Chromebook Netboot Setup Guide

What is Netboot?

Netboot firmware is a special firmware that instead of loading kernel from storage, it downloads a light weight kernel (vmlinuz) from TFTP server. And the kernel will download ChromeOS images from mini-omaha server. This is helpful when you need to reflash ChromeOS images frequently. Also, this can be used in some early phase of projects (e.g. Proto builds), when images might be changed during the build, so you don't want to preflash it by copy machine.


  • A Linux machine, which will be TFTP and mini-omaha server

  • An USB Ethernet dongle for DUT

  • Connect DUT and Linux machine by ethernet,

    • Assume that the ethernet device on Linux machine is eth2
    • Assume that eth2 is set up
  • Assume that the board we are going to use is reef

  • Assume that the Linux machine is running Ubuntu (otherwise the network config files might need to be changed according to your Linux distribution).

Initial Setup

Decide a folder to put TFTP files, for example, /var/tftp

sudo mkdir /var/tftp
sudo chown "${USER}" /var/tftp
mkdir -p "/var/tftp/chrome-bot/${BOARD}"

Create a dnsmasq setup config in TFTP root, for example, /var/tftp/dnsmasq.conf, with the following contents:


Assuming that you are running Ubuntu, you can setup static IP for eth2 by adding a file /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth2.conf (you can change the name eth2.conf to whatever you like):

auto eth2
allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet static

Reload the configuration by running:

sudo ifup eth2

Then ip addr show eth2 and check if it has inet address assigned. If not, reboot Linux machine and see if that works.

Make sure you have dnsmasq installed on Linux machine (e.g. Ubuntu / Debian)

sudo apt-get install dnsmasq

In the tftp-root, create sub folder under chrome-bot using the board name. For example, reef board should be /var/tftp/chrome-bot/reef/.

Copy the netboot kernel (factory_shim/netboot/vmlinuz in into tftp board folder with name vmlinuz. For example:

cp factory_shim/vmlinuz /var/tftp/chrome-bot/reef/vmlinuz
Note: Some boards might call vmlinuz as “vmlinux.bin”.

If you want to build the netboot kernel from source, do this inside chroot:

cd ~/trunk/src/scripts
./build_images --board "${BOARD}"
./ --board "${BOARD}"

And find the netboot kernel in ../build/images/${BOARD}/latest/netboot/vmlinuz.

The location of Mini-Omaha server or Umpire server can be specified in omahaserver_${BOARD}.conf in to level of tftp, with its content set to what you'll set in CHROME_AUSERVER. For example, in /var/tftp/omahaserver_reef.conf:

Running DHCP & TFTP server

sudo dnsmasq -d -C /var/tftp/dnsmasq.conf

Put device into netboot mode

Find firmware blob (which should be available in both and firmware archive, or you can build it locally).

flashrom -p host -w


Create an additional cmdline in TFTP board folder to override default kernel boot options. For example, in /var/tftp/chrome-bot/reef/cmdline:

lsm.module_locking=0 cros_netboot_ramfs cros_factory_install cros_secure
cros_netboot tftpserverip= console=ttyS2,115200n8 loglevel=7
earlyprintk cros_debug

Note all optional must be in one line. No newline is allowed.

The console parameter might be different from board to board, if you are not sure which should be used, please refer to “Care & Feeding” document for your project.

Getting Images

You should download the recovery image, test image and from CPFE in following steps,

  • Click Image Files on the left

  • Select board (e.g. reef)

  • Select Image type

    • RECOVERY_IMAGE for recovery image (signed)
    • TEST_IMAGE_ARCHIVE for test image

As we mentioned above, you can extract netboot firmware and vmlinuz from Or, if you'd like to use a specific version of firmware, you can download it by selecting FIRMWARE_IMAGE_ARCHIVE in above steps.

Setting up Mini-Omaha Server

Assume all the downloaded files are in the same directory:

  |-- chromiumos_test_image.bin
  `-- recovery_image.bin

Assume that is unzipped under factory.

  |-- chromiumos_test_image.bin
  |-- factory/
  `-- recovery_image.bin  (signed)
factory/setup/ \
    --board reef \
    --test ./chromiumos_test_image.bin \
    --toolkit factory/toolkit/ \
    --release ./chromeos_9587.0.0_reef_recovery_dev-channel_premp.bin \
    --hwid ./factory/hwid/ \
    --complete_script ./factory/setup/

Start Mini-Omaha Server

The server listens on port 8080, remember to set the iptable.

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

Start the server:


Setting GBB Flags

When the device boots from vmlinuz, vmlinuz will connect to miniomaha server and download images from the server. chromeos-firmwareupdate will be extracted from recovery image, which will be used to install the real firmware. chromeos-firmwareupdate will preserve the GBB flag from netboot firmware. Therefore, you might need to change GBB flag of netboot firmware, e.g.

gbb_utility -s --flags 0x1239 factory/factory_shim/netboot/