blob: 8214227ffdff7435cf48dccda91a6839be9b09a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package overlord
import (
// RegistrationFailedError indicats an registration fail error.
type RegistrationFailedError error
const (
logBufferSize = 1024 * 16
pingRecvTimeout = pingTimeout * 2
// TerminalControl is a JSON struct for storing terminal control messages.
type TerminalControl struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Data string `json:"data"`
type logcatContext struct {
Format int // Log format, see constants.go
WsConns []*websocket.Conn // WebSockets for logcat
History string // Log buffer for logcat
type fileDownloadContext struct {
Name string // Download filename
Size int64 // Download filesize
Data chan []byte // Channel for download data
Ready bool // Ready for download
// ConnServer is the main struct for storing connection context between
// Overlord and Ghost.
type ConnServer struct {
Mode int // Client mode, see constants.go
Command chan interface{} // Channel for overlord command
Response chan string // Channel for reponsing overlord command
Sid string // Session ID
Mid string // Machine ID
TerminalSid string // Associated terminal session ID
Properties map[string]interface{} // Client properties
ovl *Overlord // Overlord handle
registered bool // Whether we are registered or not
wsConn *websocket.Conn // WebSocket for Terminal and Shell
logcat logcatContext // Logcat context
Download fileDownloadContext // File download context
stopListen chan bool // Stop the Listen() loop
lastPing int64 // Last time the client pinged
// NewConnServer create a ConnServer object.
func NewConnServer(ovl *Overlord, conn net.Conn) *ConnServer {
return &ConnServer{
RPCCore: NewRPCCore(conn),
Mode: ModeNone,
Command: make(chan interface{}),
Response: make(chan string),
Properties: make(map[string]interface{}),
ovl: ovl,
stopListen: make(chan bool, 1),
registered: false,
Download: fileDownloadContext{Data: make(chan []byte)},
func (c *ConnServer) setProperties(prop map[string]interface{}) {
if prop != nil {
c.Properties = prop
addr := c.Conn.RemoteAddr().String()
parts := strings.Split(addr, ":")
c.Properties["ip"] = strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], ":")
// StopListen stops ConnServer's Listen loop.
func (c *ConnServer) StopListen() {
c.stopListen <- true
// Terminate terminats the connection and perform cleanup.
func (c *ConnServer) Terminate() {
if c.registered {
if c.Conn != nil {
if c.wsConn != nil {
c.wsConn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, []byte(""))
// writeWebsocket is a helper function for written text to websocket in the
// correct format.
func (c *ConnServer) writeLogToWS(conn *websocket.Conn, buf string) error {
if c.Mode == ModeLogcat && c.logcat.Format == logcatTypeText {
buf = ToVTNewLine(buf)
return conn.WriteMessage(websocket.BinaryMessage, []byte(buf))
// ModeForwards the input from Websocket to TCP socket.
func (c *ConnServer) forwardWSInput() {
defer func() {
c.stopListen <- true
for {
mt, payload, err := c.wsConn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
log.Println("WebSocket connection terminated")
} else {
log.Println("Unknown error while reading from WebSocket:", err)
switch mt {
case websocket.BinaryMessage, websocket.TextMessage:
log.Printf("Invalid message type %d\n", mt)
// ModeForward the stream output to WebSocket.
func (c *ConnServer) forwardWSOutput(buffer string) {
if c.wsConn == nil {
c.stopListen <- true
c.wsConn.WriteMessage(websocket.BinaryMessage, []byte(buffer))
// ModeForward the logcat output to WebSocket.
func (c *ConnServer) forwardLogcatOutput(buffer string) {
c.logcat.History += buffer
if l := len(c.logcat.History); l > logBufferSize {
c.logcat.History = c.logcat.History[l-logBufferSize : l]
var aliveWsConns []*websocket.Conn
for _, conn := range c.logcat.WsConns[:] {
if err := c.writeLogToWS(conn, buffer); err == nil {
aliveWsConns = append(aliveWsConns, conn)
} else {
c.logcat.WsConns = aliveWsConns
func (c *ConnServer) forwardFileDownloadData(buffer []byte) {
c.Download.Data <- buffer
func (c *ConnServer) processRequests(reqs []*Request) error {
for _, req := range reqs {
if err := c.handleRequest(req); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Handle the requests from Overlord.
func (c *ConnServer) handleOverlordRequest(obj interface{}) {
log.Printf("Received %T command from overlord\n", obj)
switch v := obj.(type) {
case SpawnTerminalCmd:
c.SpawnTerminal(v.Sid, v.TtyDevice)
case SpawnShellCmd:
c.SpawnShell(v.Sid, v.Command)
case ConnectLogcatCmd:
// Write log history to newly joined client
c.writeLogToWS(v.Conn, c.logcat.History)
c.logcat.WsConns = append(c.logcat.WsConns, v.Conn)
case SpawnFileCmd:
c.SpawnFileServer(v.Sid, v.TerminalSid, v.Action, v.Filename, v.Dest,
v.Perm, v.CheckOnly)
case SpawnModeForwarderCmd:
c.SpawnModeForwarder(v.Sid, v.Port)
// Listen is the main routine for listen to socket messages.
func (c *ConnServer) Listen() {
var reqs []*Request
readChan, readErrChan := c.SpawnReaderRoutine()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(timeoutCheckInterval))
defer c.Terminate()
for {
select {
case buf := <-readChan:
buffer := string(buf)
// Some modes completely ignore the RPC call, process them.
switch c.Mode {
case ModeTerminal, ModeShell, ModeForward:
case ModeLogcat:
case ModeFile:
if c.Download.Ready {
// Only Parse the first message if we are not registered, since
// if we are in logcat mode, we want to preserve the rest of the
// data and forward it to the websocket.
reqs = c.ParseRequests(buffer, !c.registered)
if err := c.processRequests(reqs); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(RegistrationFailedError); ok {
log.Printf("%s, abort\n", err)
// If c.mode changed, means we just got a registration message and
// are in a different mode.
switch c.Mode {
case ModeTerminal, ModeShell, ModeForward:
// Start a goroutine to forward the WebSocket Input
go c.forwardWSInput()
case ModeLogcat:
// A logcat client does not wait for ACK before sending
// stream, so we need to forward the remaining content of the buffer
if c.ReadBuffer != "" {
c.ReadBuffer = ""
case err := <-readErrChan:
if err == io.EOF {
if c.Download.Ready {
c.Download.Data <- nil
log.Printf("connection dropped: %s\n", c.Sid)
} else {
log.Printf("unknown network error for %s: %s\n", c.Sid, err)
case msg := <-c.Command:
case <-ticker.C:
if err := c.ScanForTimeoutRequests(); err != nil {
if c.Mode == ModeControl && c.lastPing != 0 &&
time.Now().Unix()-c.lastPing > pingRecvTimeout {
log.Printf("Client %s timeout\n", c.Mid)
case s := <-c.stopListen:
if s {
// Request handlers
func (c *ConnServer) handlePingRequest(req *Request) error {
c.lastPing = time.Now().Unix()
res := NewResponse(req.Rid, "pong", nil)
return c.SendResponse(res)
func (c *ConnServer) handleRegisterRequest(req *Request) error {
type RequestArgs struct {
Sid string `json:"sid"`
Mid string `json:"mid"`
Mode int `json:"mode"`
Format int `json:"format"`
Properties map[string]interface{} `json:"properties"`
var args RequestArgs
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return err
if len(args.Mid) == 0 {
return errors.New("handleRegisterRequest: empty machine ID received")
if len(args.Sid) == 0 {
return errors.New("handleRegisterRequest: empty session ID received")
var err error
c.Sid = args.Sid
c.Mid = args.Mid
c.Mode = args.Mode
c.logcat.Format = args.Format
c.wsConn, err = c.ovl.Register(c)
if err != nil {
res := NewResponse(req.Rid, err.Error(), nil)
return RegistrationFailedError(errors.New("Register: " + err.Error()))
// Notify client of our Terminal ssesion ID
if c.Mode == ModeTerminal && c.wsConn != nil {
msg, err := json.Marshal(TerminalControl{"sid", c.Sid})
if err != nil {
log.Println("handleRegisterRequest: failed to format message")
} else {
c.wsConn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, msg)
c.registered = true
c.lastPing = time.Now().Unix()
res := NewResponse(req.Rid, Success, nil)
return c.SendResponse(res)
func (c *ConnServer) handleDownloadRequest(req *Request) error {
type RequestArgs struct {
TerminalSid string `json:"terminal_sid"`
Filename string `json:"filename"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
var args RequestArgs
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
return err
c.Download.Ready = true
c.TerminalSid = args.TerminalSid
c.Download.Name = args.Filename
c.Download.Size = args.Size
res := NewResponse(req.Rid, Success, nil)
return c.SendResponse(res)
func (c *ConnServer) handleClearToUploadRequest(req *Request) error {
return nil
func (c *ConnServer) handleRequest(req *Request) error {
var err error
switch req.Name {
case "ping":
err = c.handlePingRequest(req)
case "register":
err = c.handleRegisterRequest(req)
case "request_to_download":
err = c.handleDownloadRequest(req)
case "clear_to_upload":
err = c.handleClearToUploadRequest(req)
return err
// SendUpgradeRequest sends upgrade request to clients to trigger an upgrade.
func (c *ConnServer) SendUpgradeRequest() error {
req := NewRequest("upgrade", nil)
return c.SendRequest(req, nil)
// Generic handler for remote command
func (c *ConnServer) getHandler(name string) func(res *Response) error {
return func(res *Response) error {
if res == nil {
c.Response <- "command timeout"
return errors.New(name + ": command timeout")
if res.Response != Success {
c.Response <- res.Response
return errors.New(name + " failed: " + res.Response)
c.Response <- ""
return nil
// SpawnTerminal spawns a terminal connection (a ghost with mode ModeTerminal).
// sid is the session ID, which will be used as the session ID of the new ghost.
// ttyDevice is the target terminal device to open. If it's an empty string, a
// pseudo terminal will be open instead.
func (c *ConnServer) SpawnTerminal(sid, ttyDevice string) {
params := map[string]interface{}{"sid": sid}
if ttyDevice != "" {
params["tty_device"] = ttyDevice
} else {
params["tty_device"] = nil
req := NewRequest("terminal", params)
c.SendRequest(req, c.getHandler("SpawnTerminal"))
// SpawnShell spawns a shell command connection (a ghost with mode ModeShell).
// sid is the session ID, which will be used as the session ID of the new ghost.
// command is the command to execute.
func (c *ConnServer) SpawnShell(sid string, command string) {
req := NewRequest("shell", map[string]interface{}{
"sid": sid, "command": command})
c.SendRequest(req, c.getHandler("SpawnShell"))
// SpawnFileServer Spawn a remote file connection (a ghost with mode ModeFile).
// action is either 'download' or 'upload'.
// sid is used for uploading file, indicatiting which client's working
// directory to upload to.
func (c *ConnServer) SpawnFileServer(sid, terminalSid, action, filename,
dest string, perm int, checkOnly bool) {
if action == "download" {
req := NewRequest("file_download", map[string]interface{}{
"sid": sid, "filename": filename})
c.SendRequest(req, c.getHandler("SpawnFileServer: download"))
} else if action == "upload" {
req := NewRequest("file_upload", map[string]interface{}{
"sid": sid, "terminal_sid": terminalSid, "filename": filename,
"dest": dest, "perm": perm, "check_only": checkOnly})
c.SendRequest(req, c.getHandler("SpawnFileServer: upload"))
} else {
log.Printf("SpawnFileServer: invalid file action `%s', ignored.\n", action)
// SendClearToDownload sends "clear_to_download" request to client to start
// downloading.
func (c *ConnServer) SendClearToDownload() {
req := NewRequest("clear_to_download", nil)
c.SendRequest(req, nil)
// SpawnModeForwarder spawns a forwarder connection (a ghost with mode ModeForward).
// sid is the session ID, which will be used as the session ID of the new ghost.
func (c *ConnServer) SpawnModeForwarder(sid string, port int) {
req := NewRequest("forward", map[string]interface{}{
"sid": sid,
"port": port,
c.SendRequest(req, c.getHandler("SpawnModeForwarder"))