blob: 53699ed7919c2f0ce68e5671cba42c7e9308f7bd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module handles factory test states (status) and shared persistent data.
The `state` provides two different data set using shelve_utils.DictShelfView:
- tests: A shelf storing test states and status.
- data: A shelf for data to be shared (also known as shared_data), providing:
- device: Data and configuration of current DUT (usually accumulated from
shopfloor or barcode scanner). See cros.factory.test.device_data for more
- other global or session variables.
from __future__ import print_function
import cPickle as pickle
import logging
import os
import shutil
import threading
from jsonrpclib import jsonclass
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from cros.factory.test.env import goofy_proxy
from cros.factory.test.env import paths
from cros.factory.test.utils.selector_utils import DataShelfSelector
from cros.factory.utils import config_utils
from cros.factory.utils import file_utils
from cros.factory.utils import shelve_utils
from cros.factory.utils import sync_utils
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
KEY_POST_SHUTDOWN = '%s.post_shutdown'
# Key for device data. This is a dictionary of accumulated data usually from
# shopfloor calls with information about the configuration of the device.
KEY_DEVICE_DATA = 'device'
class FactoryStateLayerException(Exception):
"""Exception about FactoryStateLayer."""
def ClearState(state_file_dir=DEFAULT_FACTORY_STATE_FILE_DIR):
"""Clears test state (removes the state file path).
state_file_dir: Path to state; uses the default path if None.
logging.warn('Clearing state file path %s', state_file_dir)
if os.path.exists(state_file_dir):
class FactoryStateLayer(object):
"""Contains two DictShelfView 'tests_shelf' and 'data_shelf'."""
def __init__(self, state_dir=None):
state_dir: Where the shelves should be save to. If this is None, shelves
will be in memory shelf.
if state_dir:
self._tests_shelf = shelve_utils.DictShelfView(
shelve_utils.OpenShelfOrBackup(os.path.join(state_dir, 'tests')))
self._data_shelf = shelve_utils.DictShelfView(
shelve_utils.OpenShelfOrBackup(os.path.join(state_dir, 'data')))
self._tests_shelf = shelve_utils.DictShelfView(
self._data_shelf = shelve_utils.DictShelfView(
def tests_shelf(self):
return self._tests_shelf
def data_shelf(self):
return self._data_shelf
def Close(self):
for shelf in [self._tests_shelf, self._data_shelf]:
except Exception:
logging.exception('Unable to close shelf')
def Loads(self, serialized_data):
# There might be unicode string in serialized data (because serialized data
# will not be processed by UnicodeToString). But unicode string is not
# allowed for shelve using gdbm, we need to convert them.
o = type_utils.UnicodeToString(pickle.loads(serialized_data))
if 'tests' in o:
self.tests_shelf.SetValue('', o['tests'])
if 'data' in o:
self.data_shelf.SetValue('', o['data'])
def Dumps(self, include_data, include_tests):
o = {}
# Only includes 'tests' or 'data' if they are set.
# `GetValue(key, optional=True) == None` when key is not found. But
# `SetValue('', None)` will create a unwanted ('', None) key-value pair in
# `self.Loads()`.
if include_tests and self.tests_shelf.HasKey(''):
o['tests'] = self.tests_shelf.GetValue('')
if include_data and self.data_shelf.HasKey(''):
o['data'] = self.data_shelf.GetValue('')
return pickle.dumps(o)
# TODO(shunhsingou): move goofy or dut related functions to goofy_rpc so we can
# really separate them.
class FactoryState(object):
"""The core implementation for factory state control.
The major provided features are:
You can get/set simple data into the states and share between all tests.
See DataShelfGetValue(name) and DataShelfSetValue(name, value) for more
To track the execution status of factory auto tests, you can use
GetTestState(), GetTestStates(), and UpdateTestState() methods.
All arguments may be provided either as strings, or as Unicode strings in
which case they are converted to strings using UTF-8. All returned values
are strings (not Unicode).
This object is thread-safe.
See help(FactoryState.[methodname]) for more information.
TEST_STATE_POSTFIX = '__test_state__'
def __init__(self, state_file_dir=None):
"""Initializes the state server.
state_file_dir: External file to store the state information.
state_file_dir = state_file_dir or DEFAULT_FACTORY_STATE_FILE_DIR
self.layers = [FactoryStateLayer(state_file_dir)]
self._lock = threading.RLock()
if TestState not in jsonclass.supported_types:
def Close(self):
"""Shuts down the state instance."""
for layer in self.layers:
def ConvertTestPathToKey(cls, path):
return shelve_utils.DictKey.Join(path, cls.TEST_STATE_POSTFIX)
def ConvertKeyToTestPath(cls, key):
test_path, postfix = shelve_utils.DictKey.Split(key)
if postfix != cls.TEST_STATE_POSTFIX:
raise KeyError('Invalid test path key: %r' % key)
return test_path
def UpdateTestState(self, path, **kw):
"""Updates the state of a test.
See TestState.Update for the allowable keyword arguments.
path: The path to the test (see FactoryTest for a description
of test paths).
kw: See TestState.Update for allowable arguments (e.g.,
status and increment_count).
A tuple containing the new state, and a boolean indicating whether the
state was just changed.
key = self.ConvertTestPathToKey(path)
for layer in self.layers:
state = layer.tests_shelf.GetValue(key, optional=True)
old_state_repr = repr(state)
changed = False
if not state:
changed = True
state = TestState()
changed = changed | state.Update(**kw) # Don't short-circuit
if changed:
logging.debug('Updating test state for %s: %s -> %s',
path, old_state_repr, state)
layer.tests_shelf.SetValue(key, state)
return state, changed
def GetTestState(self, path):
"""Returns the state of a test."""
key = self.ConvertTestPathToKey(path)
# when accessing, we need to go from top layer to bottom layer
for layer in reversed(self.layers):
return layer.tests_shelf.GetValue(key)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(key)
def GetTestPaths(self):
"""Returns a list of all tests' paths."""
# GetKeys() only returns keys that are mapped to a value, therefore, all
# keys returned should end with `self.TEST_STATE_POSTFIX`.
keys = set()
for layer in self.layers:
keys |= set(layer.tests_shelf.GetKeys())
return [self.ConvertKeyToTestPath(key) for key in keys]
def GetTestStates(self):
"""Returns a map of each test's path to its state."""
return {path: self.GetTestState(path) for path in self.GetTestPaths()}
def ClearTestState(self):
"""Clears all test state."""
for layer in self.layers:
# The following functions are exposed for data_shelf APIs.
# *SharedData APIs are deprecated. Users shall use
# `state_proxy.data_shelf.{GetValue, SetValue, GetKeys, ...}`, which use the
# following functions.
# If there are multiple layers, only the last layer (self.layers[-1]) is
# writable, 'set', 'update', 'delete' operations are only applied to the last
# layer.
# For 'get' operation, all layers will be queried, and use
# `config_utils.OverrideConfig` to merge each layers. For a given key, if it
# is mapped to different types in different layers, then the value will be
# replaced without any warning or exception. This might be confusing when it
# is mapped to a dictionary in one of the layer, for example:
# layers[1].data_shelf: { 'a': '456' }
# layers[0].data_shelf: { 'a': { 'b': '123' }}
# DataShelfGetValue('a') => '456'
# # since we will try to find 'a.b' in all layers, so 'a.b' is still valid.
# DataShelfGetValue('a.b') => '123'
# This should be okay since values in data_shelf should not change types. If
# it is a dict, it should always be a dict.
def DataShelfGetValue(self, key, optional=False):
"""Get the merged value of given key.
All layers will be read, and the values are merged by
`config_utils.OverrideConfig`. Therefore, if a key is mapped to different
types in different layer, the behavior might seem strange. For example::
layers[0].data_shelf: { 'a': { 'b': '123' }}
layers[1].data_shelf: { 'a': '456' }
DataShelfGetValue('a') => '456'
DataShelfGetValue('a.b') => '123'
key: The key whose value to be retrieved.
optional: If key is not found, True to return None and False to raise a
A merged value, can be any JSON supported types.
DUMMY_KEY = 'result'
value = {}
for layer in self.layers:
v = layer.data_shelf.GetValue(key, optional=False)
value = config_utils.OverrideConfig(value, {DUMMY_KEY: v})
except KeyError:
if value:
return value[DUMMY_KEY]
if optional:
return None
raise KeyError(key)
def DataShelfSetValue(self, key, value):
"""Set key to value on top layer."""
self.layers[-1].data_shelf.SetValue(key, value)
def DataShelfUpdateValue(self, key, value):
"""Update key by value on top layer."""
self.layers[-1].data_shelf.UpdateValue(key, value)
def DataShelfDeleteKeys(self, keys, optional=False):
"""Delete data with keys on top layer."""
# In case there's only one single key.
if isinstance(keys, basestring):
keys = [keys]
self.layers[-1].data_shelf.DeleteKeys(keys, optional=optional)
def DataShelfHasKey(self, key):
"""Returns True if any layer contains the key."""
return any(layer.data_shelf.HasKey(key) for layer in self.layers)
def DataShelfGetChildren(self, key):
"""Returns children of given path (key)."""
if not self.DataShelfHasKey(key):
raise KeyError(key)
ret = set()
for layer in self.layers:
ret |= set(layer.data_shelf.GetChildren(key))
except KeyError:
return list(ret)
def DataShelfAppendToList(self, key, new_item):
"""Appends data to a list with given key. d[key] += [new_item]."""
data = self.DataShelfGetValue(key, optional=True) or []
self.DataShelfSetValue(key, data)
# The following functions are exposed for layer APIs
# Max number of layers allowed, including base layer.
def AppendLayer(self, serialized_data=None):
if len(self.layers) == self.MAX_LAYER_NUM:
raise FactoryStateLayerException('Max # layers reached')
if serialized_data:
def PopLayer(self):
if len(self.layers) == 1:
raise FactoryStateLayerException('Cannot pop last layer')
def SerializeLayer(self, layer_index, include_data=True, include_tests=True):
layer = self.layers[layer_index]
return layer.Dumps(include_data, include_tests)
def MergeLayer(self, layer_index):
if layer_index <= 0:
raise IndexError('layer_index <= 0')
if layer_index >= len(self.layers):
raise IndexError('layer_index out of range')
dst = self.layers[layer_index - 1]
src = self.layers[layer_index]
if src.tests_shelf.HasKey(''):
dst.tests_shelf.UpdateValue('', src.tests_shelf.GetValue(''))
if src.data_shelf.HasKey(''):
dst.data_shelf.UpdateValue('', src.data_shelf.GetValue(''))
def GetLayerCount(self):
return len(self.layers)
def GetInstance(address=None, port=None):
"""Gets an instance (for client side) to access the state server.
address: Address of the server to be connected.
port: Port of the server to be connected.
:rtype: cros.factory.test.state.FactoryState
An object with all public functions from FactoryState.
See help(FactoryState) for more information.
proxy = goofy_proxy.GetRPCProxy(
address, port, goofy_proxy.STATE_URL)
proxy.data_shelf = DataShelfSelector(proxy)
return proxy
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions for data shelf manipulation.
def DataShelfGetValue(key, default=None):
if not GetInstance().DataShelfHasKey(key):
return default
return GetInstance().DataShelfGetValue(key)
def DataShelfSetValue(key, value):
return GetInstance().DataShelfSetValue(key, value)
def DataShelfUpdateValue(key, value):
return GetInstance().DataShelfUpdateValue(key, value)
def DataShelfHasKey(key):
return GetInstance().DataShelfHasKey(key)
def DataShelfDeleteKeys(key, optional=False):
return GetInstance().DataShelfDeleteKeys(key, optional)
class TestState(object):
"""The complete state of a test.
status: The status of the test (one of ACTIVE, PASSED, FAILED, or UNTESTED).
count: The number of times the test has been run.
error_msg: The last error message that caused a test failure.
shutdown_count: The number of times the test has caused a shutdown.
invocation: The currently executing invocation.
iterations_left: For an active test, the number of remaining iterations
after the current one.
retries_left: Maximum number of retries allowed to pass the test.
def __init__(self, status=UNTESTED, count=0, error_msg=None,
shutdown_count=0, invocation=None, iterations_left=0,
self.status = status
self.count = count
self.error_msg = error_msg
self.shutdown_count = shutdown_count
self.invocation = invocation
self.iterations_left = iterations_left
self.retries_left = retries_left
def __repr__(self):
return type_utils.StdRepr(self)
def Update(self, status=None, increment_count=0, error_msg=None,
shutdown_count=None, increment_shutdown_count=0,
decrement_iterations_left=0, iterations_left=None,
decrement_retries_left=0, retries_left=None):
"""Updates the state of a test.
status: The new status of the test.
increment_count: An amount by which to increment count.
error_msg: If non-None, the new error message for the test.
shutdown_count: If non-None, the new shutdown count.
increment_shutdown_count: An amount by which to increment shutdown_count.
invocation: The currently executing or last invocation, if any.
iterations_left: If non-None, the new iterations_left.
decrement_iterations_left: An amount by which to decrement
retries_left: If non-None, the new retries_left.
The case retries_left = -1 means the test had already used the first
try and all the retries.
decrement_retries_left: An amount by which to decrement retries_left.
True if anything was changed.
old_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
if status:
self.status = status
if error_msg is not None:
self.error_msg = error_msg
if shutdown_count is not None:
self.shutdown_count = shutdown_count
if iterations_left is not None:
self.iterations_left = iterations_left
if retries_left is not None:
self.retries_left = retries_left
if invocation is not None:
self.invocation = invocation
self.count += increment_count
self.shutdown_count += increment_shutdown_count
self.iterations_left = max(
0, self.iterations_left - decrement_iterations_left)
# If retries_left is 0 after update, it is the usual case, so test
# can be run for the last time. If retries_left is -1 after update,
# it had already used the first try and all the retries.
self.retries_left = max(
-1, self.retries_left - decrement_retries_left)
return self.__dict__ != old_dict
def FromDictOrObject(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return TestState(**obj)
assert isinstance(obj, TestState), type(obj)
return obj
def __eq__(self, other):
return all(getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr)
for attr in self.__dict__)
def ToStruct(self):
result = dict(self.__dict__)
for key in ['retries_left', 'iterations_left']:
if result[key] == float('inf'):
result[key] = -1
return result
def OverallStatus(statuses):
"""Returns the "overall status" given a list of statuses.
This is the first element of
(in that order) that is present in the status list.
status_set = set(statuses)
for status in [TestState.ACTIVE, TestState.FAILED,
TestState.SKIPPED, TestState.PASSED]:
if status in status_set:
return status
# E.g., if statuses is empty
return TestState.UNTESTED
# Stub classes for unittests
class StubFactoryStateLayer(FactoryStateLayer):
"""Stub FactoryStateLayer for unittest."""
def __init__(self, state_dir=None): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
del state_dir # unused
# always create in memory shelf
self._tests_shelf = shelve_utils.DictShelfView(
self._data_shelf = shelve_utils.DictShelfView(
class StubFactoryState(FactoryState):
def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
self.layers = [StubFactoryStateLayer()]
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self.data_shelf = DataShelfSelector(self)