blob: c28aaabcd305a5e80b7bef9cf760c5e082c1e9ba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use log::debug;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::protocol::zcr_remote_shell_v1::ZcrRemoteShellV1;
pub fn init(rc: &Rc<RefCell<crate::Shell>>) {
let shell = &rc.borrow();
let mut compositor = shell.compositor.borrow_mut();
let rc = Rc::clone(rc);
let global = compositor
.on_bind(move |resource| {
use super::protocol::wl_output;
use super::protocol::zcr_remote_shell_v1::Event::*;
use super::protocol::zcr_remote_shell_v1::LayoutMode;
use super::protocol::zcr_remote_surface_v1::SystemuiVisibilityState;
let shell = &rc.borrow();
let mut compositor = shell.compositor.borrow_mut();
for head in compositor.head_iter_mut().filter(|h| !h.output.is_null()) {
let output = unsafe { &*head.output };
resource.send(WorkspaceInfo {
display_id_hi: 0,
display_id_lo: 0,
x: output.x,
y: output.y,
width: output.width,
height: output.height,
inset_left: 0,
inset_top: 0,
inset_right: 0,
inset_bottom: 0,
stable_inset_left: 0,
stable_inset_top: 0,
stable_inset_right: 0,
stable_inset_bottom: 0,
systemui_visibility: SystemuiVisibilityState::Visible.to_raw() as i32,
transform: wl_output::Transform::Normal.to_raw() as i32,
is_internal: head.connection_internal as u32,
identification_data: Vec::new(),
// xxx create desktop client
resource.send(DefaultDeviceScaleFactor { scale: 2 << 24 });
resource.send(Configure {
layout_mode: LayoutMode::Windowed.to_raw(),
.on_request(|_resource, request| {
use super::protocol::zcr_remote_shell_v1::Request::*;
match request {
Destroy => {}
GetRemoteSurface { id, surface: _, container: _ } => {
id.on_request(|_resource, request| match request {
_ => debug!("request: {:?}", request),
GetNotificationSurface { id: _, surface: _, notification_key: _ } => {}
GetInputMethodSurface { id: _, surface: _ } => {}
GetToastSurface { id: _, surface: _ } => {}
GetRemoteOutput { id: _, output: _ } => {}
SetUseDefaultDeviceScaleCancellation { use_default_device_scale_factor: _ } => {}