blob: aaa58b64825347e766c95a5136e2c0b8dcdaac59 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import unittest
from cros.factory.utils import file_utils
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
PYTESTS_RELPATH = os.path.join('py', 'test', 'pytests')
r'^class .*\((unittest|test_case)\.TestCase\):',
r'^\s+ARGS = '
def GetPytestList(base_dir):
"""Returns a sorted list of pytest relative paths."""
def IsPytest(filepath):
# We don't directly load the file by pytest_utils because it doesn't support
# private overlays now.
root, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)
if root.endswith('_unittest') or ext != '.py':
return False
content = file_utils.ReadFile(filepath)
return any(, content, re.MULTILINE) for p in _PATTERNS)
res = []
pytest_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'py', 'test', 'pytests')
for dirpath, unused_dirnames, filenames in os.walk(pytest_dir):
for basename in filenames:
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, basename)
if IsPytest(filepath):
res.append(os.path.relpath(filepath, pytest_dir))
return res
def LoadPytestModule(pytest_name):
"""Loads the given pytest module.
This function tries to load the module
pytest_name: The name of the pytest module.
The loaded pytest module object.
return __import__(
'cros.factory.test.pytests.%s' % pytest_name, fromlist=[None])
def FindTestCase(pytest_module):
"""Find the TestCase class in the given module.
There should be one and only one TestCase in the module.
# To simplify things, we only allow one TestCase per pytest, and the method
# must be runTest.
test_case_types = []
for name in dir(pytest_module):
obj = getattr(pytest_module, name)
if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase):
if len(test_case_types) != 1:
raise type_utils.TestFailure(
'Only exactly one TestCase per pytest is supported, but found %r. '
'Use test.AddTask if multiple tasks need to be done in a single pytest.'
% test_case_types)
return test_case_types[0]
def LoadPytest(pytest_name):
"""Load pytest type from pytest_name.
See `LoadPytestModule` to know how pytest_name is resolved. Also notice that
there should be one and only one test case in each pytest.
return FindTestCase(LoadPytestModule(pytest_name))
def RelpathToPytestName(relpath):
"""Convert a pytest relpath to dotted pytest name."""
return os.path.splitext(relpath)[0].replace('/', '.')
class IndirectException(Exception):
def exception(self):
return self.args[0]
def traceback(self):
return self.args[1]
class TestResult(unittest.TestResult):
"""Customized test result placeholder.
failure_details: A list of pairs of the cought exceptions and their
corresponding traceback objects.
def __init__(self):
super(TestResult, self).__init__()
self.failure_details = []
def DumpStr(self):
return '\n=====\n'.join(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)) + repr(exc)
for exc, tb in self.failure_details)
def addError(self, test, err):
super(TestResult, self).__init__(test, err)
def addFailure(self, test, err):
super(TestResult, self).__init__(test, err)
def _RecordFailureDetail(self, err):
unused_exc_type, exc, tb = err
if isinstance(exc, IndirectException):
tb = exc.traceback
exc = exc.exception
self.failure_details.append((exc, tb))
def RunTestCase(test_case):
"""Runs the given test case.
This is the actual test case runner. It runs the test case and returns the
test results.
test_case: The test case to run.
The test result of the test case.
logging.debug('[%s] Really run test case: %s', os.getpid(),
result = TestResult()
return result
PytestExceptionInfo = collections.namedtuple('PytestExceptionInfo',
['exc_repr', 'tb_list'])
class PytestExecutionResult:
"""A placeholder to record the execution result of a pytest.
The class is designed to be pickle-serializable. Please note that this
class can't be defined in `py/test/` because that python
module is also a stand-alone executable program. When that program runs
`pickle.dump`, the function will treat the this class as defined in the
global scope, which is not true for the receiver (i.e.
status: The test status. See `cros.factory.test.state.TestState` for
failure_details: A list of `ExceptionInfo` instance.
def __init__(self, status, failures=None):
status: The test status.
failure_details: A list of failures. Each list item is a pair of
the exception that causes the failure and the corresponding traceback.
self.status = status
self.failures = failures or []
def GenerateFromTestResultFailureDetails(cls, status, failure_details):
return cls(status, [PytestExceptionInfo(repr(e), traceback.extract_tb(t))
for e, t in failure_details])
def GenerateFromException(cls, status):
unused_exc_type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
return cls(status,
[PytestExceptionInfo(repr(exc), traceback.extract_tb(tb))])