blob: fad1144be0fec4771e1758a7211d6122517cca5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace cryptohome {
// Default mount options
extern const int kDefaultMountOptions;
// Default length to use in call to getpwnam_r if the system default is not
// available
extern const int kDefaultPwnameLength;
// Default umask
extern const int kDefaultUmask;
// Where to find mtab
extern const std::string kMtab;
// The procfs dir
extern const std::string kProcDir;
class ProcessInformation;
// TODO(fes): Description
class Platform {
virtual ~Platform();
// Calls the platform mount
// Paramters
// from - The node to mount from
// to - The node to mount to
// type - The fs type
// mount_options - The mount options to pass to mount()
virtual bool Mount(const std::string& from, const std::string& to,
const std::string& type, const std::string& mount_options);
// Calls the platform unmount
// Parameters
// path - The path to unmount
// lazy - Whether to call a lazy unmount
// was_busy (OUT) - Set to true on return if the mount point was busy
virtual bool Unmount(const std::string& path, bool lazy, bool* was_busy);
// Returns true if the directory is in the mtab
// Parameters
// directory - The directory to check
virtual bool IsDirectoryMounted(const std::string& directory);
// Returns true if the directory is in the mtab mounted with the specified
// source
// Parameters
// directory - The directory to check
// from - The source node
virtual bool IsDirectoryMountedWith(const std::string& directory,
const std::string& from);
// Terminates or kills processes (except the current) that have files open on
// the specified path. Returns true if it tried to kill any processes.
// Parameters
// path - The path to check if the process has open files on
// hard - If true, send a SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM
virtual bool TerminatePidsWithOpenFiles(const std::string& path, bool hard);
// GetProcessesWithOpenFiles
// Parameters
// path - The path to check if the process has open files on
// pids (OUT) - The PIDs found
void GetProcessesWithOpenFiles(const std::string& path_in,
std::vector<ProcessInformation>* processes);
// Returns a vector of PIDs that have files open on the given path
// Parameters
// path - The path to check if the process has open files on
// pids (OUT) - The PIDs found
void LookForOpenFiles(const std::string& path_in, std::vector<pid_t>* pids);
// Returns true if child is a file or folder below or equal to parent. If
// parent is a directory, it should end with a '/' character.
// Parameters
// parent - The parent directory
// child - The child directory/file
bool IsPathChild(const std::string& parent, const std::string& child);
// Returns the target of the specified link
// Parameters
// link_path - The link to check
std::string ReadLink(const std::string& link_path);
// Returns the process and open file information for the specified process id
// with files open on the given path
// Parameters
// pid - The process to check
// path_in - The file path to check for
// process_info (OUT) - The ProcessInformation to store the results in
void GetProcessOpenFileInformation(pid_t pid, const std::string& path_in,
ProcessInformation* process_info);
// Terminates or kills processes (except the current) that have the user ID
// specified. Returns true if it tried to kill any processes.
// Parameters
// path - The path to check if the process has open files on
// hard - If true, send a SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM
virtual bool TerminatePidsForUser(const uid_t uid, bool hard);
// Returns a vector of PIDs whose Real, Effective, Saved, or File UID is equal
// to that requested
// Parameters
// uid - the user ID to search for
// pids (OUT) - the list of PIDs
void GetPidsForUser(uid_t uid, std::vector<pid_t>* pids);
// Calls the platform chown() function on the given path.
// The path may be a directory or a file.
// Parameters
// path - The path to set ownership on
// user_id - The user_id to assign ownership to
// group_id - The group_id to assign ownership to
virtual bool SetOwnership(const std::string& directory, uid_t user_id,
gid_t group_id);
// Calls the platform chown() function recursively on the directory
// Parameters
// directory - The directory to set ownership on
// user_id - The user_id to assign ownership to
// group_id - The group_id to assign ownership to
virtual bool SetOwnershipRecursive(const std::string& directory,
uid_t user_id,
gid_t group_id);
// Sets the current umask, returning the old mask
// Parameters
// new_mask - The mask to set
virtual int SetMask(int new_mask);
// Returns the user and group ids for a user
// Parameters
// user - The username to query for
// user_id (OUT) - The user ID on success
// group_id (OUT) - The group ID on success
virtual bool GetUserId(const std::string& user, uid_t* user_id,
gid_t* group_id);
// Returns the group id for a group
// Parameters
// group - The group name to query for
// group_id (OUT) - The group ID on success
virtual bool GetGroupId(const std::string& group, gid_t* group_id);
// Return the available disk space in bytes on the volume containing |path|,
// or -1 on failure.
// Code duplicated from Chrome's base::SysInfo::AmountOfFreeDiskSpace().
// Parameters
// path - the pathname of any file within the mounted file system
virtual int64 AmountOfFreeDiskSpace(const std::string& path) const;
// Clears the user keyring
static void ClearUserKeyring();
// Creates a symbolic link from one path to the other
// Parameters
// from - source path that the symlink points to
// to - symlink to create which points to the source path
virtual bool Symlink(const std::string& from, const std::string& to);
// Executes a command with the specified arguments and waits for it to finish
// Parameters
// command - string containing the filename of the binary to execute
// args - list of arguments to pass to the run the command with
// uid - effective user id to run the command with
// gid - effective group id to run the command with
bool Exec(const std::string& command,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
uid_t uid,
gid_t gid);
// Overrides the default mount options
void set_mount_options(int value) {
mount_options_ = value;
// Overrides the default mtab file
void set_mtab_file(const std::string& value) {
mtab_file_ = value;
// Overrides the default procfs dir
void set_proc_dir(const std::string& value) {
proc_dir_ = value;
int mount_options_;
int umask_;
std::string mtab_file_;
std::string proc_dir_;
class ProcessInformation {
: cmd_line_(),
process_id_(-1) { }
virtual ~ProcessInformation() { }
std::string GetCommandLine() {
std::string result;
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator cmd_itr = cmd_line_.begin();
cmd_itr != cmd_line_.end();
cmd_itr++) {
if (result.length()) {
result.append(" ");
return result;
// Set the command line array. This method DOES swap out the contents of
// |value|. The caller should expect an empty vector on return.
void set_cmd_line(std::vector<std::string>* value) {
const std::vector<std::string>& get_cmd_line() {
return cmd_line_;
// Set the command line array. This method DOES swap out the contents of
// |value|. The caller should expect an empty set on return.
void set_open_files(std::set<std::string>* value) {
const std::set<std::string>& get_open_files() {
return open_files_;
// Set the command line array. This method DOES swap out the contents of
// |value|. The caller should expect an empty string on return.
void set_cwd(std::string* value) {
const std::string& get_cwd() {
return cwd_;
void set_process_id(int value) {
process_id_ = value;
int get_process_id() {
return process_id_;
std::vector<std::string> cmd_line_;
std::set<std::string> open_files_;
std::string cwd_;
int process_id_;
} // namespace cryptohome