blob: 1c46c0523505a7229b87752142b3503b818cfc50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cryptohome;
import "key.proto";
message SerializedVaultKeyset {
enum Flags {
NONE = 0;
required int32 flags = 1;
required bytes salt = 2;
required bytes wrapped_keyset = 3;
optional bytes tpm_key = 4;
optional bytes tpm_public_key_hash = 5;
optional int32 password_rounds = 6;
repeated string deprecated_tracked_subdirectories = 7;
optional int64 last_activity_timestamp = 8;
// Metadata that should be defined in one file
// per principal (not per key).
// TODO(wad) ^^^
// optional string human_readable_name;
// required bytes identifier; // Unique to the origin
// required string origin;
// optional string idp_uri; // authoritative uri for the key
// message OptionalMetadata {
// required string name = 1;
// required bytes value = 2;
// }
// repeated OptionalMetadata metadata;
// This will come from system_api once we're finalized on the API.
optional KeyData key_data = 9;