blob: 0ef6d552d508c973160dacaafb6c63b4a6a0bde6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import subprocess
import json
import sys
import logging
from constants import SWARMING_PATH
# Execute this script to download swarming info
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
def _get_wificell_data():
cmd = "python3 {} query --swarming 'bots/list?dimensions=pool%3AChromeOSSkylab&dimensions=label-wificell%3ATrue&quarantined=FALSE&limit=1000'".format(
print("executing %s" % cmd)
output = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True))
# keys (['death_timeout', 'items', 'now']
return output['items']
def parse_swarming_entry(i):
is_bt = False
is_bt_new = []
b = None
m = None
name = None
p = None
deleted = i['deleted']
is_dead = i['is_dead']
bluetooth_label = None
wifichip = None
conductive = False
hw_phase = None
servo_v3 = False
wificell = False
for j in i['dimensions']:
if j['key'] == 'label-wificell':
wificell = j['value'][0] == 'True'
if j['key'] == 'label-pool':
p = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'label-board':
b = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'label-bluetooth':
bluetooth_label = True
if j['key'] == 'label-model':
m = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'dut_name':
name = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'label-chameleon_type':
is_bt = 'CHAMELEON_TYPE_BT_PEER' in j['value']
if j['key'] == 'label-working_bluetooth_btpeer':
if j['key'] == 'label-wifi_chip':
wifichip = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'dut_state':
dut_state = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'label-conductive':
conductive = True
if j['key'] == 'label-phase':
hw_phase = j['value'][0]
if j['key'] == 'servo_type':
servo_v3 = j['value'][0] == 'servo_v3'
res = {
'host': name,
'board': b,
'model': m.lower(),
'bt_label': is_bt,
'bt_peers': is_bt_new[:],
'pool': p,
'is_dead': is_dead,
'deleted': deleted,
'bluetooth_label': bluetooth_label,
'wifichip': wifichip,
'conductive': conductive,
'hw_phase': hw_phase,
'missing': False,
'wificell': wificell,
'servo': servo_v3
if name is None:
return None
return res
except Exception as e:
logging.error("exception in parse_swarming entry '%s'", str(e))
return None
def parse_raw_data(raw_data):
d = {}
for k, v in raw_data.items():
if k != 'dimensions':
d[k] = v
for l in raw_data['dimensions']:
k = l['key']
v = l['value']
if k in d:
logging.debug("key %s already present" % k)
d[k] = v
return d
def get_data():
raw_data = _get_wificell_data()
data = {}
for rd in raw_data:
d = parse_swarming_entry(rd)
if d is None:
if d['is_dead']:
logging.debug('igoring dead dut %s' % d)
host = d['host']
data[host] = d
return data
def main():
if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
print("Please invoke with python3")
data = get_data()
for i in data.items():
# Save host info to a file for debugging purpose
with open('/tmp/skylab_hosts.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp)
if __name__ == '__main__':