blob: e1bf94a811b8232c613dcb288667ab8bf90f2dfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Directly include the `Operation` enum from `uefi_test_tool`.
mod operation {
pub use operation::Operation;
use crate::arch::Arch;
use crate::config::Config;
use crate::gen_disk::{
copy_partition_from_disk_to_disk, corrupt_crdyboot_signatures, corrupt_kern_a,
corrupt_pubkey_section, delete_crdyboot_signatures, install_uefi_test_tool, SignAfterCorrupt,
use crate::network::HttpsResource;
use crate::qemu::{Display, QemuOpts};
use crate::swtpm::TpmVersion;
use crate::{copy_file, run_bootloader_build};
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use command_run::Command;
use fs_err as fs;
use std::fs::Permissions;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
use std::process::ChildStdout;
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
/// Timeout used for short VM tests. The short tests are all the tests
/// that don't need to wait for SSH.
const VM_TIMEOUT_SHORT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
/// Timeout used for tests that need to wait for SSH.
const VM_TIMEOUT_LONG: Duration = Duration::from_secs(240);
/// Download the well-known testing_rsa key for ChromeOS test images.
fn download_test_key(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
let mut resource = HttpsResource::new("");
let key = resource.download_to_vec()?;
fs::write(conf.ssh_key_path(), key)?;
// Set key permissions.
fs::set_permissions(conf.ssh_key_path(), Permissions::from_mode(0o600)).unwrap();
/// Default QEMU options.
fn default_qemu_opts(conf: &Config) -> QemuOpts {
QemuOpts {
capture_output: true,
display: Display::None,
image_path: conf.test_disk_path(),
ovmf: conf.ovmf_paths(Arch::X64),
secure_boot: true,
snapshot: true,
timeout: Some(VM_TIMEOUT_SHORT),
tpm_version: None,
network: false,
/// Wait for SSH to come up on the VM (indicating a successful
/// boot). Times out after `VM_TIMEOUT_LONG`.
fn wait_for_ssh(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("waiting for SSH");
let mut cmd = Command::with_args(
// Enable batch mode to prevent password prompts if the SSH
// key is misconfigured.
cmd.check = false;
cmd.capture = true;
cmd.log_command = false;
// Wait for SSH to come up.
let start_time = Instant::now();
while start_time.elapsed() < VM_TIMEOUT_LONG {
let output =;
if output.status.success() {
return Ok(());
bail!("SSH didn't come up");
/// Create a thread that captures stdout from a child process. The
/// thread will end when EOF is reached (i.e. when the child process has
/// terminated).
/// The output is returned a `Vec` of lines when the thread is joined.
fn create_output_capture_thread(stdout: ChildStdout) -> JoinHandle<Vec<String>> {
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut reader = BufReader::new(stdout);
let mut output = Vec::new();
loop {
let mut line = String::new();
match reader.read_line(&mut line) {
Ok(len) => {
// EOF reached, which mean the VM has stopped. Exit
// the thread.
if len == 0 {
// Unexpected error. Exit the thread.
Err(_) => {
/// Test successful boots on both ia32 and x64.
fn test_successful_boot(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
for arch in Arch::all() {
// TODO(b/330536482): Skip 32-bit for now; the ia32 OVMF
// firmware is broken.
if arch == Arch::Ia32 {
println!("test successful boot with arch={arch:?}");
let opts = QemuOpts {
// No need to copy the disk for this test since we aren't
// modifying it.
image_path: conf.disk_path().to_path_buf(),
ovmf: conf.ovmf_paths(arch),
timeout: None,
network: true,
let vm = opts.spawn_disk_image(conf)?;
// Launch a background thread to read stdout.
let stdout = vm.qemu.lock().unwrap().stdout.take().unwrap();
let output_thread = create_output_capture_thread(stdout);
// Check that SSH comes up, indicating a successful boot. If
// not, print the VM log.
if let Err(err) = wait_for_ssh(conf) {
println!("error: SSH didn't come up");
// Kill QEMU, which will also cause the output thread to end.
// Print the VM output.
let vm_output = output_thread.join().unwrap();
for line in vm_output {
print!(">>> {line}");
return Err(err);
/// Make a copy of the original disk image so that we can modify it for
/// the test.
fn create_test_disk(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
copy_file(conf.disk_path(), conf.test_disk_path())
/// Reset test disk partitions that may have been modified by a test.
/// This copies the KERN-A and EFI-SYSTEM partitions from the original
/// disk to the test disk. If any tests are added in the future that
/// alter other parts of the disk, they must be added here.
/// Note that during the QEMU portion of a test, the disk is never
/// modified due to the `-snapshot` arg.
fn reset_test_disk(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
let test_disk = conf.test_disk_path();
let orig_disk = conf.disk_path();
for part in ["KERN-A", "EFI-SYSTEM"] {
copy_partition_from_disk_to_disk(&test_disk, orig_disk, part)?;
/// Launch the test disk in a VM and monitor the output, looking for
/// each string in `expected_output` (in order). Once all expected
/// strings have been output by the VM, the VM is killed and `Ok` is
/// returned.
/// If the expected output does not occur within `VM_TIMEOUT_SHORT`, the
/// VM is killed and an error is returned.
fn launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(
conf: &Config,
opts: QemuOpts,
expected_output: &[&str],
) -> Result<()> {
// At least one expected error is required.
let vm = opts.spawn_disk_image(conf)?;
let stdout = vm.qemu.lock().unwrap().stdout.take().unwrap();
let mut reader = BufReader::new(stdout);
let mut expected_output = expected_output.to_vec();
while let Some(next_expected_error) = expected_output.first() {
let mut line = String::new();
if reader.read_line(&mut line)? == 0 {
// EOF reached, which means the VM has stopped.
bail!("QEMU no longer running");
print!(">>> {line}");
if line.contains(next_expected_error) {
// The expected errors have all occurred, test is successful. Kill
// the VM.
/// Test successful boot with an active V1 TPM.
fn test_tpm1_success(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test successful boot with an active v1 tpm");
let expected_output = &[
// Crdyshim measures crdyboot.
"bytes to PCR 4 of a v1 TPM",
// Crdyboot measures the kernel.
"bytes to PCR 8 of a v1 TPM",
"EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.",
QemuOpts {
tpm_version: Some(TpmVersion::V1),
/// Test successful boot with an active V2 TPM.
fn test_tpm2_success(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test successful boot with an active v2 tpm");
let expected_output = &[
// Crdyshim measures crdyboot.
"bytes to PCR 4 of a v2 TPM",
// Crdyboot measures the kernel.
"bytes to PCR 8 of a v2 TPM",
"EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.",
QemuOpts {
tpm_version: Some(TpmVersion::V2),
/// Test failed boot due to corrupt KERN-A.
/// This test generates an intentionally corrupt disk, where a single
/// byte in the kernel data has been changed so that the signature is no
/// longer valid.
/// The test checks that vboot rejects that kernel with a specific
/// error, and that crdyboot fails to boot.
fn test_corrupt_kern_a(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test if boot correctly fails when KERN-A is corrupt");
let expected_output = &[
"Kernel data verification failed",
"boot failed: failed to load kernel",
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
/// This test modifies a byte in the `.vbpubk` section of the
/// bootloader, then verifies that shim refuses to launch crdyboot due
/// to the executable's signature no longer being valid.
/// This validates that the `.vbpubk` section is properly included in
/// the authenticode hash, and shim is correctly validating the
/// signature.
fn test_vbpubk_mod_breaks_signature(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test that modifying the vbpubk section prevents crdyboot from launching");
corrupt_pubkey_section(conf, &conf.test_disk_path(), SignAfterCorrupt(false))?;
let expected_output = &["boot failed: signature verification failed"];
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
/// This test modifies a byte in the `.vbpubk` section of crdyboot and
/// then re-signs crdyboot. It then verifies that crdyboot refuses to
/// launch the kernel since the pubkey is no longer valid.
/// This validates two things:
/// 1. Crdyboot is reading the pubkey from the expected place in the binary.
/// 2. Vboot will not load a kernel if the pubkey is invalid.
fn test_signed_vbpubk_mod_breaks_vboot(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
"test that modifying the vbpubk section and re-signing prevents the kernel from launching"
corrupt_pubkey_section(conf, &conf.test_disk_path(), SignAfterCorrupt(true))?;
let expected_output = &[
"vb2api_inject_kernel_subkey failed",
"boot failed: failed to load kernel",
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
/// Test that crdyshim refuses to launch crdyboot if the signature file
/// is missing.
fn test_missing_signature_prevents_crdyboot_launch(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test that if the crdyboot signature is missing, crdyshim refuses to launch it");
let expected_output =
&["boot failed: failed to read the next stage signature: file open failed: NOT_FOUND"];
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
/// Test that crdyshim refuses to launch crdyboot if the signature file
/// is invalid.
fn test_invalid_signature_prevents_crdyboot_launch(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test that if the crdyboot signature is invalid, crdyshim refuses to launch it");
let expected_output = &["boot failed: signature verification failed"];
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
/// Test that a deactivated v1 TPM is correctly ignored.
fn test_tpm1_deactivated_success(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test that a deactivated v1 TPM is correctly ignored");
install_uefi_test_tool(conf, Operation::Tpm1Deactivated)?;
let expected_output = &[
// Expect this message twice, first crdyshim then crdyboot:
"TPMv1 protocol exists, but TPM is deactivated",
"TPMv1 protocol exists, but TPM is deactivated",
// Indicates the kernel has launched:
"EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.",
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
/// Test that an error from extending a v1 TPM PCR is correctly ignored.
fn test_tpm1_extend_error_success(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
println!("test that an error from extending a v1 TPM PCR is correctly ignored");
install_uefi_test_tool(conf, Operation::Tpm1ExtendFail)?;
let expected_output = &[
// Expect this message twice, first crdyshim then crdyboot:
"failed to extend PCR: TPMv1 hash_log_extend_event failed: DEVICE_ERROR",
"failed to extend PCR: TPMv1 hash_log_extend_event failed: DEVICE_ERROR",
// Indicates the kernel has launched:
"EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.",
launch_test_disk_and_expect_output(conf, default_qemu_opts(conf), expected_output)
pub fn run_vm_tests(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
run_bootloader_build(conf, VerboseRuntimeLogs(true))?;
let tests = [
for test in tests {