blob: bb28880968e6861e86c067d495dd7c6206b15886 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import re
import collections
from collections import namedtuple
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
import cros.factory.hwid.common as hwid3_common
from cros.factory.common import Error, Shell
from cros.factory.hwdb import hwid_tool
from cros.factory.hwid import common
from cros.factory.gooftool import crosfw
from cros.factory.gooftool.bmpblk import unpack_bmpblock
from cros.factory.gooftool.probe import Probe, ReadRoVpd, ReadRwVpd
from cros.factory.gooftool.vpd_data import KNOWN_VPD_FIELD_DATA
from cros.factory.hwid.database import Database
from cros.factory.hwid.decoder import Decode
from cros.factory.hwid.encoder import Encode, BOMToBinaryString
from cros.factory.hwid.encoder import BinaryStringToEncodedString
from cros.factory.privacy import FilterDict
from cros.factory.rule import Context
from cros.factory.system import vpd
from cros.factory.test import branding
from cros.factory.test import phase
from cros.factory.utils.process_utils import CheckOutput, GetLines
from cros.factory.utils.string_utils import ParseDict
from cros.factory.utils.sys_utils import MountPartition
# A named tuple to store the probed component name and the error if any.
ProbedComponentResult = namedtuple('ProbedComponentResult',
['component_name', 'probed_string', 'error'])
# The mismatch result tuple.
Mismatch = namedtuple('Mismatch', ['expected', 'actual'])
class Util(object):
"""A collection of util functions that Gooftool needs."""
def __init__(self): = Shell
def _IsDeviceFixed(self, dev):
"""Check if a device is a fixed device, i.e. not a removable device.
dev: A device string under /sys/block.
True if the given device is fixed, and false if it is not.
sysfs_path = '/sys/block/%s/removable' % dev
return (os.path.exists(sysfs_path) and
open(sysfs_path).read().strip() == '0')
def GetPrimaryDevicePath(self, partition=None):
"""Gets the path for the primary device, which is the only non-removable
device in the system.
partition: The index of the partition on primary device.
The path to the primary device. If partition is specified, the path
points to that partition of the primary device. e.g. /dev/sda1
alpha_re = re.compile(r'^/dev/([a-zA-Z]+)[0-9]+$')
alnum_re = re.compile(r'^/dev/([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+)p[0-9]+$')
matched_alnum = False
dev_set = set()
for path in'cgpt find -t rootfs').stdout.strip().split():
for dev in alpha_re.findall(path):
if self._IsDeviceFixed(dev):
matched_alnum = False
for dev in alnum_re.findall(path):
if self._IsDeviceFixed(dev):
matched_alnum = True
if len(dev_set) != 1:
raise Error('zero or multiple primary devs: %s' % dev_set)
dev_path = os.path.join('/dev', dev_set.pop())
if partition is None:
return dev_path
fmt_str = '%sp%d' if matched_alnum else '%s%d'
return fmt_str % (dev_path, partition)
def FindScript(self, script_name):
"""Finds the script under /usr/local/factory/sh
script_name: The name of the script to look for.
The path of the found script.
Error if the script is not found.
# __file__ is in /usr/local/factory/py/gooftool/
factory_base = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..'))
script_path = os.path.join(factory_base, 'sh', script_name)
if not os.path.isfile(script_path):
raise Error('Needed script %s does not exist.' % script_path)
return script_path
def FindAndRunScript(self, script_name, post_opts=None, pre_opts=None):
"""Finds and runs the script with given options.
script_name: The name of the script to look up and run.
post_opts: A list of strings that will be appended in the command after
the script's name.
pre_opts: A list of strings that will be prepended in the command before
the script's name.
The result of execusion.
Error if execusion failed.
assert not post_opts or isinstance(post_opts, list)
assert not pre_opts or isinstance(pre_opts, list)
script = self.FindScript(script_name)
cmd = '%s %s %s' % (" ".join(pre_opts) if pre_opts else "",
" ".join(post_opts) if post_opts else "")
result =
if not result.success:
raise Error, '%r failed, stderr: %r' % (cmd, result.stderr)
return result
def GetReleaseRootPartitionPath(self):
"""Gets the path for release root partition."""
return self.GetPrimaryDevicePath(5)
def GetReleaseKernelPartitionPath(self):
"""Gets the path for release kernel partition."""
return self.GetPrimaryDevicePath(4)
def GetVBSharedDataFlags(self):
"""Gets VbSharedData flags.
An integer representation of the flags.
return int('crossystem vdat_flags').stdout.strip(), 0)
def GetCurrentDevSwitchPosition(self):
"""Gets the position for the current developer switch.
An integer representation of the current developer switch position.
return int('crossystem devsw_cur').stdout.strip(), 0)
def GetCrosSystem(self):
"""Gets the output of 'crossystem'.
A dict for key-value pairs for the output of 'crossystem'.
e.g. {'flag_name': 'flag_value'}
crossystem_result ='crossystem').stdout.strip().splitlines()
# The crossytem output contains many lines like:
# 'key = value # description'
# Use regexps to pull out the key-value pairs and build a dict.
# Note that value could also contain equal signs.
output = {}
for entry in crossystem_result:
# Any unrecognized format should fail here.
key, value = re.findall(r'\A(\S+)\s+=\s+(.*)#.*\Z', entry)[0]
output[key] = value.strip()
return output
class Gooftool(object):
"""A class to perform hardware probing and verification and to implement
Google required tests.
db: The HWID DB. This is lazily loaded the first time it is used.
_db_creator: The function used to create the db object the first time
it is used.
# TODO(andycheng): refactor all other functions in to this.
def __init__(self, probe=None, hwid_version=2,
hardware_db=None, component_db=None,
board=None, hwdb_path=None):
probe: The probe to use for detecting installed components. If not
specified, cros.factory.gooftool.probe.Probe is used.
hwid_version: The HWID version to operate on. Currently there are only two
options: 2 or 3.
hardware_db: The hardware db to use. If not specified, the one in
hwid_tool.DEFAULT_HWID_DATA_PATH is used.
component_db: The component db to use for both component names and
component classes lookup. If not specified,
hardware_db.component.db is used.
board: A string indicating which board-specific component database to
load. If not specified, the board name will be detected with
cros.factory.hwid.ProbeBoard(). Used for HWID v3 only.
hwdb_path: The path to load the board-specific component database from. If
not specified, cros.factory.hwid.DEFAULT_HWID_DATA_PATH will be used.
Used for HWID v3 only.
self._hwid_version = hwid_version
if hwid_version == 2:
self._hardware_db = (
hardware_db or
self._db_creator = lambda: component_db or self._hardware_db.comp_db
elif hwid_version == 3:
self._board = board or hwid3_common.ProbeBoard()
self._hwdb_path = hwdb_path or hwid3_common.DEFAULT_HWID_DATA_PATH
self._db_creator = lambda: Database.LoadFile(
os.path.join(self._hwdb_path, self._board.upper()))
raise ValueError("Invalid HWID version: %r" % hwid_version)
self._probe = probe or Probe
self._util = Util()
self._crosfw = crosfw
self._read_ro_vpd = ReadRoVpd
self._read_rw_vpd = ReadRwVpd
self._hwid_decode = Decode
self._unpack_bmpblock = unpack_bmpblock
self._named_temporary_file = NamedTemporaryFile
self._db = None
def db(self):
"""Lazy loader for the HWID database."""
if not self._db:
self._db = self._db_creator()
# Hopefully not necessary, but just a safeguard to prevent
# accidentally loading the DB multiple times.
del self._db_creator
return self._db
def VerifyComponents(self, component_list):
"""Verifies the given component list against the component db to ensure
the installed components are correct.
component_list: A list of components to verify.
(e.g., ['camera', 'cpu'])
A dict from component class to a list of one or more
ProbedComponentResult tuples.
{component class: [ProbedComponentResult(
component_name, # The component name if found in the db, else None.
probed_string, # The actual probed string. None if probing failed.
error)]} # The error message if there is one.
probeable_classes = self.db.probeable_components.keys()
if not component_list:
raise ValueError("No component classes specified;\n" +
"Possible choices: %s" % probeable_classes)
unknown_class = [component_class for component_class in component_list
if component_class not in probeable_classes]
if unknown_class:
raise ValueError(("Invalid component classes specified: %s\n" +
"Possible choices: %s") %
(unknown_class, probeable_classes))
probe_results = self._probe(
probe_volatile=False, probe_initial_config=False)
result = {}
for comp_class in sorted(component_list):
probe_vals = probe_results.found_probe_value_map.get(comp_class, None)
if probe_vals is not None:
if isinstance(probe_vals, str):
# Force cast probe_val to be a list so it is easier to process later
probe_vals = [probe_vals]
result_tuples = []
for val in probe_vals:
comp_name = self.db.result_name_map.get(val, None)
if comp_name is not None:
result_tuples.append(ProbedComponentResult(comp_name, val, None))
result_tuples.append(ProbedComponentResult(None, val, (
'unsupported %r component found with probe result'
' %r (no matching name in the component DB)' %
(comp_class, val))))
result[comp_class] = result_tuples
result[comp_class] = [ProbedComponentResult(None, None, (
'missing %r component' % comp_class))]
return result
def FindBOMMismatches(self, board, bom_name, probed_comps):
"""Finds mismatched components for a BOM.
board: The name of the board containing a list of BOMs .
bom_name: The name of the BOM listed in the hardware database.
probed_comps: A named tuple for probed results.
Format: (component_name, probed_string, error)
A dict of mismatched component list for the given BOM.
{component class: [Mismatch(
expected, # The expected result.
actual)]} # The actual probed result.
if board not in self._hardware_db.devices:
raise ValueError("Unable to find BOMs for board %r" % board)
boms = self._hardware_db.devices[board].boms
if not bom_name or not probed_comps:
raise ValueError("both bom_name and probed components must be specified")
if bom_name not in boms:
raise ValueError("BOM %r not found. Available BOMs: %s" % (
bom_name, boms.keys()))
primary = boms[bom_name].primary
mismatches = {}
for comp_class, results in probed_comps.items():
if comp_class in primary.classes_dontcare: # skip don't care components
# If a component is expected to be missing, then empty probed result
# is expected.
if comp_class in primary.classes_missing and (
not any(result.probed_string for result in results)):
if comp_class not in primary.components:
mismatches[comp_class] = Mismatch(None, results)
# Since the component names could be either str or list of str,
# detect its type before converting to a set.
expected_names = primary.components[comp_class]
if isinstance(expected_names, str):
expected_names = [expected_names]
expected_names = set(expected_names)
probed_comp_names = set([result.component_name for result in results])
if probed_comp_names != expected_names:
mismatches[comp_class] = Mismatch(expected_names, probed_comp_names)
return mismatches
def VerifyKeys(self):
"""Verify keys in firmware and SSD match."""
return self._util.FindAndRunScript(
def VerifySystemTime(self):
"""Verify system time is later than release filesystem creation time."""
return self._util.FindAndRunScript(
def VerifyRootFs(self):
"""Verify rootfs on SSD is valid by checking hash."""
return self._util.FindAndRunScript(
def VerifyTPM(self):
"""Verify TPM is cleared."""
tpm_status = ParseDict(GetLines(
CheckOutput(['cryptohome', '--action=tpm_status']),
tpm_cleared_status = {
'TPM Enabled': 'true',
'TPM Owned': 'false',
'TPM Being Owned': 'false'}
if any(tpm_status[k] != v for k, v in tpm_cleared_status.iteritems()):
raise Error, 'TPM is not cleared.'
def VerifyManagementEngineLocked(self):
"""Verify Managment Engine is locked."""
mainfw = self._crosfw.LoadMainFirmware().GetFirmwareImage()
if not mainfw.has_section('SI_ME'):'System does not have Management Engine.')
return True
# If ME is locked, it should contain only 0xFFs.
data = mainfw.get_section('SI_ME').strip(chr(0xFF))
if len(data) != 0:
raise Error, 'ME (ManagementEngine) firmware may be not locked.'
# TODO(hungte) In future we may add more checks using ifdtool. See
# for more information.'Management Engine is locked.')
def VerifyBranding(self):
"""Verify that branding fields are properly set.
A dictionary containing rlz_brand_code and customization_id fields,
for testing.
ro_vpd =
customization_id = ro_vpd.get('customization_id')'RO VPD customization_id: %r', customization_id)
if customization_id is not None:
if not branding.CUSTOMIZATION_ID_REGEXP.match(customization_id):
raise ValueError('Bad format for customization_id %r in RO VPD '
'(expected it to match regexp %r)' % (
customization_id, branding.CUSTOMIZATION_ID_REGEXP.pattern))
rlz_brand_code = ro_vpd.get('rlz_brand_code')'RO VPD rlz_brand_code: %r', rlz_brand_code)
if rlz_brand_code is None:
# It must be present as BRAND_CODE_PATH in rootfs.
with MountPartition(
self._util.GetReleaseRootPartitionPath()) as mount_path:
path = os.path.join(mount_path, branding.BRAND_CODE_PATH.lstrip('/'))
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError('rlz_brand_code is not present in RO VPD, and %s '
'does not exist in release rootfs' % (
with open(path) as f:
rlz_brand_code ='rlz_brand_code from rootfs: %r', rlz_brand_code)
rlz_brand_code_source = 'release_rootfs'
rlz_brand_code_source = 'RO VPD'
if not branding.RLZ_BRAND_CODE_REGEXP.match(rlz_brand_code):
raise ValueError('Bad format for rlz_brand_code %r in %s '
'(expected it to match regexp %r)' % (
rlz_brand_code, rlz_brand_code_source,
rlz_brand_code not in branding.TEST_BRAND_CODES,
"Brand code is %r, but test brand codes are not allowed" %
return dict(rlz_brand_code=rlz_brand_code,
def ClearGBBFlags(self):
"""Zero out the GBB flags, in preparation for transition to release state.
No GBB flags are set in release/shipping state, but they are useful
for factory/development. See "gbb_utility --flags" for details.
def PrepareWipe(self, is_fast=None):
"""Prepare system for transition to release state in next reboot.
is_fast: Whether or not to apply fast wipe.
['FACTORY_WIPE_TAGS=fast'] if is_fast else [])
def Probe(self, target_comp_classes, fast_fw_probe=False, probe_volatile=True,
probe_initial_config=True, probe_vpd=False):
"""Returns probed results for device components, hash, and initial config
This method is essentially a wrapper for probe.Probe. Please refer to
probe.Probe for more detailed description.
target_comp_classes: Which component classes to probe for. A None value
implies all classes.
fast_fw_probe: Only probes for firmware versions.
probe_volatile: On False, do not probe for volatile data and
return None for the corresponding field.
probe_initial_config: On False, do not probe for initial_config
data and return None for the corresponding field.
probe_vpd: On True, include vpd data in the volatiles.
cros.factory.hwdb.hwid_tool.ProbeResults object containing the probed
return self._probe(target_comp_classes=target_comp_classes,
def WriteHWID(self, hwid=None):
"""Writes specified HWID value into the system BB.
hwid: The HWID string to be written to the device.
assert hwid
main_fw = self._crosfw.LoadMainFirmware()'gbb_utility --set --hwid="%s" "%s"' %
(hwid, main_fw.GetFileName()))
def VerifyWPSwitch(self): # pylint: disable=W0613
"""Verifes hardware write protection switch is enabled.
Error when there is an error.
if'crossystem wpsw_cur').stdout.strip() != '1':
raise Error, 'write protection switch is disabled'
def CheckDevSwitchForDisabling(self): # pylint: disable=W0613
"""Checks if the developer switch is ready for disabling.
It checks the developer switch is either already disabled or is virtual so
it could be disabled programmatically.
Whether or not the developer switch is virtual.
Error, if the developer switch is not ready for disabling. i.e. it is not
disabled and it is not virtual.
if (self._util.GetVBSharedDataFlags() & VBSD_HONOR_VIRT_DEV_SWITCH) != 0:
# Note when the system is using virtual developer switch. It could be
# disabled by "crossystem disable_dev_request=1", which is exactly what
# it does in
return True
if self._util.GetCurrentDevSwitchPosition() == 0:
return False
raise Error, 'developer mode is not disabled'
def SetFirmwareBitmapLocale(self):
"""Sets firmware bitmap locale to the default value stored in VPD.
This function ensures the default locale set in VPD is listed in the
supported locales in the firmware bitmap and sets loc_idx to the default
A tuple of the default locale index and default locale. i.e.
(index, locale)
index: The index of the default locale in the bitmap.
locale: The 2-character-string format of the locale. e.g. "en", "zh"
Error, if the initial locale is missing in VPD or the default locale is
not supported.
image_file = self._crosfw.LoadMainFirmware().GetFileName()
locale = self._read_ro_vpd(image_file).get('initial_locale', None)
if locale is None:
raise Error, 'Missing initial_locale VPD.'
# Use the primary initial locale for the firmware bitmap.
locale = locale.partition(',')[0]
bitmap_locales = []
with self._named_temporary_file() as f:'gbb_utility -g --bmpfv=%s %s' % (, image_file))
bmpblk_data = self._unpack_bmpblock(
bitmap_locales = bmpblk_data.get('locales', bitmap_locales)
# Some locale values are just a language code and others are a
# hyphen-separated language code and country code pair. We care
# only about the language code part for some cases. Note some old firmware
# bitmaps use underscore instead hyphen.
for language_code in [locale, locale.replace('-','_'),
if language_code in bitmap_locales:
locale_index = bitmap_locales.index(language_code)'crossystem loc_idx=%d' % locale_index)
return (locale_index, language_code)
raise Error, ('Firmware bitmaps do not contain support for the specified '
'initial locale language %r' % locale)
def GetSystemDetails(self):
"""Gets the system details including: platform name, crossystem,
modem status, EC write-protect status and bios write-protect status.
A dict of system details with the following format:
{Name_of_the_detail: "result of the detail"}
Note that the outputs could be multi-line strings.
# Note: Handle the shell commands with care since unit tests cannot
# ensure the correctness of commands executed in shell.
return {
'platform_name':'mosys platform name').stdout.strip(),
'crossystem': self._util.GetCrosSystem(),
'modem_status':'modem status').stdout.splitlines(),
'flashrom -p ec --get-size 2>/dev/null && '
'flashrom -p ec --wp-status || '
'echo "EC is not available."').stdout,
'flashrom -p host --wp-status').stdout}
def ClearFactoryVPDEntries(self):
"""Clears factory.* items in the RW VPD.
A dict of the removed entries.
entries = dict((k, v) for k, v in
if k.startswith('factory.'))'Removing VPD entries %s', FilterDict(entries))*entries.keys())