blob: 5c42a877ba799ccf529b7d305fde47ac1b2437a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for cf_parse."""
import os
import unittest
import cf_parse
TEST_DATA_DIR = 'test_data/'
class TestControlFileParse(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for cf_parse."""
def test_parse(self):
test_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'control.cf_parse')
cf = cf_parse.ControlFile(test_file)
self.assertEqual(cf.name_value, 'fake_test')
self.assertEqual(cf.metadata_start, 19)
self.assertEqual(cf.contents[cf.metadata_start], 'M')
self.assertEqual(cf.metadata_end, 93)
self.assertEqual(cf.contents[cf.metadata_end], '\n')
def test_format_string(self):
s_short = str(cf_parse.format_string_value('foo'))
self.assertEqual(s_short, '"foo"')
s_long = cf_parse.format_string_value(
'123456789 123456 890123456 8901234 67890'
'1234 6789012\n 4567890 234567890 234567890'
'1234 6789012345678901234567\n 901234567890')
expected_long = (
'("123456789 123456 890123456 8901234 678901234 6789012"\n'
' "4567890 234567890 2345678901234 '
' "901234567890")')
self.assertEqual(s_long, expected_long)
def test_format_list(self):
l_short = cf_parse.format_list_value(['foo'])
self.assertEqual(l_short, '["foo"]')
l_long = cf_parse.format_list_value(['foo', 'bar'])
expected_long = '[\n "foo",\n "bar",\n ]'
self.assertEqual(l_long, expected_long)
def test_format_metadata(self):
metadata_dict = {
'foo': 'bar',
'num': 4,
'bool': True,
'lnum': [1]
formatted = cf_parse.format_metadata(metadata_dict)
expected = (
'METADATA = {\n'
' "foo": "bar",\n'
' "num": 4,\n'
' "bool": True,\n'
' "lnum": [1],\n}'
self.assertEqual(formatted, expected)
def test_update_contents(self):
test_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'control.cf_parse')
cf = cf_parse.ControlFile(test_file)
cf.metadata = {}
expected = (
'NAME = "fake_test"\n'
'METADATA = {\n}\n')
self.assertEqual(cf.contents, expected)
if __name__ == '__main__':