blob: 533a14732fa668f33baefe2eee47ebc8bc2db4fc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""HTTP service for static image and shopfloor frontend"""
import multiprocessing
import os
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.shopfloor.launcher import constants
from cros.factory.shopfloor.launcher import env
from cros.factory.shopfloor.launcher.service import ServiceBase
class HttpService(ServiceBase):
# Indent shift width for the generated lighttpd.conf file
def __init__(self, yamlconf):
"""Generates http server configuration file and sets service args"""
# Old-style python class, cannot use super() to init.
self._indent = 0
httpd_conf = os.path.join(env.runtime_dir, 'lighttpd.conf')
self._GenerateConfigFile(yamlconf, httpd_conf)
# Setup a non-daemon mode lighttpd
svc_conf = {
'executable': '/usr/sbin/lighttpd',
'name': 'httpsvc',
'args': ['-D', '-f', httpd_conf]
def _GenerateConfigFile(self, yaml_conf, conf_file):
"""Generates lighty config from YamlConfig."""
httpd_port = yaml_conf['shopfloor']['port']
lighty_modules = ['mod_access', 'mod_accesslog', 'mod_alias', 'mod_fastcgi']
cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
dashboard_dir = os.path.join(env.runtime_dir, 'dashboard')
pid_file = os.path.join(env.runtime_dir, 'run', '')
access_log = os.path.join(env.runtime_dir, 'log', 'httpd_access.log')
error_log = os.path.join(env.runtime_dir, 'log', 'httpd_error.log')
# Verify port
# A minimal lighty config
lighty_conf = {
# Server tag and modules
'server.tag': 'usf-httpd',
'server.modules': lighty_modules,
# Document root, files and dirs
'index-file.names': ['index.html'],
'dir-listing.activate': 'enable',
'server.follow-symlink': 'enable',
'server.range-requests': 'enable',
'server.document-root': dashboard_dir,
'': pid_file,
# Access log
'accesslog.filename': access_log,
'server.errorlog': error_log,
# Performance options
'server.max-worker': cpu_count * 2,
'server.max-fds': constants.HTTPD_MAX_FDS,
'server.max-connections': constants.HTTPD_MAX_CONN,
'connection.kbytes-per-second': 0,
'server.kbytes-per-second': 0,
# Network options
'server.bind': env.bind_address,
'server.port': httpd_port,
# Blocks section, keep the order
'alias.url': {'/res': env.GetResourcesDir()},
'fastcgi.server': {
'/xmlrpc': [{
'host': '',
'port': env.fcgi_port,
'check-local': 'disable' }]}}
self._WriteLightyConf(lighty_conf, conf_file)
def _WriteLightyConf(self, conf, name):
"""Writes top level key-value pairs to lighty.conf."""
with open(name, 'w') as f:
for key, value in conf.iteritems():
f.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, self._LightyConfAuto(value)))
def _LightyConfAuto(self, value):
"""Detects and writes value in lighty conf format."""
if isinstance(value, dict):
return self._LightyConfDict(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
return self._LightyConfList(value)
elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
return str(value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
return '"%s"' % value
raise ValueError('Invalid lighty configuration value')
def _LightyConfDict(self, value_dict):
"""Converts dictionary into lighty conf string."""
output = ['(']
for key, value in value_dict.iteritems():
output.append('%s"%s" => %s,' % (self._GetIndent(), key,
output.append(self._GetIndent() + ')')
return '\n'.join(output)
def _LightyConfList(self, value_list):
"""Converts python list to lighty conf string."""
output = ['(']
for value in value_list:
output.append('%s%s,\n' % (self._GetIndent(),
output.append(self._GetIndent() + ')')
return '\n'.join(output)
def _ResetIndent(self):
self._indent = 0
def _IncIndent(self):
self._indent += self._INDENT_SPACE
def _DecIndent(self):
self._indent = max(0, self._indent - self._INDENT_SPACE)
def _GetIndent(self):
return ' ' * self._indent