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x4000000000, '800 x 600 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x2000000000, '1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x1000000000, '1152 x 864 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x800000000, '1280 x 768 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x400000000, '1280 x 768 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x200000000, '1280 x 768 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x100000000, '1280 x 768 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x80000000, '1280 x 960 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x40000000, '1280 x 960 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x20000000, '1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x10000000, '1280 x 1024 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x8000000, '1360 x 768 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x4000000, '1440 x 900 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x2000000, '1440 x 900 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x1000000, '1440 x 900 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x800000, '1440 x 900 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x400000, '1400 x 1050 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x200000, '1400 x 1050 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x100000, '1400 x 1050 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x80000, '1400 x 1050 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x40000, '1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x20000, '1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x10000, '1680 x 1050 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x8000, '1680 x 1050 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x4000, '1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x2000, '1600 x 1200 @ 65 Hz'],
[0x1000, '1600 x 1200 @ 70 Hz'],
[0x800, '1600 x 1200 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x400, '1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x200, '1792 x 1344 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x100, '1792 x 1344 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x80, '1856 x 1392 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x40, '1856 x 1392 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x20, '1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x10, '1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x8, '1920 x 1200 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x4, '1920 x 1200 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x2, '1920 x 1440 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x1, '1920 x 1440 @ 75 Hz']
sum_bits = 0
for x, s in est_timings:
if desc_json['Established Timings'][s]:
sum_bits += x
sum_bits <<= 4
d[6] = (sum_bits >> 40)
d[7] = (sum_bits >> 32) & 0xFF
d[8] = (sum_bits >> 24) & 0xFF
d[9] = (sum_bits >> 16) & 0xFF
d[10] = (sum_bits >> 8) & 0xFF
d[11] = sum_bits & 0xFF
elif atype == 'Color Point Data':
cps = desc_json['Color Points'] # List of dicts
start = 5
for cp in cps:
d[start] = cp['Index number']
wx = cp['White point coordinates']['x']
wy = cp['White point coordinates']['y']
d[start + 1] = ((wx & 0x03) << 2) + (wy & 0x03)
d[start + 2] = wx >> 2
d[start + 3] = wy >> 2
gamma = cp['Gamma']
d[start + 4] = int((gamma * 100) - 100) if gamma else 0xFF
start += 5
# If there's only one color point, the 2nd remains all 0x00
elif atype == 'Standard Timing Identifiers':
sts = desc_json['Standard Timings']
for x in range(0, 6):
d[5 + (x * 2):7 + (x * 2)] = BuildSt(sts[x])
d[17] = 0x0A
elif atype == 'Display Color Management (DCM) Data':
d[5] = 0x03
d[6] = desc_json['Red a3'] & 0xFF
d[7] = desc_json['Red a3'] >> 8
d[8] = desc_json['Red a2'] & 0xFF
d[9] = desc_json['Red a2'] >> 8
d[10] = desc_json['Green a3'] & 0xFF
d[11] = desc_json['Green a3'] >> 8
d[12] = desc_json['Green a2'] & 0xFF
d[13] = desc_json['Green a2'] >> 8
d[14] = desc_json['Blue a3'] & 0xFF
d[15] = desc_json['Blue a3'] >> 8
d[16] = desc_json['Blue a2'] & 0xFF
d[17] = desc_json['Blue a2'] >> 8
elif atype == 'CVT 3 Byte Timing Codes':
d[5] = 0x01
cvts = desc_json['Coordinated Video Timings']
for x in range(0, len(cvts)): # Up to 4
d[6 + (x * 3):9 + (x * 3)] = BuildCvt(cvts[x])
return d
def BuildCvt(cvt_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single CVT object's dictionary.
cvt_json: The dictionary of a single CVT object info.
A list of bytes representing a single CVT object.
edid = [0] * 3
avl = (cvt_json['Active vertical lines'] / 2) - 1
edid[0] = avl & 0xFF
ratios = {
'4:3 AR': 0x00,
'16:9 AR': 0x01,
'16:10 AR': 0x02,
'15:9 AR': 0x03
ar = ratios[cvt_json['Aspect ratio']]
edid[1] = ((avl >> 4) & 0xF0) + (ar << 2)
vert_rate = {
'50Hz': 0x00,
'60Hz': 0x01,
'60Hz (reduced blanking)': 0x01,
'75Hz': 0x02,
'85Hz': 0x03
pref_vert = vert_rate[cvt_json['Preferred refresh rate']]
edid[2] = pref_vert << 5
rates = [
'60Hz (reduced blanking)'
edid[2] += _BuildBitsFromOptions(rates, cvt_json['Supported refresh rates'])
return edid
def BuildExtensions(edid, exts_json):
"""Adds information from extensions dictionary into the EDID list.
edid: The full list form of the EDID.
exts_json: The dictionary of extensions info.
base = 0x80
for ext_json in exts_json:
edid[base:(base + 128)] = BuildExtension(ext_json)
base += 128
def BuildExtension(ext_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single extension object's dictionary.
ext_json: The dictionary of a single extension object info.
A list of bytes representing a single extension object.
e = [0] * 128
atype = ext_json['Type']
if atype == 'Video Timing Block Extension (VTB-EXT)':
e[0] = 0x10
e[1] = ext_json['Version']
dtds = ext_json['Detailed Timing Descriptors']
cvts = ext_json['Coordinated Video Timings']
sts = ext_json['Standard Timings']
e[2] = len(dtds)
e[3] = len(cvts)
e[4] = len(sts)
start = 5
for dtd in dtds:
e[start:(start + 0x12)] = BuildDtd(dtd)
start += 0x12
for cvt in cvts:
e[start:(start + 0x03)] = BuildCvt(cvt)
start += 0x03
for st in sts:
e[start:(start + 0x02)] = BuildSt(st)
start += 0x02
elif atype == 'CEA-861 Series Timing Extension':
e[0] = 0x02
e[1] = ext_json['Version']
supports = [
'Basic audio',
'YCbCr 4:4:4',
'YCbCr 4:2:2'
e[3] = ((_BuildBitsFromOptions(supports, ext_json) << 4) +
ext_json['Native DTD count'])
index = 0x04
for db in ext_json['Data blocks']:
blob = BuildDataBlock(db)
length = len(blob)
e[index:(index + length)] = blob
index += length
e[2] = index # Where the DTDs start
for dtd in ext_json['Descriptors']:
e[index:(index + 18)] = BuildDtd(dtd)
index += 18
elif atype == 'Extension Block Map':
tags = ext_json['Tags']
e[1:(1 + len(tags))] = tags
return e
def BuildDataBlock(db_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single data block object's dictionary.
db_json: The dictionary of a single data block object info.
A list of bytes representing a single data block object.
atype = db_json['Type']
if atype == 'Audio Data Block':
tag = 0x01
extended_tag = None
sads = db_json['Short audio descriptors']
blob = list(itertools.chain(*[BuildSad(sad) for sad in sads]))
elif 'Video Data Block' in atype: # Regular Video Data Block or YCbCr 4:2:0
if atype == 'Video Data Block':
tag = 0x02
extended_tag = None
else: # YCbCr 4:2:0
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x01
blob = [BuildSvd(svd) for svd in db_json['Short video descriptors']]
elif 'Vendor-Specific' in atype:
if atype == 'Vendor-Specific Data Block':
tag = 0x03
extended_tag = None
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x01 if 'Video' in atype else 0x17 # Audio
x, y, z = db_json['IEEE OUI'].split('-')
blob = [int(z, 16), int(y, 16), int(x, 16)] + db_json['Data payload']
elif atype == 'Speaker Allocation Block':
tag = 0x04
extended_tag = None
speakers = [
'Front Center High',
'Top Center',
'Front Left High / Front Right High',
'Front Left Wide / Front Right Wide',
'Rear Left Center / Rear Right Center',
'Front Left Center / Front Right Center',
'Rear Center',
'Rear Left / Rear Right',
'Front Center',
'Front Left / Front Right'
speaker_bits = _BuildBitsFromOptions(speakers,
db_json['Speaker allocation'])
blob = [speaker_bits & 0xFF, speaker_bits >> 8, 0]
elif atype == 'Colorimetry Data Block':
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x05
colors = [
'Standard Definition Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-4',
'High Definition Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-4',
'Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-1/Amendment 1',
'Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-5, Annex A',
'Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-5',
'Colorimetry based on ITU-R BT.2020 YcCbcCrc',
'Colorimetry based on ITU-R BT.2020 YCbCr',
'Colorimetry based on ITU-R BT.2020 RGB'
blob = [_BuildBitsFromOptions(colors, db_json['Colorimetry']),
elif atype == 'Video Capability Data Block':
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x00
qy = 1 if db_json['YCC Quantization range'] else 0
qs = 1 if db_json['RGB Quantization range'] else 0
ou = {
'Undefined': 0x00,
'Not supported': 0x00,
'Overscan': 0x01,
'Underscan': 0x02,
'Both': 0x03
pt = ou[db_json['PT behavior']]
it = ou[db_json['IT behavior']]
ce = ou[db_json['CE behavior']]
blob = [(qy << 7) + (qs << 6) + (pt << 4) + (it << 2) + ce]
elif atype == 'InfoFrame Data Block':
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x32
if_proc = db_json['InfoFrame Processing Descriptor']
if_pro_payload = if_proc['Data payload']
vsifs = db_json['Vendor-Specific Info Frames']
blob = [len(if_proc_payload) << 5, len(vsifs)] + if_proc_payload
for vsif in vsifs:
blob += BuildVsif(vsif)
elif atype == 'YCbCr 4:2:0 Capability Map Data Block':
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x15
indices = db_json['Supported descriptor indices']
bit_map = 0
for index in indices:
bit_map |= (1 << index)
blob = []
while bit_map:
blob.append(bit_map & 0xFF)
bit_map >>= 8
elif atype == 'Video Format Preference Data Block':
tag = 0x07
extended_tag = 0x13
prefs = db['Video preferences']
blob = []
for pref in prefs:
if pref['Type'] == 'Video Preference VIC':
elif pref['Type'] == 'Video Preference DTD':
blob.append(pref['DTD index'] + 128)
else: # Reserved
length = len(blob) if not extended_tag else len(blob) + 1
header = [(tag << 5) + length]
if extended_tag:
return header + blob
def BuildVsif(vsif_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single VSIF object's dictionary.
vsif_json: The dictionary of a single VSIF object info.
A list of bytes representing a single VSIF object.
codes = {
'Vendor Specific': 0x01,
'Auxiliary Video Information': 0x02,
'Source Product Description': 0x03,
'Audio': 0x04,
'MPEG Source': 0x05,
'NTSC VBI': 0x06,
'Unknown': 0x07
vtype = vsif_json['Type']
payload = vsif_json['Data payload']
header = [(len(payload) << 5) + codes[vtype]]
oui = []
if vtype == 'Vendor Specific':
x, y, z = vsif_json['IEEE OUI'].split('-')
oui = [int(z, 16), int(y, 16), int(x, 16)]
return header + oui + payload
def BuildSad(sad_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single SAD object's dictionary.
sad_json: The dictionary of a single SAD object info.
A list of 3 bytes representing a single SAD object.
sad = [0] * 3
sad_types = [
'Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM)',
'MPEG1 (Layers 1 and 2)',
'MP3 (MPEG1 Layer 3)',
'MPEG2 (multichannel)',
'One-bit audio (aka SACD)',
'MAT MLP/Dolby TrueHD',
'DST Audio',
'Microsoft WMA Pro',
'MPEG-4 HE AAC v2',
'MPEG-4 HE AAC + MPEG Surround',
'MPEG-4AAC LC + MPEG Surround',
'Unknown' ### Necessary?
tag = sad_types.index(sad_json['Type']) + 1
mcc = sad_json['Max channel count'] -1
sad[0] = (tag << 3) + mcc
freqs = [
sad[1] = _BuildBitsFromOptions(freqs, sad_json['Supported sampling'])
if sad_json['Type'] == 'Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM)':
bits = [
'24 bit',
'20 bit',
'16 bit'
sad[2] = _BuildBitsFromOptions(bits, sad_json['Bit depth'])
elif tag <= 0x08 and tag >= 0x02:
sad[2] = sad_json['Max bit rate'] / 8
elif tag <= 0x0E and tag <= 0x09:
sad[2] = sad_json['Value']
elif sad_json['Type'] == 'DRA': # A type of extension SAD
ext_code = 0x07
sad[2] = (ext_code << 3) + sad_json['DRA value']
else: # All other extension SAD types
ext = sad_json['Extension code']
frame_len = {
'1024': 0x02,
'960': 0x01,
'Undefined': 0x00
fl = frame_len[sad_json['Frame length']]
mps = int('MPS support' in sad_json and sad_json['MPS support'] is
'MPS explicit')
sad[2] = (ext << 3) + (fl << 1) + mps
return sad
def BuildSvd(svd_json):
"""Creates a list out of a single SVD object's dictionary.
svd_json: The dictionary of a single SVD object info.
An 8-bit integer representing a single SVD object.
svd = svd_json['VIC']
if svd_json['Nativity'] == 'Native':
svd += 0x80
return svd
def BuildEdid(edid_json):
"""Creates an EDID (list of bytes) out of a dictionary.
edid_json: The dictionary of EDID info.
A list of bytes representing the full EDID.
ext_count = len(edid_json['Extensions'])
edid = [0] * ((ext_count + 1) * 128)
base = edid_json['Base']
# Set up header
edid[0x00:0x08] = [0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00]
# Set version and revision
version, revision = edid_json['Version'].split('.')
edid[0x12] = int(version)
edid[0x13] = int(revision)
BuildManufacturerInfo(edid, base['Manufacturer Info'])
BuildBasicDisplay(edid, base['Basic Display'])
BuildChromaticity(edid, base['Chromaticity'])
BuildEstablishedTimings(edid, base['Established Timing'])
BuildStandardTimings(edid, base['Standard Timing'])
BuildDescriptors(edid, base['Descriptors'])
BuildExtensions(edid, edid_json['Extensions'])
# Extension count
edid[126] = ext_count
# Set checksums for each 128-byte block
for x in range(0, len(edid), 128):
current_sum = sum(edid[x:127 + x])
edid[127 + x] = 256 - (current_sum % 256)
return edid
def PrintHexEdid(data):
"""Prints the entire EDID in hexadecimal form.
data: The EDID to be printed.
hex_rows = len(data) / 16
print('\t\t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F')
for x in range(0, hex_rows):
start = 0x10 * x
row = '%02X%02X ' * 8 % tuple(data[start : start + 16])
print('0x%04X:\t\t%s' % (x, row))
def JsonToBinary(in_file, out_file):
"""Reads text file in as Json and converts information into binary blob.
in_file: The string name of the text file to read as Json input.
out_file: The string name of the text file for binary output.
with open(in_file) as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
list_edid = BuildEdid(json_data)
list_edid = list(map(int, list_edid)) # make sure every byte is an int
invalid_bytes = [i for i in range(0, len(list_edid)) if not 0 <=
list_edid[i] < 256]
if not invalid_bytes:
edid_obj = edid_module.Edid(list_edid)
if edid_obj.GetErrors():
for i in invalid_bytes:
print('Invalid byte at 0x%02X: %s' % (i, list_edid[i]))
print('Nothing is written to the output file due to errors')
_USAGE = """
Usage: %s <inputfile> <outputfile>
The program takes a text file which contains an EDID in the JSON format and
produces the EDID in the binary form.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print(_USAGE % sys.argv[0])
input_file = sys.argv[1]
output_file = sys.argv[2]
JsonToBinary(input_file, output_file)