IDE Support

This document explains how to configure IDEs to better support the EC codebase.

Odd File Types

EC uses a few odd file types/names. Some are included from other header files and used to generate data structures, thus it is important for your IDE to index them.

PatternsVague Type
Makefile.rules, Makefile.toolchainMakefile
gpio.wrapC Header
gpio.incC Header
*.tasklist, *.irqlist, *.mocklist, *.testlistC Header

IDE Configuration Primitives

EC firmware presents some unique challenges because it is designed to support a number of different MCUs and board configurations, each of which is split across separate RO (Read-Only) and RW (Read-Write) applications. For this reason, you must specify the specific board/image pair when requesting defines and includes.

make print-defines BOARD=$BOARD BLD=RW/ROList compiler injected defines
make print-includes BOARD=$BOARD BLD=RW/ROList compiler include paths


You can use the tool to generate a VSCode configuration that includes selectable sub-configurations for every board/image pair.

  1. From the root ec directory, do the following:

    (outside) $ mkdir -p .vscode
    (chroot) $ ./util/ vscode all:RW all:RO | tee .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
  2. Open VSCode and navigate to some C source file.

  3. Run C/C++ Reset IntelliSense Database from the Ctrl-Shift-P menu

  4. Select the config in the bottom right, next to the Select Language Mode. You will only see this option when a C/C++ file is open. Additionally, you can select a configuration by pressing Ctrl-Shift-P and selecting the C/C++ Select a Configuration... option.

  5. Add the EC specific file associations and style settings. Do the following to copy the default settings to .vscode/settings.json:

    (outside) $ cp .vscode/settings.json.default .vscode/settings.json


CrOS IDE is a VSCode extension to enable code completion and navigation for ChromeOS source files.

Support for platform/ec is not available out of the box (yet), but can be manually enabled following these steps.


Install CrOS IDE following the [quickstart guide]

NOTE: CrOS IDE uses the VSCode extension clangd for code completion and navigation. The installation of CrOS IDE disables the built-in C/C++ IntelliSense because it is not compatible with clangd.

Configure EC Board

  1. Enter the EC repository:

    (chroot) $ cd ~/chromiumos/src/platform/ec
  2. Create a compile_commands.json for the all EC boards:

    (chroot) $ make all-ide-compile-cmds -j
  3. Select a particular board:

    (chroot) $ export BOARD=bloonchipper
  4. Copy the new compile_commands.json in the root of the EC repository:

    cp build/${BOARD}/RW/compile_commands.json .

Note: a single compile_commands.json can only cover one specific build configuration. Only the compile_commands.jsonplaced in the root of the EC repository is considered active. When the build configuration changes (e.g. user wants to use a different board), repeat steps 3 and 4 to replace the active compile_commands.json file.

To create a compile_commands.json for a specific EC board:

(chroot) $ make BOARD=${BOARD} ide-compile-cmds