blob: 0b09299c5040e3cb28241ecd06dcf679f8181b73 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" Generates mali_counters.h and mali_counters.c from mali_counters.csv
Reads mali_counters.csv and writes mali_counters.h and mali_counters.c using
import csv
counter_block_size = 64
num_counter_block_types = -1
num_models = -1
rows = []
with open('mali_counters.csv', 'r') as mali_counters_file:
reader = csv.reader(mali_counters_file)
for row in reader:
if int(row[1]) > num_models:
num_models = int(row[1])
if int(row[2]) > num_counter_block_types:
num_counter_block_types = int(row[2])
assert(int(row[3]) < counter_block_size)
num_counter_block_types += 1
num_models += 1
max_model_val = 0
with open('mali_counters.h', 'w') as mali_counters_h:
mali_counters_h.write('// DO NOT EDIT\n')
mali_counters_h.write('// This file is automatically generated by\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write(' * Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.\n')
mali_counters_h.write(' * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n')
mali_counters_h.write(' * found in the LICENSE file.\n')
mali_counters_h.write(' */\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#include <stddef.h>\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#ifndef __MALI_COUNTERS_H__\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#define __MALI_COUNTERS_H__\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#define kCounterBlockSize ' + str(counter_block_size) + '\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#define kNumCounterBlockTypes ' + str(num_counter_block_types) + '\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#define kNumModels ' + str(num_models) + '\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write('// clang-format off\n')
mali_counters_h.write('// These values are computed as:\n')
mali_counters_h.write('// index_in_counter_block | counter_type << 6 | model << 8\n')
mali_counters_h.write('// The indices were derived from the gfx-pps source code. Available at\n')
mali_counters_h.write('// # nocheck\n') # nocheck
mali_counters_h.write('// clang-format on\n')
mali_counters_h.write('typedef enum {\n')
for row in rows:
val = (int(row[1]) << 8) | (int(row[2]) << 6) | int(row[3])
mali_counters_h.write(' ' + row[0] + ' = ' + str(val) + ',')
if 'dummy' in row[0]: # nocheck
mali_counters_h.write(' // # nocheck\n')
mali_counters_h.write('} MaliGpuCounter;\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write('extern const char* mali_gpu_counter_names[kNumModels]')
mali_counters_h.write(' [kCounterBlockSize];\n\n')
mali_counters_h.write('#endif // __MALI_COUNTERS_H__')
counter_dict = {}
for row in rows:
model = int(row[1])
block_type = int(row[2])
counter_idx = int(row[3])
if model not in counter_dict:
counter_dict[model] = {}
if block_type not in counter_dict[model]:
counter_dict[model][block_type] = ['NULL'] * 64
counter_dict[model][block_type][counter_idx] = '"' + row[0] + '"'
with open('mali_counters.c', 'w') as mali_counters_c:
mali_counters_c.write('// DO NOT EDIT\n')
mali_counters_c.write('// This file is automatically generated by\n\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' * Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' * found in the LICENSE file.\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' */\n\n')
mali_counters_c.write('#include "mali/mali_counters.h"\n\n')
mali_counters_c.write('const char* mali_gpu_counter_names\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' [kNumModels]')
mali_counters_c.write('[kCounterBlockSize] = {\n')
for model in counter_dict.keys():
mali_counters_c.write(' {\n')
for block_type in counter_dict[model].keys():
mali_counters_c.write(' {\n')
for counter in counter_dict[model][block_type]:
mali_counters_c.write(' ' + counter + ',')
if 'dummy' in counter: # nocheck
mali_counters_c.write(' // # nocheck\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' },\n')
mali_counters_c.write(' },\n')