blob: daf62ae46c16ff950a744c9526d8307a48be9c75 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import factory_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from import download_patch
class CherryPickChangesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def _BuildCommitObject(self, commit_hash, parent_hash):
PROJECT_URL = 'project/'
REVIEW_URL = 'review/'
return {
'subject': 'SUBJECT_' + commit_hash,
'change_id': 'CHANGE_ID_' + commit_hash,
'parent': parent_hash,
'fetch': {'url': PROJECT_URL,
'ref': 'REF_' + commit_hash},
'url': REVIEW_URL + commit_hash}
def assertSubSequence(self, subseq, seq):
"""Asserts that subseq is a subsequence of seq."""
seq_idx = 0
for v in subseq:
found = False
while seq_idx < len(seq):
seq_idx += 1
if v == seq[seq_idx - 1]:
found = True
if not found:
raise AssertionError('%r is not a subsequence of %r' % (subseq, seq))
def testTopologicalSort(self):
# a -> b -> c
changes = {
'a': self._BuildCommitObject('a', '-'),
'b': self._BuildCommitObject('b', 'a'),
'c': self._BuildCommitObject('c', 'b'), }
changes = download_patch.TopologicalSort(changes)
[v['commit'] for v in changes],
['a', 'b', 'c'])
# a -> b -> c -> e
# `-> d
# f
# g -> h
changes = {
'a': self._BuildCommitObject('a', '-'),
'b': self._BuildCommitObject('b', 'a'),
'c': self._BuildCommitObject('c', 'b'),
'd': self._BuildCommitObject('d', 'b'),
'e': self._BuildCommitObject('e', 'c'),
'f': self._BuildCommitObject('f', '-'),
'g': self._BuildCommitObject('g', '-'),
'h': self._BuildCommitObject('h', 'g'), }
changes = download_patch.TopologicalSort(changes)
ordered_commits = [v['commit'] for v in changes]
self.assertSubSequence(['a', 'b', 'c', 'e'], ordered_commits)
self.assertSubSequence(['a', 'b', 'd'], ordered_commits)
self.assertSubSequence(['g', 'h'], ordered_commits)
if __name__ == '__main__':