blob: bc38cb197c533ac3da9bb727a7204f5fc3f38823 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common classes for HWID v3 operation."""
import collections
import copy
import os
import re
import pprint
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory import common, schema, rule
from cros.factory.hwid import base32, base8192
from cros.factory.test import phase
from cros.factory.test import utils
from import build_board
# The expected location of HWID data within a factory image or the
# chroot.
'src', 'platform', 'chromeos-hwid', 'v3')
if utils.in_chroot()
else '/usr/local/factory/hwid')
PRE_MP_KEY_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile('_pre_?mp')
MP_KEY_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile('_mp[_0-9v]*$')
def ProbeBoard(hwid=None):
"""Probes the board name by looking up the CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD variable
in /etc/lsb-release.
If a HWID string is given, this function will try to parse out the board from
the given string.
hwid: A HWID string to parse.
The probed board name as a string.
HWIDException when probe error.
if hwid:
board = hwid.split(' ')[0].upper()
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DEFAULT_HWID_DATA_PATH, board)):
return board
return build_board.BuildBoard().short_name
def IsMPKeyName(name):
"""Returns True if the key name looks like MP (not pre-MP).
An MP key name does not contain the strings "_premp" or "_premp", and
ends in something like "_mp" or "_mp_v2" or "_mpv2".
return ( and
# A named tuple to store the probed component name and the error if any.
ProbedComponentResult = collections.namedtuple(
'ProbedComponentResult', ['component_name', 'probed_values', 'error'])
'Component class %r is unprobeable' % comp_cls)
MISSING_COMPONENT_ERROR = lambda comp_cls: 'Missing %r component' % comp_cls
AMBIGUOUS_COMPONENT_ERROR = lambda comp_cls, probed_value, comp_names: (
'Ambiguous probe values %s of %r component. Possible components are: %r' %
(pprint.pformat(probed_value, indent=2), comp_cls, sorted(comp_names)))
INVALID_COMPONENT_ERROR = lambda comp_cls, probed_value: (
'Invalid %r component found with probe result %s '
'(no matching name in the component DB)' % (
comp_cls, pprint.pformat(probed_value, indent=2)))
UNSUPPORTED_COMPONENT_ERROR = lambda comp_cls, comp_name, comp_status: (
'Component %r of %r is %s' % (comp_name, comp_cls, comp_status))
class HWIDException(Exception):
"""HWID-related exception."""
class HWID(object):
"""A class that holds all the context of a HWID.
It verifies the correctness of the HWID when a new HWID object is created.
This class is mainly for internal use. User should not create a HWID object
directly with the constructor.
With bom (obatined from hardware prober) and board-specific component
database, HWID encoder can derive binary_string and encoded_string.
Reversely, with encoded_string and board-specific component database, HWID
decoder can derive binary_string and bom.
database: A board-specific Database object.
binary_string: A binary string. Ex: "0000010010..." It is used for fast
component lookups as each component is represented by one or multiple
bits at fixed positions.
encoded_string: An encoded string with board name and checksum. For example:
"CHROMEBOOK ASDF-2345", where CHROMEBOOK is the board name and 45 is the
checksum. Compare to binary_string, it is human-trackable.
bom: A BOM object.
mode: The operation mode of the HWID object. 'normal' indicates the normal
workflow where all checks applies and deprecated components are not
allowed. 'rma' indicates the HWID is goning through RMA process and
deprecated components are allowed to present. Defaults to 'normal'.
skip_check: True to skip HWID verification checks. This is used when we want
to create a HWID object skeleton for further processing, e.g. a skeleton
HWID object to pass to rule evaluation to generate the final HWID.
Defaults to False.
HWIDException if an invalid arg is found.
OPERATION_MODE = utils.Enum(['normal', 'rma', 'no_check'])
COMPONENT_STATUS = utils.Enum(['supported', 'deprecated', 'unsupported'])
ENCODING_SCHEME = utils.Enum(['base32', 'base8192'])
def __init__(self, database, binary_string, encoded_string, bom,
mode=OPERATION_MODE.normal, skip_check=False):
self.database = database
self.binary_string = binary_string
self.encoded_string = encoded_string = bom
if mode not in HWID.OPERATION_MODE:
raise HWIDException("Invalid operation mode: %r. Mode must be one of: "
"'normal' or 'rma'" % mode)
self.mode = mode
if not skip_check:
def VerifySelf(self):
"""Verifies the HWID object itself.
HWIDException on verification error.
# pylint: disable=W0404
from cros.factory.hwid.decoder import BinaryStringToBOM
from cros.factory.hwid.decoder import EncodedStringToBinaryString
if (EncodedStringToBinaryString(self.database, self.encoded_string) !=
raise HWIDException(
'Encoded string %s does not decode to binary string %r' %
(self.encoded_string, self.binary_string))
if BinaryStringToBOM(self.database, self.binary_string) !=
def GetComponentsDifferences(decoded, target):
results = []
for comp_cls in set(
decoded.components.keys() + target.components.keys()):
if comp_cls not in decoded.components:
results.append('Decoded: does not exist. BOM: %r' %
elif comp_cls not in target.components:
results.append('Decoded: %r. BOM: does not exist.' %
elif decoded.components[comp_cls] != target.components[comp_cls]:
results.append('Decoded: %r != BOM: %r' %
(decoded.components[comp_cls], target.components[comp_cls]))
return results
raise HWIDException(
'Binary string %r does not decode to BOM. Differences: %r' %
(self.binary_string, GetComponentsDifferences(
BinaryStringToBOM(self.database, self.binary_string),
# No exception. Everything is good!
def VerifyComponentStatus(self):
"""Verifies the status of all components.
Accepts all 'supported' components, rejects all 'unsupported' components,
and accepts/rejects 'deprecated' components if operation mode is/is not
HWIDException is verification fails.
for comp_cls, comps in
for comp in comps:
comp_name = comp.component_name
if not comp_name:
status = self.database.components.GetComponentStatus(
comp_cls, comp_name)
if status == HWID.COMPONENT_STATUS.supported:
elif status == HWID.COMPONENT_STATUS.unsupported:
raise HWIDException('Found unsupported component of %r: %r' %
(comp_cls, comp_name))
elif status == HWID.COMPONENT_STATUS.deprecated:
if self.mode != HWID.OPERATION_MODE.rma:
raise HWIDException(
'Not in RMA mode. Found deprecated component of %r: %r' %
(comp_cls, comp_name))
def VerifyProbeResult(self, probe_result):
"""Verifies that the probe result matches the settings encoded in the HWID
probe_result: A YAML string of the probe result, which is usually the
output of the probe command.
HWIDException on verification error.
probed_bom = self.database.ProbeResultToBOM(probe_result)
def PackProbedValues(bom, comp_cls):
results = []
for e in bom.components[comp_cls]:
if e.probed_values is None:
matched_component = self.database.components.MatchComponentsFromValues(
comp_cls, e.probed_values)
if matched_component:
return results
for comp_cls in self.database.components.GetRequiredComponents():
if comp_cls not in self.database.components.probeable:
probed_components = common.MakeSet(PackProbedValues(probed_bom, comp_cls))
expected_components = common.MakeSet(PackProbedValues(, comp_cls))
extra_components = probed_components - expected_components
missing_components = expected_components - probed_components
if extra_components or missing_components:
err_msg = 'Component class %r' % comp_cls
if extra_components:
err_msg += ' has extra components: %r' % sorted(extra_components)
if missing_components:
if extra_components:
err_msg += ' and'
err_msg += ' is missing components: %r' % sorted(missing_components)
err_msg += '. Expected components are: %r' % (
sorted(expected_components) if expected_components else None)
raise HWIDException(err_msg)
def VerifyPhase(self, current_phase=None):
"""Enforces phase checks.
- Starting in PVT_DOGFOOD, only an MP key (not a pre-MP key) may be used.
The names of recovery and root keys in HWID files are required to end with
"_mp" or "_mp_v[0-9]+", e.g., "_mp_v2".
- The image ID must begin with the phase name (except that in PVT_DOGFOOD,
the image ID must begin with 'PVT').
current_phase: The current phase, for phase checks. If None is
specified, then phase.GetPhase() is used (this defaults to PVT
if none is available).
# Coerce current_phase to a Phase object, and use default phase
# if unspecified.
current_phase = (phase.Phase(current_phase) if current_phase
else phase.GetPhase())
# Check image ID
expected_image_name_prefix = ('PVT' if current_phase == phase.PVT_DOGFOOD
image_name = self.database.image_id[]
if not image_name.startswith(expected_image_name_prefix):
raise HWIDException('In %s phase, expected an image name beginning with '
'%r (but %r has image ID %r)' % (
current_phase, expected_image_name_prefix, self.encoded_string,
# MP-key checking applies only in PVT and above
if current_phase >= phase.PVT:
errors = []
for key_type in ('recovery', 'root'):
name =['key_%s' % key_type][0].component_name
if not IsMPKeyName(name):
'key_%s component name is %r'
% (key_type, name))
if errors:
raise HWIDException('MP keys are required in %s, but %s' % (
current_phase, ' and '.join(errors)))
def GetLabels(self):
"""Gets from the database the labels of all the components encoded in this
HWID object.
A dict of the form:
'component_class_1': {
'component_name_1': {
'label_key_1': 'LABEL_1_VALUE',
'label_key_2': 'LABEL_2_VALUE',
'component_class_2': {
'component_name_2': None # No labels were defined on this component.
results = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for comp_cls, comp_data in
for comp_value in comp_data:
if comp_value.component_name:
db_comp_attrs = self.database.components.GetComponentAttributes(
comp_cls, comp_value.component_name)
results[comp_cls][comp_value.component_name] = copy.deepcopy(
db_comp_attrs.get('labels', None))
return results
class BOM(object):
"""A class that holds all the information regarding a BOM.
board: A string of board name.
encoding_pattern_index: An int indicating the encoding pattern. Currently,
only 0 is used.
image_id: An int indicating the image id.
components: A dict that maps component classes to a list of
encoded_fields: A dict that maps each encoded field to its index.
SchemaException if invalid argument format is found.
key_type=schema.Scalar('component class', str),
'list of ProbedComponentResult',
[schema.Optional(schema.Scalar('component name', str)),
key_type=schema.Scalar('key', str),
schema.Scalar('value', str),
schema.Scalar('value', rule.Value)]))),
schema.Optional(schema.Scalar('error', str))])))
def __init__(self, board, encoding_pattern_index, image_id,
components, encoded_fields):
self.board = board
self.encoding_pattern_index = encoding_pattern_index
self.image_id = image_id
self.components = components
self.encoded_fields = encoded_fields
def Duplicate(self):
"""Duplicates this BOM object.
A deepcopy of the original BOM object.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __eq__(self, op2):
if not isinstance(op2, BOM):
return False
return self.__dict__ == op2.__dict__
def __ne__(self, op2):
return not self.__eq__(op2)
def _CompareBase32BinaryString(database, expected, given):
def Header(bit_length):
msg = '\n' + '%12s' % 'Bit offset: ' + ' '.join(
['%-5s' % anchor for anchor in xrange(0, bit_length, 5)])
msg += '\n' + '%12s' % ' ' + ' '.join(
['%-5s' % '|' for _ in xrange(0, bit_length, 5)])
return msg
def ParseBinaryString(label, string):
msg = '\n%12s' % (label + ': ') + ' '.join(
[string[i:i+5] for i in xrange(0, len(string), 5)])
msg += '\n%12s' % ' ' + ' '.join(
['%5s' % base32.Base32.Encode(string[i:i+5])
for i in xrange(0, len(string), 5)])
return msg
def BitMap(database):
bitmap = [(key, value.field, value.bit_offset) for key, value in
msg = '\nField to bit mappings:'
msg += '\n%3s: encoding pattern' % '0'
msg += '\n' + '\n'.join([
'%3s: image_id bit %s' % (idx, idx) for idx in xrange(1, 5)])
msg += '\n' + '\n'.join(['%3s: %s bit %s' % entry for entry in bitmap])
return msg
return (Header(len(expected)) +
ParseBinaryString('Expected', expected) +
ParseBinaryString('Given', given) +
def _CompareBase8192BinaryString(database, expected, given):
def Header(bit_length):
msg = '\n' + '%12s' % 'Bit offset: ' + ' '.join(
['%-15s' % anchor for anchor in xrange(0, bit_length, 13)])
msg += '\n' + '%12s' % ' ' + ' '.join(
['%-15s' % '|' for _ in xrange(0, bit_length, 13)])
return msg
def ParseBinaryString(label, string):
msg = '\n%12s' % (label + ': ') + ' '.join(
['%-5s %-3s %-5s' % (
string[i:i+5], string[i+5:i+8], string[i+8:i+13])
for i in xrange(0, len(string), 13)])
def _SplitString(s):
results = list(base8192.Base8192.Encode(s))
if len(results) == 4:
results = results[0:3]
if len(results) < 3:
results.extend([' '] * (3 - len(results)))
return tuple(results)
msg += '\n%12s' % ' ' + ' '.join(
[('%5s %3s %5s' % _SplitString(string[i:i+13]))
for i in xrange(0, len(string), 13)])
return msg
def BitMap(database):
bitmap = [(key, value.field, value.bit_offset) for key, value in
msg = '\nField to bit mappings:'
msg += '\n%3s: encoding pattern' % '0'
msg += '\n' + '\n'.join([
'%3s: image_id bit %s' % (idx, idx) for idx in xrange(1, 5)])
msg += '\n' + '\n'.join(['%3s: %s bit %s' % entry for entry in bitmap])
return msg
return (Header(len(expected)) +
ParseBinaryString('Expected', expected) +
ParseBinaryString('Given', given) +
def CompareBinaryString(database, expected, given):
image_id = database.pattern.GetImageIdFromBinaryString(given)
encoding_scheme = database.pattern.GetPatternByImageId(
if encoding_scheme == HWID.ENCODING_SCHEME.base32:
return _CompareBase32BinaryString(database, expected, given)
elif encoding_scheme == HWID.ENCODING_SCHEME.base8192:
return _CompareBase8192BinaryString(database, expected, given)