blob: 203461b42d6fd79ba67d724ccd7856a7f3cc3c6b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Visualize and/or modify HWID and related component data."""
import difflib
import logging
import os
import random
import string
import sys
import zlib
from bom_names import BOM_NAME_SET
from common import Error, Obj, SetupLogging, YamlWrite, YamlRead
from hacked_argparse import CmdArg, Command, ParseCmdline, verbosity_cmd_arg
from hwid_database import InvalidDataError, MakeDatastoreSubclass
# The expected location of HWID data within a factory image.
DEFAULT_HWID_DATA_PATH = '/usr/local/factory/hwid'
# File that contains component data shared by all boards.
COMPONENT_DB_FILENAME = 'component_db'
# Warning message prepended to all data files.
# WARNING: This file is AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, do not edit.
# The proper way to modify this file is using the hwid_tool.
# Possible life cycle stages for components and HWIDs.
MakeDatastoreSubclass('CompDb', {
'registry': (dict, (dict, str)),
'status_map': (dict, (dict, str)),
MakeDatastoreSubclass('Hwid', {
'component_map': (dict, str),
'variant_list': (list, str),
MakeDatastoreSubclass('Device', {
'hwid_map': (dict, Hwid),
'hwid_status_map': (dict, (list, str)),
'initial_config_map': (dict, (dict, str)),
'initial_config_use_map': (dict, (list, str)),
'variant_map': (dict, (list, str)),
'volatile_map': (dict, (dict, str)),
'volatile_value_map': (dict, str),
'vpd_ro_field_list': (list, str),
# TODO(tammo): Maintain the invariant that the set of component
# classes in the component_db matches the set of component classes in
# all boms, and also matches the set output by the probing code.
# TODO(tammo): Variant data should have 'probe results' stored in the
# component_db, and the variant_map should only contain a list of
# canonical component names. Based on the component classes that
# occur in the variant_map, automatically derive a set of components
# that are 'secondary' and make sure these components never appear in
# any Hwid component_map.
# TODO(tammo): The hwid_status_map should support some kind of more
# obvious glob syntax -- the current bom-volatile is counterintuitive
# since it does not match the hwid string field order, and also not
# very flexible. Make sure to add proper sanity checking invariants
# -- for example to make sure each hwid has only one status.
# TODO(tammo): The initial_config_use_map should support glob matching
# similar to the hwid_status_map, this would allow boms to have
# different initial_config depending on their volatile setting.
# TODO(tammo): Fix initial config to have canonical names for each
# 'probe result', stored as a map in device.
# TODO(tammo): Enforce that volatile canonical names (the keys in the
# volatile_value_map) are all lower case, to allow for the special 'ANY' tag.
# TODO(tammo): For those routines that take 'data' as the first arg,
# consider making them methods of a DeviceDb class and then have the
# constructor for that class read the data from disk.
# TODO(tammo): Refactor code to lift out the command line tool parts
# from the core functionality of the module. Goal is that the key
# operations should be accessible with a meaningful programmatic API,
# and the command line tool parts should just be one of the clients of
# that API.
# TODO(tammo): Make sure that command line commands raise Error for
# any early termination (no calls to return), to make sure that the
# database does not get written.
# TODO(tammo): Get rid of the 'ANY' and/or 'NONE' special values in
# Hwid.component_map. Instead add not_present_components and
# (optionally) anything_goes_components lists. If component classes
# are not in either the map or the not_present list, they are
# implicitly in anything_goes.
def HwidChecksum(text):
return ('%04u' % (zlib.crc32(text) & 0xffffffffL))[-4:]
def FmtHwid(board, bom, volatile, variant):
"""Generate HWID string. See the hwid spec for details."""
text = '%s %s %s-%s' % (board, bom, variant, volatile)
assert text.isupper(), 'HWID cannot have lower case text parts.'
return str(text + ' ' + HwidChecksum(text))
def ParseHwid(hwid):
"""Parse HWID string details. See the hwid spec for details."""
parts = hwid.split()
if len(parts) != 4:
raise Error, ('illegal hwid %r, does not match ' % hwid +
checksum = parts.pop()
if checksum != HwidChecksum(' '.join(parts)):
raise Error, 'bad checksum for hwid %r' % hwid
varvol = parts.pop().split('-')
if len(varvol) != 2:
raise Error, 'bad variant-volatile part for hwid %r' % hwid
variant, volatile = varvol
board, bom = parts
if not all(x.isalpha() for x in [board, bom, variant, volatile]):
raise Error, 'bad (non-alpha) part for hwid %r' % hwid
return Obj(hwid=hwid, board=board, bom=bom,
variant=variant, volatile=volatile)
def AlphaIndex(num):
"""Generate an alphabetic value corresponding to the input number.
Translate 0->A, 1->B, .. 25->Z, 26->AA, 27->AB, and so on.
result = ''
alpha_count = len(string.uppercase)
while True:
result = string.uppercase[num % alpha_count] + result
num /= alpha_count
if num == 0:
num -= 1
return result
def ComponentConfigStr(component_map):
"""Represent component_map with a single canonical string.
Component names are unique. ANY and NONE are combined with the
corresponding component class name to become unique. The resulting
substrings are sorted and concatenated.
def substr(comp_class, comp):
return comp_class + '_' + comp if comp in ['ANY', 'NONE'] else comp
return ' '.join(sorted(substr(k, v) for k, v in component_map.items()))
def IndentedStructuredPrint(depth, title, *content, **tagged_content):
"""Print YAML-like dict representation, but with fancy alignment and tagging.
The content_dict data is formatted into key and value columns, such
the key column is fixed width and all of the keys are right aligned.
depth: Number of empty spaces to prefix each output line with.
title: Header line. Ignored if ''/None, otherwise contents indented +2.
content: Multiple dict or list/set objects. If dict, each of its
key-value pairs is printed colon-separated, one pair per line.
The data on all lines are aligned around the colon characters.
The keys are right aliged to the colon and the values left
aligned. If list or set, there is no alignment and the list
elements are comma-separated.
tagged_content: Dict of (tag: content) mappings. Content is
formatted like content above, but each output line is prefixed
with the tag in parens.
if title:
print ' ' * depth + title
depth += 2
lhs_width_list = [len(tag) + len(k) + len(tag)
for tag, elt in tagged_content.items()
for k in elt if isinstance(elt, dict)]
lhs_width_list += [len(k) for elt in content
for k in elt if isinstance(elt, dict)]
max_key_width = max(lhs_width_list) if lhs_width_list else 0
def PrintElt(elt, tag):
if isinstance(elt, dict):
for k, v in sorted((k, v) for k, v in elt.items()):
print '%s%s%s%s: %s' % (
depth * ' ',
(max_key_width - len(tag) - len(k)) * ' ',
'NONE' if v is None else ("''" if v == '' else v))
if elt and (isinstance(elt, list) or isinstance(elt, set)):
print (depth * ' ' + tag + ', '.join(str(s) for s in sorted(elt)))
for elt in content:
PrintElt(elt, '')
for tag, elt in sorted(tagged_content.items()):
PrintElt(elt, '(%s) ' % tag if tag != '' else '')
print ''
# TODO(tammo): Move the below read and write into the hwid_database module.
def ReadDatastore(path):
"""Read the component_db and all device data files."""
data = Obj(comp_db={}, device_db={})
comp_db_path = os.path.join(path, COMPONENT_DB_FILENAME)
if not os.path.isfile(comp_db_path):
raise Error, 'ComponentDB not found (expected path is %r).' % comp_db_path
with open(comp_db_path, 'r') as f:
data.comp_db = CompDb.Decode(
for entry in os.listdir(path):
entry_path = os.path.join(path, entry)
if not (entry.isalpha() and entry.isupper() and os.path.isfile(entry_path)):
with open(entry_path, 'r') as f:
data.device_db[entry] = Device.Decode(
except InvalidDataError, e:
logging.error('%r decode failed: %s', entry_path, e)
return data
def WriteDatastore(path, data):
"""Write the component_db and all device data files."""
def WriteOnDiff(filename, raw_internal_data):
full_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
internal_data = (DATA_FILE_WARNING_MESSAGE_HEADER.split('\n') +
if os.path.exists(full_path):
with open(full_path, 'r') as f:
file_data = map(lambda s: s.strip('\n'), f.readlines())
diff = [line for line in difflib.unified_diff(file_data, internal_data)]
if not diff:
return'updating %s with changes:\n%s', filename, '\n'.join(diff))
else:'creating new data file %s', filename)
with open(full_path, 'w') as f:
f.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(internal_data))
WriteOnDiff(COMPONENT_DB_FILENAME, data.comp_db.Encode())
for device_name, device in data.device_db.items():
WriteOnDiff(device_name, device.Encode())
def GetAvailableBomNames(data, board, count):
"""Return count random bom names that are not yet used by board."""
existing_bom_names = set(bn for bn in data.device_db[board].hwid_map)
available_names = [bn for bn in BOM_NAME_SET if bn not in existing_bom_names]
if len(available_names) < count:
raise Error('too few available bom names (only %d left)' %
return available_names[:count]
def LookupHwidStatus(device, bom, volatile, variant):
"""Match hwid details against prefix-based status data.
A status string, or None if no status was found.
target_pattern = (bom + '-' + volatile + '-' + variant)
def ContainsHwid(prefix_list):
for prefix in prefix_list:
if target_pattern.startswith(prefix):
return True
for status in LIFE_CYCLE_STAGES:
if ContainsHwid(device.hwid_status_map.get(status, [])):
return status
return None
def CalcCompDbClassMap(comp_db):
"""Return dict of (comp_name: comp_class) mappings."""
return dict((comp_name, comp_class)
for comp_class, comp_map in comp_db.registry.items()
for comp_name in comp_map)
def CompRegistryFlatten(registry):
return dict((comp_name, probe_result)
for comp_class, comp_map in registry.items()
for comp_name, probe_result in comp_map.items())
def CalcCompDbProbeValMap(comp_db):
"""Return dict of (probe_value: comp_name) mappings."""
return dict((probe_value, comp_name)
for comp_map in comp_db.registry.values()
for comp_name, probe_value in comp_map.items())
def CalcReverseComponentMap(hwid_map):
"""Return dict of (comp_class: dict of (component: bom name set)) mappings.
For each component in each comp_class, reveals the set of boms
containing that component.
comp_class_map = {}
for bom, hwid in hwid_map.items():
for comp_class, comp in hwid.component_map.items():
comp_map = comp_class_map.setdefault(comp_class, {})
comp_bom_set = comp_map.setdefault(comp, set())
return comp_class_map
def CalcBiggestBomSet(rev_comp_map):
"""For the component with the most boms using it, return that bom set.
If there multiple components have equal numbers of boms, only one
will be returned. Fails when no componets have any boms (KeyError).
return sorted([(len(bom_set), bom_set)
for comp_map in rev_comp_map.values()
for bom_set in comp_map.values()]).pop()[1]
def CalcFullBomSet(rev_comp_map):
"""Return the superset of all bom sets from the rev_comp_map."""
return set(bom for comp_map in rev_comp_map.values()
for bom_set in comp_map.values() for bom in bom_set)
def CalcCommonComponentMap(rev_comp_map):
"""Return (comp_class: comp) dict for only components with maximal bom set."""
full_bom_set = CalcFullBomSet(rev_comp_map)
return dict(
(comp_class, comp)
for comp_class, comp_map in rev_comp_map.items()
for comp, comp_bom_set in comp_map.items()
if comp_bom_set == full_bom_set)
def SplitReverseComponentMap(rev_comp_map):
"""Parition rev_comp_map into left and right parts by largest bom set.
Calculate the set of common components shared by all of the bom in
the rev_comp_map. For the remaining components, use the largest set
of boms that share one component as a radix and partition the
remaining rev_comp_map data into left (data for boms in the largest
bom set) and right (all other data).
Obj containing the left and right rev_comp_map partitions, a dict
of common components, and the bom superset for the input
rev_comp_map (meaning the bom set matching the common components).
if not rev_comp_map:
return None
full_bom_set = CalcFullBomSet(rev_comp_map)
split_bom_set = CalcBiggestBomSet(rev_comp_map)
common_comp_map = {}
left_rev_comp_map = {}
right_rev_comp_map = {}
for comp_class, comp_map in rev_comp_map.items():
for comp, bom_set in comp_map.items():
if bom_set == full_bom_set:
common_comp_map[comp_class] = comp
overlap_bom_set = bom_set & split_bom_set
if overlap_bom_set:
left_rev_comp_map.setdefault(comp_class, {})[comp] = overlap_bom_set
extra_bom_set = bom_set - split_bom_set
if extra_bom_set:
right_rev_comp_map.setdefault(comp_class, {})[comp] = extra_bom_set
return Obj(target_bom_set=full_bom_set,
def TraverseCompMapHierarchy(rev_comp_map, branch_cb, leaf_cb, cb_arg):
"""Derive component-usage hwid hierarchy and eval callback at key points.
The component data in rev_comp_map is used to derive a tree
structure where branch nodes indicate a set of components that are
shared by all of the boms across the branches subtrees. Callback
functions are evaluated both for each branch and also for each leaf
rev_comp_map: A reverse component map.
branch_cb: Callback funtion to be executed at branch nodes
(indicating the existence of common components).
leaf_cb: Callback function to be executed at lead nodes (meaning
specific boms).
cb_arg: Argument passed to both callbacks. Branch callbacks must
return updated versions of this data, which will be passsed to
the recursive traversal of contained subtrees.
def SubTraverse(rev_comp_map, cb_arg, depth):
"""Recursive helper; tracks recursion depth and allows cb_arg update."""
split = SplitReverseComponentMap(rev_comp_map)
if split is None:
if split.common_comp_map:
cb_arg = branch_cb(depth, cb_arg, split.target_bom_set,
depth += 1
SubTraverse(split.left_rev_comp_map, cb_arg, depth)
if not split.left_rev_comp_map:
leaf_cb(depth, cb_arg, split.target_bom_set)
SubTraverse(split.right_rev_comp_map, cb_arg, depth)
SubTraverse(rev_comp_map, cb_arg, 0)
def FilterInitialConfig(device, target_bom_set, mask=set()):
"""Return initial_config shared by the target boms but not masked out.
Calculate the set of initial_config values that are shared by all of
the boms in the target_bom_set. Then filter this set to contain
only values not already present in the mask.
# TODO(tammo): Instead pre-compute reverse maps, and return unions.
return set(
ic for ic, bom_list in device.initial_config_use_map.items()
if (ic not in mask and target_bom_set <= set(bom_list)))
def PrintHwidHierarchy(board, device, hwid_map):
"""Hierarchically show all details for all HWIDs for the specified board.
Details include the component configuration and initial config.
def ShowCommon(depth, mask, bom_set, common_comp_map):
common_initial_config = FilterInitialConfig(device, bom_set, mask)
IndentedStructuredPrint(depth * 2, '-'.join(sorted(bom_set)),
return mask | common_initial_config
def ShowHwids(depth, mask, bom_set):
for bom in bom_set:
hwid = hwid_map[bom]
common_initial_config = FilterInitialConfig(device, set([bom]), mask)
variants = dict((FmtHwid(board, bom, volind, variant),
for variant in hwid.variant_list
for volind in device.volatile_map
if LookupHwidStatus(device, bom, volind, variant))
if common_initial_config:
IndentedStructuredPrint((depth + 1) * 2, bom,
IndentedStructuredPrint((depth + 2) * 2, None, variants)
IndentedStructuredPrint(depth * 2, None, variants)
# TODO(tammo): Fix the cb arg usage to allow omission here.
ShowCommon, ShowHwids, set())
def ProcessComponentCrossproduct(data, board, comp_list):
"""Return new combinations for board using the components from comp_list.
The components in the comp_list are supplemented with those for any
missing component classes if a common component can be found for
that component class for the specified board. The result is the
collection of component configurations that are not already
registered for the board, generated using the components in
comp_list. For example, if comp_list contains 2 components of one
comp_class and 3 components of another, and if all of these are new
to the board, this routine will produce 2 * 3 = 6 new component
def ClassifyInputComponents(comp_list):
"""Return dict of (comp_class: comp list), associating comps to classes."""
comp_db_class_map = CalcCompDbClassMap(data.comp_db)
comp_class_subset = set(comp_db_class_map[comp] for comp in comp_list)
return dict((comp_class, [comp for comp in comp_list
if comp_db_class_map[comp] == comp_class])
for comp_class in comp_class_subset)
def DoCrossproduct(available_comp_data_list, target_comp_map_list):
"""Return list of comp maps corresonding to all possible combinations.
Remove (comp_class, comp_list) pairs from the available list and
combine each of these components recursively with those left of
the available list. Result is a list of (comp_class: comp) dicts.
if not available_comp_data_list:
return [dict(target_comp_map_list)]
(comp_class, comp_list) = available_comp_data_list[0]
result = []
for comp in comp_list:
new_target_comp_map_list = target_comp_map_list + [(comp_class, comp)]
result += DoCrossproduct(available_comp_data_list[1:],
return result
comp_map = ClassifyInputComponents(comp_list)
hwid_map = data.device_db[board].hwid_map
rev_comp_map = CalcReverseComponentMap(hwid_map)
common_comp_map = CalcCommonComponentMap(rev_comp_map)
class_coverage = set(comp_map) | set(common_comp_map)
if class_coverage != set(rev_comp_map):
raise Error('need component data for: %s' % ', '.join(
set(rev_comp_map) - class_coverage))
existing_comp_map_str_set = set(ComponentConfigStr(hwid.component_map)
for hwid in hwid_map.values())
new_comp_map_list = DoCrossproduct(comp_map.items(), common_comp_map.items())
return [comp_map for comp_map in new_comp_map_list
if ComponentConfigStr(comp_map) not in existing_comp_map_str_set]
def CookProbeResults(data, probe_results, board_name):
"""Correlate probe results with component and board data.
For components, return a comp_class:comp_name dict for matches. For
volatile and initial_config, return corresponding sets of index
values where the index values correspond to existing board data that
matches the probe results.
def CompareMaps(caption, map1, map2):
if all(map2.get(c, None) == v for c, v in map1.items()):
return True
# Try to provide more debug information
logging.debug('Unmatchd set: %s', caption)
for c, v1 in map2.items():
v2 = map2.get(c, None)
logging.debug('%s: Expected="%s", Probed="%s" (%s)', c, v1, v2,
'matched' if (v1 == v2) else 'UNMATCHED')
results = Obj(
comp_reference_map = CalcCompDbProbeValMap(data.comp_db)
for probe_class, probe_value in probe_results.found_components.items():
if probe_value in comp_reference_map:
results.matched_components[probe_class] = comp_reference_map[probe_value]
device = data.device_db[board_name]
volatile_reference_map = dict(
(v, c) for c, v in device.volatile_value_map.items())
results.matched_volatiles = dict(
(c, volatile_reference_map[v])
for c, v in probe_results.volatiles.items()
if v in volatile_reference_map)
for volatile_tag, volatile_map in device.volatile_map.items():
if (CompareMaps(volatile_tag, volatile_map, results.matched_volatiles)
and volatile_tag not in results.matched_volatile_tags):
for initial_config_tag, ic_map in device.initial_config_map.items():
if (CompareMaps(initial_config_tag, ic_map, probe_results.initial_configs)
and initial_config_tag not in results.matched_initial_config_tags):
return results
def LookupHwidProperties(data, hwid):
"""TODO(tammo): Add more here XXX."""
props = ParseHwid(hwid)
if props.board not in data.device_db:
raise Error, 'hwid %r board %s could not be found' % (hwid, props.board)
device = data.device_db[props.board]
if not in device.hwid_map:
raise Error, 'hwid %r bom %s could not be found' % (hwid,
hwid_details = device.hwid_map[]
if props.variant not in hwid_details.variant_list:
raise Error, ('hwid %r variant %s does not match database' %
(hwid, props.variant))
if props.volatile not in device.volatile_map:
raise Error, ('hwid %r volatile %s does not match database' %
(hwid, props.volatile))
props.status = LookupHwidStatus(device,,
props.volatile, props.variant)
# TODO(tammo): Refactor if FilterExternalHwidAttrs is pre-computed.
initial_config_set = FilterInitialConfig(device, set([]))
props.initial_config = next(iter(initial_config_set), None)
props.vpd_ro_field_list = device.vpd_ro_field_list
props.component_map = hwid_details.component_map
return props
CmdArg('-b', '--board', required=True),
CmdArg('-c', '--comps', nargs='*', required=True),
CmdArg('-x', '--make_it_so', action='store_true'),
CmdArg('-v', '--variants', nargs='*'))
def CreateHwidsCommand(config, data):
"""Derive new HWIDs from the cross-product of specified components.
For the specific board, the specified components indicate a
potential set of new HWIDs. It is only necessary to specify
components that are different from those commonly shared by the
boards existing HWIDs. The target set of new HWIDs is then derived
by looking at the maxmimal number of combinations between the new
differing components.
By default this command just prints the set of HWIDs that would be
added. To actually create them, it is necessary to specify the
make_it_so option.
# TODO(tammo): Validate inputs -- comp names, variant names, etc.
comp_map_list = ProcessComponentCrossproduct(data, config.board, config.comps)
bom_name_list = GetAvailableBomNames(data, config.board, len(comp_map_list))
variant_list = config.variants if config.variants else []
hwid_map = dict((bom_name, Hwid(component_map=comp_map,
for bom_name, comp_map in zip(bom_name_list, comp_map_list))
device = data.device_db[config.board]
device.hwid_status_map.setdefault('proposed', []).extend(bom_name_list)
PrintHwidHierarchy(config.board, device, hwid_map)
if config.make_it_so:
#TODO(tammo): Actually add to the device hwid_map, and qualify.
CmdArg('-b', '--board'))
def HwidHierarchyViewCommand(config, data):
"""Show HWIDs in visually efficient hierarchical manner.
Starting with the set of all HWIDs for each board or a selected
board, show the set of common components and data values, then find
subsets of HWIDs with maximally shared data and repeat until there
are only singleton sets, at which point print the full HWID strings.
for board, device in data.device_db.items():
if config.board:
if not config.board == board:
print '---- %s ----\n' % board
PrintHwidHierarchy(board, device, device.hwid_map)
CmdArg('-b', '--board'),
CmdArg('-s', '--status', default='supported'),
CmdArg('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true'))
def ListHwidsCommand(config, data):
"""Print sorted list of supported HWIDs.
Optionally list HWIDs for other status values, or '' for all HWIDs.
Optionally show the status of each HWID. Optionally limit the list
to a specific board.
result_list = []
for board, device in data.device_db.items():
if config.board:
if not config.board == board:
for bom, hwid in device.hwid_map.items():
for volind in device.volatile_map:
for variant in hwid.variant_list:
status = LookupHwidStatus(device, bom, volind, variant)
if (config.status != '' and
(status is None or config.status != status)):
result = FmtHwid(board, bom, volind, variant)
if config.verbose:
result = '%s: %s' % (status, result)
for result in sorted(result_list):
print result
CmdArg('-b', '--board'))
def ComponentBreakdownCommand(config, data):
"""Map components to HWIDs, organized by component.
For all boards, or for a specified board, first show the set of
common components. For all the non-common components, show a list
of BOM names that use them.
for board, device in data.device_db.items():
if config.board:
if not config.board == board:
print '---- %s ----' % board
rev_comp_map = CalcReverseComponentMap(device.hwid_map)
common_comp_map = CalcCommonComponentMap(rev_comp_map)
IndentedStructuredPrint(0, 'common:', common_comp_map)
remaining_comp_class_set = set(rev_comp_map) - set(common_comp_map)
sorted_remaining_comp_class_list = sorted(
[(len(rev_comp_map[comp_class]), comp_class)
for comp_class in remaining_comp_class_set])
while sorted_remaining_comp_class_list:
comp_class = sorted_remaining_comp_class_list.pop()[1]
comp_map = dict((comp, ', '.join(sorted(bom_set)))
for comp, bom_set in rev_comp_map[comp_class].items())
IndentedStructuredPrint(0, comp_class + ':', comp_map)
CmdArg('-b', '--board'),
def AssimilateProbeData(config, data):
"""Merge new data from stdin into existing data, optionally create a new bom.
By default only new component probe results are added to the
component database. Canonical names are automatically chosen for
these new components, which can be changed later by renaming.
If a board is specified, then any volatile or initial_config data is
added to the corresponding board data.
If a bom name is specified, and if a bom of that name does not
already exist, attempt to create it, and associate those properties
specified by the input data. If there is already a bom with the
same properties, the request will fail. If such a bom already
exists with the specified name, ensure that its initial_config and
any initial_config info in the input data match.
Variant data that cannot be derived from the input data must be
added to the bom later using other commands.
Boms created using this command do not have any status, and hence
there is no binding made with any new volatile properties add using
the input data.
probe_results = Obj(**YamlRead(
# TODO(tammo): Refactor to use CookProbeResults.
components = getattr(probe_results, 'found_components', {})
registry = data.comp_db.registry
if not set(components) <= set(registry):
logging.critical('data contains component classes that are not preset in '
'the component_db, specifically %r',
sorted(set(components) - set(registry)))
reverse_registry = CalcCompDbProbeValMap(data.comp_db)
component_match_dict = {}
# TODO(tammo): Once variant data is properly mapped into the
# component space, segreate any variant component data into a
# variant list.
for comp_class, probe_value in components.items():
if probe_value in reverse_registry:
component_match_dict[comp_class] = reverse_registry[probe_value]
print 'found component %r for probe result %r' % (
reverse_registry[probe_value], probe_value)
comp_map = registry[comp_class]
comp_name = '%s_%d' % (comp_class, len(comp_map))
comp_map[comp_name] = probe_value
component_match_dict[comp_class] = comp_name
print 'adding component %r for probe result %r' % (comp_name, probe_value)
if not config.board:
if (hasattr(probe_results, 'volatile') or
hasattr(probe_results, 'initial_config')):
logging.warning('volatile and/or initial_config data is only '
'assimilated when a board is specified')
device = data.device_db[config.board]
for comp_class in getattr(probe_results, 'missing_components', {}):
component_match_dict[comp_class] = 'NONE'
component_match_dict_str = ComponentConfigStr(component_match_dict)
bom_name_match = None
for bom_name, bom in device.hwid_map.items():
if ComponentConfigStr(bom.component_map) == component_match_dict_str:
bom_name_match = bom_name
print 'found bom match: %r' % bom_name
reverse_volatile_map = dict((v, c) for c, v in
probe_volatiles = getattr(probe_results, 'volatiles', {})
volatile_match_dict = {}
for volatile_class, probe_value in probe_volatiles.items():
if probe_value in reverse_volatile_map:
volatile_match_dict[volatile_class] = reverse_volatile_map[probe_value]
volatile_name = '%s_%d' % (volatile_class, len(device.volatile_value_map))
device.volatile_value_map[volatile_name] = probe_value
volatile_match_dict[volatile_class] = volatile_name
for volatile_index, volatile in device.volatile_map.items():
if volatile_match_dict == volatile:
volatile_match_index = volatile_index
print 'found volatile match: %r' % volatile_match_index
volatile_match_index = AlphaIndex(len(device.volatile_map))
device.volatile_map[volatile_match_index] = volatile_match_dict
print 'added volatile: %r' % volatile_match_index
probe_initial_config = getattr(probe_results, 'initial_configs', {})
for initial_config_index, initial_config in device.initial_config_map.items():
if probe_initial_config == initial_config:
initial_config_match_index = initial_config_index
print 'found initial_config match: %r' % initial_config_match_index
initial_config_match_index = str(len(device.initial_config_map))
device.initial_config_map[initial_config_match_index] = probe_initial_config
print 'added initial_config: %r' % initial_config_match_index
if not
# TODO(tammo): Validate input bom name string.
if bom_name_match and bom_name_match !=
print 'matching bom %r already exists, ignoring bom argument %r' % (
bom_name =
if bom_name not in device.hwid_map:
bom = Hwid.New()
bom.component_map = component_match_dict
device.hwid_map[] = bom
print 'added bom: %r' % bom_name
elif (ComponentConfigStr(device.hwid_map[bom_name].component_map) !=
print 'bom %r exists, but component list differs from this data' % bom_name
# TODO(tammo): Print exact differences.
# TODO(tammo): Another elif to test that initial_config settings match.
print 'bom %r exists and component list matches' % bom_name
ic_use_list = device.initial_config_use_map.setdefault(
initial_config_match_index, [])
if bom_name not in ic_use_list:
def CreateBoard(config, data):
"""Create an fresh empty board with specified name."""
if not config.board_name.isalpha():
print 'ERROR: Board names must be alpha-only.'
board_name = config.board_name.upper()
if board_name in data.device_db:
print 'ERROR: Board %s already exists.' % board_name
data.device_db[board_name] = Device.New()
CmdArg('-b', '--board', required=True),
CmdArg('-d', '--dest_dir', required=True),
CmdArg('-s', '--by_status', nargs='*', default=['supported']))
def FilterDatabase(config, data):
"""Generate trimmed down board data file and corresponding component_db.
Generate a board data file containing only those boms matching the
specified status, and only that portion of the related board data
that is used by those boms. Also produce a component_db which
contains entries only for those components used by the selected
# TODO(tammo): Validate inputs -- board name, status, etc.
device = data.device_db[config.board]
target_hwid_map = {}
target_volatile_set = set()
target_variant_set = set()
for bom, hwid in device.hwid_map.items():
for variant in hwid.variant_list:
for volatile in device.volatile_map:
status = LookupHwidStatus(device, bom, volatile, variant)
if status in config.by_status:
variant_map = target_hwid_map.setdefault(bom, {})
volatile_list = variant_map.setdefault(variant, [])
filtered_comp_db = CompDb.New()
filtered_device = Device.New()
for bom in target_hwid_map:
hwid = device.hwid_map[bom]
filtered_hwid = Hwid.New()
filtered_hwid.component_map = hwid.component_map
filtered_hwid.variant_list = list(set(hwid.variant_list) &
filtered_device.hwid_map[bom] = filtered_hwid
for comp_class in hwid.component_map:
filtered_comp_db.registry[comp_class] = \
for volatile_index in target_volatile_set:
volatile_details = device.volatile_map[volatile_index]
filtered_device.volatile_map[volatile_index] = volatile_details
for volatile_name in volatile_details.values():
volatile_value = device.volatile_value_map[volatile_name]
filtered_device.volatile_value_map[volatile_name] = volatile_value
for variant_index in target_variant_set:
variant_details = device.variant_map[variant_index]
filtered_device.variant_map[variant_index] = variant_details
filtered_device.vpd_ro_field_list = device.vpd_ro_field_list
device_db={config.board: filtered_device}))
# TODO(tammo): Also filter initial_config once the schema for that
# has been refactored to be cleaner.
# TODO(tammo): Also filter status for both boms and components once
# the schema for that has been refactored to be cleaner.
CmdArg('-b', '--board', required=True),
CmdArg('-d', '--dest_dir', required=True),
CmdArg('-e', '--extra'),
CmdArg('-s', '--status', default='supported'))
def LegacyExport(config, data):
"""Generate legacy-format 'components_<HWID>' files.
For the specified board, in the specified destination directory,
this will create a hash.db file and one file per HWID. All of these
files should be compatible with the pre-hwid-tool era code.
The goal of this command is to enable maintaining data in the new
format for use with factory branches that can only consume the older
The 'extra' argument can specify a file that contains extra dict
extries that will be included in each of the hwid files. This is
useful for specifying the legacy fields that no longer exist in the
new data format.
This command will be removed once we are no longer supporting any
boards that depend on the old-style data formatting.
from pprint import pprint
if config.board not in data.device_db:
print 'ERROR: unknown board %r.' % config.board
if not os.path.exists(config.dest_dir):
print 'ERROR: destination directory %r does not exist.' % config.dest_dir
extra_fields = eval(open(config.extra).read()) if config.extra else None
device = data.device_db[config.board]
hash_db_path = os.path.join(config.dest_dir, 'hash.db')
with open(hash_db_path, 'w') as f:
pprint(device.volatile_value_map, f)
ic_reverse_map = {}
for ic_index, bom_list in device.initial_config_use_map.items():
for bom in bom_list:
ic_reverse_map[bom] = ic_index
def WriteLegacyHwidFile(bom, volind, variant, hwid):
hwid_str = FmtHwid(config.board, bom, volind, variant)
export_data = {'part_id_hwqual': [hwid_str]}
for comp_class, comp_name in hwid.component_map.items():
if comp_name == 'NONE':
probe_result = ''
elif comp_name == 'ANY':
probe_result = '*'
probe_result = data.comp_db.registry[comp_class][comp_name]
export_data['part_id_' + comp_class] = [probe_result]
for vol_class, vol_name in device.volatile_map[volind].items():
export_data['hash_' + vol_class] = [vol_name]
variant_data = device.variant_map[variant]
if len(variant_data) not in [0, 1]:
print ('ERROR: legacy_export expects zero or one variants, '
'hwid %s has %d.' % (hwid_str, len(variant_data)))
for variant_value in variant_data:
export_data['part_id_keyboard'] = [
initial_config = device.initial_config_map[ic_reverse_map[bom]]
for ic_class, ic_value in initial_config.items():
export_data['version_' + ic_class] = [ic_value]
export_data['config_factory_initial'] = sorted(
'version_' + ic_class for ic_class in initial_config)
hwid_file_name = ('components ' + hwid_str).replace(' ', '_')
hwid_file_path = os.path.join(config.dest_dir, hwid_file_name)
with open(hwid_file_path, 'w') as f:
pprint(export_data, f)
for bom, hwid in device.hwid_map.items():
for volind in device.volatile_map:
for variant in hwid.variant_list:
status = LookupHwidStatus(device, bom, volind, variant)
if (config.status != '' and
(status is None or config.status != status)):
WriteLegacyHwidFile(bom, volind, variant, hwid)
def RenameComponents(config, data):
"""Change canonical component names.
Given a list of old-new name pairs on stdin, replace each instance
of each old name with the corresponding new name in the
component_db and in all board files. The expected stdin format is
one pair per line, and the two words in each pair are whitespace
registry = data.comp_db.registry
flattened_registry = CompRegistryFlatten(registry)
comp_class_map = CalcCompDbClassMap(data.comp_db)
for line in sys.stdin:
parts = line.strip().split()
if len(parts) != 2:
raise Error, ('each line of input must have exactly 2 words, '
'found %d [%s]' % (len(parts), line.strip()))
old_name, new_name = parts
if old_name not in flattened_registry:
raise Error, 'unknown canonical component name %r' % old_name
# TODO(tammo): Validate new_name.
comp_class = comp_class_map[old_name]
comp_map = registry[comp_class]
probe_result = comp_map[old_name]
del comp_map[old_name]
comp_map[new_name] = probe_result
for device in data.device_db.values():
for hwid in device.hwid_map.values():
if hwid.component_map.get(comp_class, None) == old_name:
hwid.component_map[comp_class] = new_name
def Main():
"""Run sub-command specified by the command line args."""
config = ParseCmdline(
'Visualize and/or modify HWID and related component data.',
CmdArg('-p', '--data_path', metavar='PATH',
CmdArg('-l', '--log', metavar='PATH',
help='Write logs to this file.'),
SetupLogging(config.verbosity, config.log)
data = ReadDatastore(config.data_path)
config.command(config, data)
except Error, e:
sys.exit('ERROR: %s' % e)
except Exception, e:
WriteDatastore(config.data_path, data)
if __name__ == '__main__':