tree: 6c583744cd790baaa1bf09bb9d2894043ad39110 [path history] [tgz]
  1. bundle_creator/
  2. config/
  3. device/
  4. dkps/
  5. doc/
  6. dome/
  7. experimental/
  8. external/
  9. gooftool/
  10. goofy/
  11. hwid/
  12. instalog/
  13. probe/
  14. proto/
  15. shopfloor/
  16. test/
  17. test_list_editor/
  18. testlog/
  19. toolkit/
  20. tools/
  21. umpire/
  22. unittest_utils/
  23. utils/

ChromeOS Factory Software: Python Source

This folder contains manufacturing software and related tools in Python.

Standalone Projects

  • dkps/: Device Key Provisioning Server.
  • dome/: Factory server management console.
  • instalog/: The log pipeline solution.
  • testlog/: The log format.
  • umpire/: Unified server to integrate factory imaging and various services.

Shared and misc folders

  • config/: Build time JSON configuration (see utils/
  • doc/: Templates and resources for document generation.
  • experimental/: Experimental programs.
  • proto/: Generated python code to access protobuf data.
  • tools/: Misc tool programs.
  • utils/: Utility programs shared by all modules and projects.
  • external: Optional external libraries.

Manufacturing and testing

  • goofy/: The flow control and web user interface for factory software.
  • gooftool/: Google Factory Tool that provide ChromeOS finalization.
  • hwid/: The Hardware Identifier tools for ChromeOS.
  • shopfloor/: The interface to serve between ChromeOS factory software and partner shopfloor servers.
  • device/: Device-Aware API.
  • test/: Manufacturing tests, including:
    • pytests/: Individual test items to be defined in test list.
    • test_lists/: Test lists read by Goofy to control test flow and options.