blob: e9fa81987e256aa6a8bc78113b2a2a80f4ff2f7f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Handles /resourcemap requests.
Acooridng to DUT (device under test) info embedded in request header, it
chooses the right bundle for the DUT and returns the resource map of the bundle.
import Cookie
import urllib
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.umpire.common import (
def ParseDUTHeader(header):
"""Parses X-Umpire-DUT embedded in DUT's request.
It checks if it only contains key(s) defined in DUT_INFO_KEYS.
header: DUT info embedded in header X-Umpire-DUT. It is a string of
"key=value; key=value ...", which is the same as HTTP Cookie.
A dict of DUT info.
ValueError if header is ill-formed.
def ValidKey(key):
if key in DUT_INFO_KEYS:
return True
if any(key.startswith(prefix) for prefix in DUT_INFO_KEY_PREFIX):
return True
return False
dut_info = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
invalid_keys = [key for key in dut_info if not ValidKey(key)]
if invalid_keys:
raise ValueError('Invalid key(s): %r' % invalid_keys)
return dict((k, v.value) for k, v in dut_info.iteritems())
def SelectRuleset(config, dut_info):
"""Gets ruleset for the DUT based on rulesets defined in UmpireConfig.
config: an UmpireConfig object
dut_info: a DUT info represented in key-value dict. It should be parsed
from X-Umpire-DUT header by ParseDUTHeader().
ruleset; None if no ruleset is matched.
def TryScalarMatcher(name, expect_values):
"""Checks if the DUT matches if name is a scalar matcher.
For a scalar matcher, a DUT is matched if dut_info[name] is in
name: matcher name
expect_values: list/set of scalar values to match
True if name is not a scalar matcher.
Otherwise, True if the DUT matches the matcher.
if name not in SCALAR_MATCHERS:
return True
return dut_info.get(name) in expect_values
def TryScalarPrefixMatcher(name, expect_values):
"""Checks if the DUT matches if name is a scalar-prefix matcher.
For a scalar-prefix matcher, a DUT is matched if the DUT info has a
property which's key starts with name and value is in values.
name: matcher name
expect_values: list/set of scalar values to match
True if name is not a scalar_prefix matcher.
Otherwise, True if the DUT matches the matcher.
return True
return any(dut_info[k] in expect_values for k in dut_info
if k.startswith(name))
def TryRangeMatcher(name, value_range):
"""Checks if the DUT matches if name is a range matcher.
For a scalar matcher, a DUT is matched if dut_info[key] is within
value_range, where key is matcher's name without '_range' postfix.
name: range matcher, which ends with '_range'
value_range: (range_start, range_end). '-' means open end.
True if name is not a range matcher.
Otherwise, True if the DUT matches the matcher.
if name not in RANGE_MATCHERS:
return True
dut_value = dut_info.get(name[:-6]) # remove '_range' postifix
if not dut_value:
return False
(start, end) = value_range
return ((start == '-' or start <= dut_value) and
(end == '-' or end >= dut_value))
# Check ruleset in order.
for ruleset in config['rulesets']:
if not ruleset['active']:
# If no matcher is provided, it matches all.
if 'match' not in ruleset:
return ruleset
# Rules in a ruleset are ANDed, i.e. the DUT needs to match all of them.
if all(TryScalarMatcher(name, value) and
TryScalarPrefixMatcher(name, value) and
TryRangeMatcher(name, value)
for name, value in ruleset['match'].iteritems()):
return ruleset
return None
def SelectBundle(config, dut_info):
"""Gets bundle ID for the DUT based on rulesets defined in UmpireConfig.
config: an UmpireConfig object
dut_info: a DUT info represented in key-value dict. It should be parsed
from X-Umpire-DUT header by ParseDUTHeader().
Bundle ID; None if no ruleset is matched.
ruleset = SelectRuleset(config, dut_info)
return ruleset['bundle_id'] if ruleset else None
def GetResourceMap(dut_info, env):
"""Gets resource map for the DUT.
It is used for twisted to call when receiving "GET /resourcemap" request.
dut_info: value of request header X-Umpire-DUT.
env: an UmpireEnv object.
String for response text.
result = []
bundle_id = SelectBundle(env.config, dut_info)
if not bundle_id:
return None
bundle = env.config.bundle_map.get(bundle_id)
if not bundle:
return None
handler_port, handler_token = env.shop_floor_manager.GetHandler(bundle_id)
result = ['id: %s' % bundle['id'],
'note: %s' % bundle['note'],
'__token__: %s' % handler_token,
'shop_floor_handler: %s/%d' % (HANDLER_BASE, handler_port)]
result.extend('%s: %s' % (k, urllib.quote(v)) for k, v in
return '\n'.join(result)