blob: d33e1c2dd1d36370094a298a936e3100c34c5d0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package internal
import (
func cliParse(args []string) (target string, opts Options, err error) {
const (
yes = "yes"
no = "no"
auto = "auto"
app := kingpin.New("fflash", "")
app.Arg("dut-host", "the ssh target of the dut").Required().StringVar(&target)
app.Flag("gs", "gs:// directory to flash. Use with caution!").StringVar(&opts.GS)
app.Flag("R", "release number. ex: 105 or 105-14989.0.0").Short('R').StringVar(&opts.VersionString)
"flash from gs://chromeos-image-archive/${board}-release/R*. Use with caution!").
app.Flag("snapshot", "flash a snapshot build").BoolVar(&opts.Snapshot)
app.Flag("postsubmit", "flash a postsubmit build").BoolVar(&opts.Postsubmit)
app.Flag("port", "port number to connect to on the dut-host").Short('p').StringVar(&opts.Port)
app.Flag("dry-run", "print the target image version but do not actually flash it").BoolVar(&opts.DryRun)
rootfsVerification := app.Flag(
"whether rootfs verification on the new root is enabled. "+
"Choices: yes, no (default)",
).Default(no).Enum(yes, no)
clobberStateful := app.Flag(
"whether to clobber the stateful partition. Choices: yes, no (default)").Default(no).Enum(yes, no)
clearTpmOwner := app.Flag(
"whether to clear the TPM owner on reboot. "+
" Choices: yes, no, auto (default, follows --clobber-stateful)",
).Default(auto).Enum(auto, yes, no)
if _, err := app.Parse(args); err != nil {
return target, opts, fmt.Errorf("error: %w, try --help", err)
if opts.VersionString != "" {
r, err := strconv.Atoi(opts.VersionString)
if err == nil {
opts.MilestoneNum = r
opts.VersionString = ""
} else {
// The -R is removed from the parser, add it back.
opts.VersionString = "R" + opts.VersionString
opts.DisableRootfsVerification = (*rootfsVerification == no)
opts.ClobberStateful = (*clobberStateful == yes)
if *clearTpmOwner == auto {
opts.ClearTpmOwner = opts.ClobberStateful
} else {
opts.ClearTpmOwner = (*clearTpmOwner == yes)
return target, opts, nil
func CLIMain(ctx context.Context, t0 time.Time, args []string) error {
target, opts, err := cliParse(args)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := Main(ctx, t0, target, &opts); err != nil {
return err
log.Println("DUT flashed successfully")
return nil