blob: ec96508088447e38cbfce0dc4e5917965b4a61c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import ast
import builtins
import copy
import inspect
from cros.factory.test.test_lists import test_list as test_list_module
from cros.factory.test.utils import pytest_utils
from cros.factory.utils import arg_utils
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
class UnresolvableNamespace:
"""A stub namespace.
Accessing anything under the namespace will cause an UnresolvableException.
def __init__(self):
# for state_proxy.data_shelf.device
self.data_shelf = self
self.data_shelf.device = self
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
raise UnresolvableException
def __getitem__(self, key):
raise UnresolvableException
class UnresolvableException(Exception):
"""We cannot resolve something (statically)."""
class UnresolvableValue:
"""This value cannot be resolved by checker."""
def __init__(self, eval_string):
self.eval_string = eval_string
class CheckerError(Exception):
"""An exception raised by `Checker`"""
class TestListExpressionVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""Collects free variables of an expression.
collector = TestListExpressionVisitor()
ast_node should be a single ast.Expression.
def __init__(self):
super(TestListExpressionVisitor, self).__init__()
self.free_vars = set()
self.bounded_vars = set()
def visit_Name(self, node):
if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) and not in self.bounded_vars:
elif isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store):
def visit_ListComp(self, node):
def visit_SetComp(self, node):
def visit_DictComp(self, node):
def _VisitComprehension(self, node):
"""visit a XXXComp object.
We override default behavior because we need to make sure elements and
generators are visited in correct order (generators first, and then
`node` is either a `ListComp` or `DictComp` or `SetComp` object.
bounded_vars_bak = copy.copy(self.bounded_vars)
if isinstance(node, ast.DictComp):
elements = [node.key, node.value]
elements = [node.elt]
for generator in node.generators:
for element in elements:
# The target variables defined in list comprehension pollutes local
# namespace while set comprehension and dict comprehension doesn't.
# e.g. ([x for x in [1]], x) ==> ([1], 1)
# ({x for x in [1]}, x) ==> x is undefined
# ({x: 1 for x in [1]}, x) ==> x is undefined
# We *can* implement this behavior, but it would be more simple if we assume
# that target variables in comprehension can't pollute local namespace.
# Otherwise we need to handle corner cases like:
# {x for u in {(x, y) for y in [x for x in [1]]}} === set([1])
# {y for u in {(x, y) for y in [x for x in [1]]}} ==> undefined y
# Restore self.bounded_vars.
self.bounded_vars = bounded_vars_bak
# Reject nodes we don't like
# Lambda is invalid because we cannot serialize a lambda function.
def visit_Lambda(self, node):
del node # unused
raise CheckerError('lambda function is not allowed')
# GeneratorExp is invalid because we cannot serialize it.
def visit_GeneratorExp(self, node):
del node # unused
raise CheckerError('generator is not allowed')
# Yield is invalid because you should not be able to define a Yield
# expression with only one line.
def visit_Yield(self, node):
del node # unused
raise CheckerError('yield is not allowed')
class Checker:
"""Check if a test list is valid.
This class implements functions that help you to find test list errors
*before* actually running tests in the test list.
['constants', 'options', 'dut', 'station', 'state_proxy', 'locals',
'device'] +
[key for key, unused_value in inspect.getmembers(builtins)])
['constants', 'device'] +
[key for key, unused_value in inspect.getmembers(builtins)])
def AssertValidArgs(self, args):
"""Check if the "eval! " expressions in an argument is valid."""
if not isinstance(args, dict):
for value in args.values():
if isinstance(value, str):
if value.startswith(_EVALUATE_PREFIX):
def AssertValidEval(self, expression):
"""Check if an expression from "eval! ..." is valid.
This function calls `self.AssertExpressionIsValid` to parse and collect free
variables in the expression. We only allows the following identifiers:
- built-in functions
- "constants" and "options" defined by test list
- "dut", "station" (to get information from DUT and station)
- "locals" the `locals_` attribute of current test
- "state_proxy" (state server proxy returned by state.GetInstance())
- "device" (a short cut for `state_proxy.data_shelf.device`)
:type expression: str
return self._AssertValidExpression(
expression, self._EVAL_VALID_IDENTIFIERS)
def AssertValidRunIf(self, run_if):
return self._AssertValidExpression(run_if, self._RUN_IF_VALID_IDENTIFIERS)
def _AssertValidExpression(self, expression, valid_identifiers):
"""Raise an expression if this expression is not allowed.
The expression is a snippet of python code, which,
* Is a single expression (not necessary single line, but the parsed result
is a single expression)
* Not all operators are allowed, you cannot use generator or create lambda
This function will raise an exception if you are using an undefined
variable, e.g. `[x for x in undefined_var]`. We also assume that target
variables in list comprehension does not leak into local namespace.
Therefore, the expression `([x for x in [1]], x)` will be rejected, even
though it is a valid expression in Python2. See TestListExpressionVisitor
for more details.
Collected free variables must be a subset of `valid_identifiers`.
:type expression: str
:type valid_identifiers: set
syntax_tree = ast.parse(expression, filename=repr(expression),
except SyntaxError as e:
raise CheckerError(e)
collector = TestListExpressionVisitor()
# collect all variables, might raise an exception if there are invalid nodes
undefined_identifiers = (collector.free_vars - valid_identifiers)
if undefined_identifiers:
raise CheckerError('undefined identifiers: %s' % undefined_identifiers)
def CheckArgsType(self, test, test_list):
"""Check if the type of arguments are valid."""
if not test.pytest_name:
pytest = pytest_utils.LoadPytest(test.pytest_name)()
args_spec = getattr(pytest, 'ARGS', None)
if not args_spec:
# no argument for this pytest
if test.dargs:
raise type_utils.TestListError(
'%s does not accept any arguments' % test.pytest_name)
for arg in args_spec:
arg.type += (UnresolvableValue, )
args_spec = arg_utils.Args(*args_spec)
resolved_args = self.StaticallyResolveTestArgs(test, test_list)
args_spec.Parse(resolved_args, unresolvable_type=UnresolvableValue)
def StaticallyResolveTestArgs(self, test, test_list):
"""Resolve test args without accessing DUT or station.
test: the test object whose dargs will be resolved.
:type test: cros.factory.test.test_lists.test_object.FactoryTest
test_list: the test list this test object belongs to.
:type test_list: cros.factory.test.test_lists.manager.ITestList
unresolvable_namespace = UnresolvableNamespace()
resolved_args = {}
for key, value in test.dargs.items():
tmp_dict = test_list.ResolveTestArgs(
{key: value}, locals_=test.locals_,
# dut, station, state_proxy are not available while resolving.
resolved_value = tmp_dict[key]
except UnresolvableException:
resolved_value = UnresolvableValue(value)
resolved_args[key] = resolved_value
return resolved_args