blob: f01f1e6d1faf982d4234c021653c50cab365c722 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
INIT_BASE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
# The request file contains the path to the factory toolkit. If this file
# exists, and the path it points to also exists, the script will try to install
# factory toolkit from that path.
export INIT_BASE
log() {
echo "[$(date)] $*"
is_enabled() {
# Returns 0 if this rule is enabled.
# Returns 1 if this rule if disabled.
# A rule is disabled if and only if:
# 1. file "disable-${rule_name}" exists OR
# 2. file "enable-${rule_name}" doesn't exist AND "${rule_file}" is
# not executable
# Parameters:
# rule_file: path to the rule file: "/path/to/${rule_name}.sh"
local rule_file="$1"
local rule_dir="$(dirname "$rule_file")"
local rule_file_name="$(basename "${rule_file}")"
local rule_name="${}"
local enable_rule="${rule_dir}/enable-${rule_name}"
local disable_rule="${rule_dir}/disable-${rule_name}"
if [ -e "${disable_rule}" ]; then
return 1
[ -e "${enable_rule}" -o -x "${rule_file}" ]
execute_rules() {
local init_folder="$1"
local rule_file="" rule_name="" enable_rule="" disable_rule=""
for rule_file in "${INIT_BASE}/${init_folder}"/*.sh; do
[ -e "${rule_file}" ] || continue # Skip if no rules found.
rule_name="$(basename "${}")"
if ! is_enabled "${rule_file}"; then
log "Skipping disabled ${rule_file}..."
# In UNIX we cannot wait for grandchildren (which will become children of
# init when its parent = our children exits), so we have to put the logic
# here.
if [ -n "${IS_PARALLEL}" ]; then
log "Applying ${rule_file} in parallel..."
sh "${rule_file}" &
log "Applying ${rule_file}..."
sh "${rule_file}"
execute_rules_in_parallel() {
IS_PARALLEL=true execute_rules "$@"
factory_install() {
log "Probing install request file..."
if [ ! -e "${INSTALL_REQUEST_FILE}" ]; then
log "Install request file '${INSTALL_REQUEST_FILE}' not found, " \
"will not install factory toolkit"
local factory_toolkit_path="$(cat "${INSTALL_REQUEST_FILE}")"
log "Probing factory toolkit file at '${factory_toolkit_path}'..."
if [ ! -x "${factory_toolkit_path}" ]; then
log "'${factory_toolkit_path}' not found or not executable, " \
"will not install factory toolkit"
log "'${factory_toolkit_path}' found and is executable"
log "Installing factory toolkit from '${factory_toolkit_path}'..."
if ! "${factory_toolkit_path}" -- --yes; then
log "Failed to install factory toolkit, abort"
return 1
log "Factory toolkit installed, removing install request file..."
# Hand this over to the new startup script.
log "Executing the new startup script..."
exec "${INIT_BASE}/startup" init
factory_preinit() {
log "Starting ChromeOS factory preinit..."
execute_rules preinit.d
log "Finish all preinit programs."
factory_init() {
log "Starting ChromeOS factory initialization..."
# the upstart "factory-init" job will wait other jobs finished, so we can
# reload configuration without losting the event.
initctl reload-configuration
local frecon_vt0="/run/frecon/vt0"
local text_splash="/usr/local/factory/misc/boot_splash.txt"
if [ -c "${frecon_vt0}" ]; then
cat "${text_splash}" >>"${frecon_vt0}"
# Probe the install request file to see if we need to install toolkit first.
execute_rules init.d
execute_rules iptables.d
# See factory_main for the path of tag that may disable Goofy.
local goofy_rule="${INIT_BASE}/main.d/"
if ! is_enabled "${goofy_rule}"; then
log "Initialization finished (Goofy rules are disabled)."
execute_rules "goofy.d"
log "All initialization finished."
factory_main() {
log "Running ChromeOS factory main program pre-start jobs..."
execute_rules main.d/pre-start
# Unlike factory_init, the main programs may need to run in parallel for a
# long time and occupy the session time of factory.conf so we have to wait
# until all children processes finished.
log "Starting ChromeOS factory main program in parallel..."
execute_rules_in_parallel main.d
log "All main programs started, waiting to finish..."
log "Finished all main programs. Factory job stopped."
main() {
mkdir -p /var/log
local log_file=/var/log/factory-init.log
local mode="init"
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
case "${mode}" in
preinit )
# Preinit should be invoked only one time so we want to re-create the
# logs.
# This should be called after chromeos_startup finished, that is, before
# starting boot-services.
factory_preinit 2>&1 | tee "${log_file}"
init )
# Init will be invoked after preinit finished, so we append the logs
factory_init 2>&1 | tee -a "${log_file}"
main )
# Developers may try to start factory main several times so we want to
# append the logs.
factory_main 2>&1 | tee -a "${log_file}"
* )
log "Unknown mode: ${mode}." | tee "${log_file}"
exit 1
main "$@"