blob: 248822add32f371e384b924eb0ec203e03d96984 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::env::current_exe;
use std::process::Command;
/// The tests below require root privileges.
/// Re-invoke the test binary to execute the specified test with sudo. The test will fail if
/// passwordless sudo is not available.
pub fn call_test_with_sudo(name: &str) {
let result = Command::new("sudo")
if !result.success() {
panic!("Test {name} failed in child process.");
/// Checks to see if user has entered their password for sudo.
pub fn check_can_sudo() {
// Try a passwordless sudo first to provide a proper error message.
// Note: The combination of SUDO_ASKPASS and --askpass will fail if sudo has to ask for a
// password. When sudo needs to ask for a password, it will call "false" and fail without
// prompting.
let can_sudo = Command::new("sudo")
.args(["--askpass", "true"]) // Use an askpass program to ask for a password
.env("SUDO_ASKPASS", "false") // Set the askpass program to false
if !can_sudo.status.success() {
panic!("This test need to be run as root or with passwordless sudo.");