blob: ac1a31a091e2e3d35775c5a0ad3ba07fa2dfd729 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::arch::Arch;
use crate::config::{Config, EfiExe};
use crate::secure_boot::{self, SecureBootKeyPaths};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use command_run::Command;
use fatfs::{FileSystem, FormatVolumeOptions, FsOptions, ReadWriteSeek};
use fs_err::{self as fs, File, OpenOptions};
use gpt_disk_types::{guid, BlockSize, GptPartitionType, Guid, Lba, LbaRangeInclusive};
use gptman::{GPTPartitionEntry, GPT};
use object::read::pe::PeFile64;
use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::ops::{Range, RangeInclusive};
use tempfile::TempDir;
const SECTOR_SIZE: u64 = 512;
/// Create an empty file with the given size (using the `truncate`
/// command). This will delete the file first if it already exists.
fn create_empty_file_with_size(path: &Utf8Path, size: &str) -> Result<()> {
// Delete the file if it already exists.
if path.exists() {
// Generate empty image.
Command::with_args("truncate", ["--size", size, path.as_str()]).run()?;
struct PartitionSettings<'a> {
label: &'a str,
data_range: PartitionDataRange,
type_guid: GptPartitionType,
guid: Guid,
set_successful_boot_bit: bool,
// 15: highest, 1: lowest, 0: not bootable.
priority: Option<u8>,
// Contents of the partition.
data: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> PartitionSettings<'a> {
fn attribute_bits(&self) -> u64 {
let mut attribute_bits: u64 = 0;
// ChromeOS-specific attributes.
if self.set_successful_boot_bit {
attribute_bits |= 1 << 56;
if let Some(priority) = self.priority {
let priority: u64 = priority.into();
attribute_bits |= priority << 48;
/// Open `path` in read+write mode, without truncating the existing
/// file. This will return an error if the file doesn't exist.
fn open_rw(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<File> {
struct DiskSettings<'a> {
path: &'a Utf8Path,
size: &'a str,
guid: Guid,
partitions: &'a [PartitionSettings<'a>],
impl<'a> DiskSettings<'a> {
fn create(&self) -> Result<()> {
create_empty_file_with_size(self.path, self.size)?;
let mut disk_file = open_rw(self.path)?;
let mut gpt = GPT::new_from(&mut disk_file, SECTOR_SIZE, self.guid.to_bytes())?;
for (i, part) in self.partitions.iter().enumerate() {
// GPT partitions start at 1.
let part_num: u32 = (i + 1).try_into().unwrap();
// Create the partition entry.
gpt[part_num] = gptman::GPTPartitionEntry {
partition_type_guid: part.type_guid.0.to_bytes(),
unique_partition_guid: part.guid.to_bytes(),
starting_lba: part.data_range.0.start().0,
ending_lba: part.data_range.0.end().0,
attribute_bits: part.attribute_bits(),
partition_name: part.label.into(),
// Write out the partition data.
.write_bytes_to_file(&mut disk_file,;
// Write out the protective MBR and GPT headers.
GPT::write_protective_mbr_into(&mut disk_file, SECTOR_SIZE)?;
gpt.write_into(&mut disk_file)?;
/// Convert from MiB to bytes.
fn mib_to_byte(val: u64) -> u64 {
val * 1024 * 1024
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct PartitionDataRange(LbaRangeInclusive);
impl PartitionDataRange {
fn new(partition: &GPTPartitionEntry) -> Self {
LbaRangeInclusive::new(Lba(partition.starting_lba), Lba(partition.ending_lba)).unwrap(),
fn from_byte_range(byte_range: Range<u64>) -> Self {
byte_range.start..=byte_range.end - 1,
fn to_byte_range(&self) -> RangeInclusive<u64> {
fn num_bytes(&self) -> usize {
fn read_bytes_from_file(&self, f: &mut File) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut v = vec![0; self.num_bytes()];*self.to_byte_range().start()))?;
f.read_exact(&mut v)?;
fn write_bytes_to_file(&self, f: &mut File, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
assert!(data.len() <= self.num_bytes());*self.to_byte_range().start()))?;
/// Read data from a reven kernel partition.
fn read_real_kernel_partition(conf: &Config) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut f = File::open(conf.disk_path())?;
let gpt = gptman::GPT::find_from(&mut f)?;
let kern_a = &gpt[2];
assert_eq!(kern_a.partition_name.as_str(), "KERN-A");
let kern_a_data_range = PartitionDataRange::new(kern_a);
kern_a_data_range.read_bytes_from_file(&mut f)
pub fn gen_vboot_test_disk(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
let kern_a = read_real_kernel_partition(conf)?;
let disk = DiskSettings {
path: &conf.vboot_test_disk_path(),
// 16MiB kernel partition, plus extra space for GPT headers.
size: "18MiB",
// Arbitrary GUID.
guid: guid!("d24199e7-33f0-4409-b677-1c04683552c5"),
partitions: &[PartitionSettings {
label: "KERN-A",
data_range: PartitionDataRange::from_byte_range(mib_to_byte(1)..mib_to_byte(17)),
type_guid: GptPartitionType::CHROME_OS_KERNEL,
// Arbitrary, but must match the partition GUID in the vboot
// test `test_load_kernel`.
guid: guid!("c6fbb888-1b6d-4988-a66e-ace443df68f4"),
set_successful_boot_bit: true,
// Must be set to something between 1 and 15, but otherwise
// arbitrary.
priority: Some(1),
data: &kern_a,
/// Generate the EFI system partition FAT file system containing the
/// enroller executables.
fn gen_enroller_fs(conf: &Config) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut sys_part_data = vec![0; mib_to_byte(2).try_into().unwrap()];
let mut sys_part_cursor = Cursor::new(&mut sys_part_data);
fatfs::format_volume(&mut sys_part_cursor, FormatVolumeOptions::new())?;
let sys_part_cursor = Cursor::new(&mut sys_part_data);
let sys_part_fs = FileSystem::new(sys_part_cursor, FsOptions::new())?;
let root_dir = sys_part_fs.root_dir();
let efi_dir = root_dir.create_dir("EFI")?;
let boot_dir = efi_dir.create_dir("BOOT")?;
// Copy in the two enroller executables.
for arch in Arch::all() {
let src_path = conf.target_exec_path(arch, EfiExe::Enroller);
let src_data = fs::read(src_path)?;
let dst_file_name = arch.efi_file_name("boot");
let mut dst_file = boot_dir.create_file(&dst_file_name)?;
pub fn gen_enroller_disk(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
let part_data = gen_enroller_fs(conf)?;
let disk = DiskSettings {
path: &conf.enroller_disk_path(),
// 2MiB system partition, plus extra space for GPT headers.
size: "4MiB",
// Arbitrary GUID.
guid: guid!("4345f688-5dac-4ab0-a596-ad5bcaf30163"),
partitions: &[PartitionSettings {
label: "boot",
data_range: PartitionDataRange::from_byte_range(mib_to_byte(1)..mib_to_byte(3)),
type_guid: GptPartitionType::EFI_SYSTEM,
// Arbitrary GUID.
guid: guid!("21049f0f-75a3-4fba-beff-569ba248a19d"),
set_successful_boot_bit: false,
priority: None,
data: &part_data,
/// Modify data in the EFI system partition FAT file system.
/// This loads the partition into memory and opens it with `fatfs`. The
/// root directory handle is then passed to the `modify` function, and
/// the caller can update the contents as desired. Then the partition is
/// written back out to disk.
fn modify_system_partition<F>(disk_path: &Utf8Path, modify: F) -> Result<()>
F: Fn(fatfs::Dir<Cursor<&mut Vec<u8>>>) -> Result<()>,
let mut disk_file = open_rw(disk_path)?;
let gpt = GPT::read_from(&mut disk_file, SECTOR_SIZE)?;
let partition_type = GptPartitionType::EFI_SYSTEM.0.to_bytes();
let sys_part = gpt
.find(|(_, part)| part.partition_type_guid == partition_type)
.expect("system partition not found")
let sys_data_range = PartitionDataRange::new(sys_part);
// Load the entire partition into memory.
let mut sys_part_data = sys_data_range.read_bytes_from_file(&mut disk_file)?;
let sys_part_cursor = Cursor::new(&mut sys_part_data);
let sys_part_fs = FileSystem::new(sys_part_cursor, FsOptions::new())?;
let root_dir = sys_part_fs.root_dir();
// Write the entire partition back out.
sys_data_range.write_bytes_to_file(&mut disk_file, &sys_part_data)
/// Create a file named `file_name` to a FAT filesystem in `dir`.
/// If the file already exists, it will be deleted before writing the
/// new file.
fn fat_write_file<T: ReadWriteSeek>(
dir: &fatfs::Dir<T>,
file_name: &str,
data: &[u8],
) -> Result<()> {
// Delete the file if it already exists.
let _ = dir.remove(file_name);
// Write out the new data.
let mut f = dir.create_file(file_name)?;
/// Copy all the files in `src_dir` to the `EFI/BOOT` directory on the
/// system partition in the disk image at `disk_path`.
pub fn update_boot_files(disk_path: &Utf8Path, src_dir: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
modify_system_partition(disk_path, |root_dir| {
let dst_efi_dir = root_dir.open_dir("EFI")?;
let dst_boot_dir = dst_efi_dir.open_dir("BOOT")?;
for entry in fs::read_dir(src_dir)? {
let entry = entry?;
let file_name = entry.file_name();
let file_name = file_name.to_str().unwrap();
println!("copying {} to EFI/BOOT", entry.path().display());
let src = fs::read(entry.path())?;
fat_write_file(&dst_boot_dir, file_name, &src)?;
.context("failed to update boot files")
pub struct SignAndUpdateBootloader<'a> {
/// Path to a reven disk image.
pub disk_path: &'a Utf8Path,
/// Keys to sign with.
pub key_paths: SecureBootKeyPaths,
/// Mapping from source file path (an unsigned bootloader
/// executable) to the destination file name (within the EFI/BOOT
/// subdirectory of the system partition).
pub mapping: Vec<(Utf8PathBuf, String)>,
impl<'a> SignAndUpdateBootloader<'a> {
/// Sign each source file (in a temporary directory, source files
/// are not modified), then copy the signed files into the system
/// partition of the disk image.
pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let tmp_path = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp_dir.path()).unwrap();
for (src, dst_name) in &self.mapping {
let signed_src = tmp_path.join(dst_name);
secure_boot::sign(src, &signed_src, &self.key_paths)?;
update_boot_files(self.disk_path, tmp_path)
/// Whether to enable verbose runtime logs in crdyboot.
pub struct VerboseRuntimeLogs(pub bool);
/// Add or remove the `crdyboot_verbose` file from the ESP.
pub fn update_verbose_boot_file(conf: &Config, verbose: VerboseRuntimeLogs) -> Result<()> {
modify_system_partition(conf.disk_path(), |root_dir| {
let efi_dir = root_dir.open_dir("EFI")?;
let boot_dir = efi_dir.open_dir("BOOT")?;
let verbose_name = "crdyboot_verbose";
// Unconditionally delete the file (ignore any errors since it
// might not exist).
let _ = boot_dir.remove(verbose_name);
// Create the file if needed.
if verbose.0 {
/// Sign the bootloaders (both crdyshim and crdyboot) and copy them into
/// the disk image.
pub fn sign_and_copy_bootloaders(conf: &Config) -> Result<()> {
SignAndUpdateBootloader {
disk_path: conf.disk_path(),
key_paths: conf.secure_boot_root_key_paths(),
mapping: Arch::all()
.map(|arch| {
conf.target_exec_path(*arch, EfiExe::Crdyshim),
SignAndUpdateBootloader {
disk_path: conf.disk_path(),
key_paths: conf.secure_boot_shim_key_paths(),
mapping: Arch::all()
.map(|arch| {
conf.target_exec_path(*arch, EfiExe::Crdyboot),
pub fn sign_kernel_partition(conf: &Config, partition_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let mut disk_file = open_rw(conf.disk_path())?;
let gpt = GPT::read_from(&mut disk_file, SECTOR_SIZE)?;
let kern_part = gpt
.find(|part| part.1.partition_name.as_str() == partition_name)
let kern_data_range = PartitionDataRange::new(kern_part);
let tmp_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
let tmp_path = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp_dir.path()).unwrap();
let futility = conf.futility_executable_path();
let futility = futility.as_str();
// Use test keys from vboot_reference.
let kernel_key = &conf.kernel_key_paths();
let kernel_data_key = &conf.kernel_data_key_paths();
let unsigned_kernel_partition = tmp_path.join("kernel_partition");
let vmlinuz = tmp_path.join("vmlinuz");
let config = tmp_path.join("config");
let signed_kernel_partition = tmp_path.join("kernel_partition.signed");
// Copy the whole partition to a temporary file.
let orig_kern_data = kern_data_range.read_bytes_from_file(&mut disk_file)?;
fs::write(&unsigned_kernel_partition, orig_kern_data)?;
// Get the kernel command line and write it to a file.
let output = Command::with_args(
let stdout = output.stdout_string_lossy();
let command_line = stdout.lines().last().unwrap();
fs::write(&config, command_line)?;
// Extract vmlinuz.
// Arbitrary version.
let version = 0x1;
// Sign it.
Command::with_args(futility, ["vbutil_kernel",
"--pack", signed_kernel_partition.as_str(),
"--keyblock", kernel_data_key.keyblock.as_ref().unwrap().as_str(),
"--signprivate", kernel_data_key.vbprivk.as_str(),
"--version", &version.to_string(),
"--vmlinuz", vmlinuz.as_str(),
"--config", config.as_str(),
"--arch", "amd64"]).run()?;
// Verify it.
// Write the updated kernel partition back to the disk image.
let signed_kern_data = fs::read(signed_kernel_partition)?;
kern_data_range.write_bytes_to_file(&mut disk_file, &signed_kern_data)
/// Intentionally corrupt one byte in a disk's KERN-A kernel data so
/// that the kernel data signature is no longer valid.
pub fn corrupt_kern_a(disk_path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
let mut disk_file = open_rw(disk_path)?;
let kern_data_range = {
let gpt = GPT::read_from(&mut disk_file, SECTOR_SIZE)?;
let kern_part = gpt
.find(|part| part.1.partition_name.as_str() == "KERN-A")
// Get the offset within the partition of the byte to modify. The
// exact byte doesn't matter much, but we want it far enough in the
// partition so that we're modifying actual kernel data, not the
// kernel partition headers.
let offset = mib_to_byte(1);
// Read the byte's current value. + offset))?;
let mut byte = [0];
disk_file.read_exact(&mut byte)?;
// Flip all the bits.
byte[0] = !byte[0];
// Write out the new value. + offset))?;
/// Parameter used in `corrupt_pubkey_section`. If true, the bootloader
/// will be re-signed after it is modified.
pub struct SignAfterCorrupt(pub bool);
/// Modify one byte at the start of crdyboot's `.vbpubk` section in a
/// disk image. If `sign_after_corrupt` is true, crdyboot will be
/// re-signed after this modification.
pub fn corrupt_pubkey_section(
conf: &Config,
disk_path: &Utf8Path,
sign_after_corrupt: SignAfterCorrupt,
) -> Result<()> {
// Get the expected section data for the vbpubk. This matches the
// data produced by crdyboot's
let mut expected_pubkey = fs::read(conf.kernel_key_paths().vbpubk)?;
expected_pubkey.resize(8192, 0);
modify_system_partition(disk_path, |root_dir| {
let efi_dir = root_dir.open_dir("EFI")?;
let boot_dir = efi_dir.open_dir("BOOT")?;
let file_name = "crdybootx64.efi";
let mut data = Vec::new();
let mut f = boot_dir.open_file(file_name)?;
f.read_to_end(&mut data)?;
// Find the offset and size of the `.vbpubk` section.
let pe = PeFile64::parse(&*data)?;
let section = pe
.find(|section| section.raw_name() == b".vbpubk")
let (offset, size) = section.pe_file_range();
// Verify the section contains the expected data.
let section_data = &mut data[offset as usize..(offset + size) as usize];
assert_eq!(section_data, expected_pubkey);
// Modify a single byte at the start of the section. Panic if
// the byte is already the new value.
assert_ne!(section_data[0], 1);
section_data[0] = 1;
// If requested, re-sign crdyboot so that the first-stage
// bootloader can still validate it successfully.
if sign_after_corrupt.0 {
let tmp_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
let tmp_path = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp_dir.path()).unwrap();
let unsigned = tmp_path.join("unsigned");
let signed = tmp_path.join("signed");
fs::write(&unsigned, data)?;
secure_boot::sign(&unsigned, &signed, &conf.secure_boot_shim_key_paths())?;
data = fs::read(signed)?;
// Write the modified signature out.
let sig_data = fs::read(tmp_path.join("signed.sig"))?;
fat_write_file(&boot_dir, &format!("{file_name}.sig"), &sig_data)?;
// Write the modified file out.
fat_write_file(&boot_dir, file_name, &data)?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_partition_range() {
let r = PartitionDataRange(LbaRangeInclusive::new(Lba(1), Lba(1)).unwrap());
assert_eq!(r.num_bytes(), 512);
assert_eq!(r.to_byte_range(), 512..=1023);
let r2 = PartitionDataRange::from_byte_range(512..1024);
assert_eq!(r, r2);