Modify make_factory_package to use new partitioning scripts

TEST=Run with --diskimg, dd resulting image to SSD, verify boots

Change-Id: Ie72a96b2361138b97ca7b0d5654997496d2dada2
Reviewed-by: Hung-Te Lin <>
Commit-Ready: Liam McLoughlin <>
Tested-by: Liam McLoughlin <>
diff --git a/setup/ b/setup/
index dbfae7c..53af9e4 100755
--- a/setup/
+++ b/setup/
@@ -326,7 +326,6 @@
 prepare_img() {
   local outdev="$(readlink -f "$FLAGS_diskimg")"
   local sectors="$FLAGS_sectors"
-  local force_full="true"
   # We'll need some code to put in the PMBR, for booting on legacy BIOS.
   echo "Fetch PMBR"
@@ -350,7 +349,38 @@
   # Create GPT partition table.
-  install_gpt "${outdev}" 0 0 "${pmbrcode}" 0 "${force_full}"
+  local root_fs_dir="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir)"
+  local write_gpt_path="${root_fs_dir}/usr/sbin/"
+  image_add_temp "${root_fs_dir}"
+  image_mount_partition "${FLAGS_release}" "3" "${root_fs_dir}" "ro" "-t ext2"
+  if [ ! -f "${write_gpt_path}" ]; then
+    die "This script no longer works on legacy images without"
+  fi
+  # We need to patch up a bit to cope with the fact we're
+  # running in a non-chroot/device env and that we're not running as root
+  local outdev_block=$(sudo losetup -f --show "${outdev}")
+  local partition_script="$(mktemp --tmpdir)"
+  image_add_temp "${partition_script}"
+  cat "${write_gpt_path}" > "${partition_script}"
+  echo write_base_table "${outdev_block}" "${pmbrcode}" >> "${partition_script}"
+  # Fix path to
+  sed -i 's"/usr/sbin/"lib/"g' \
+    "${partition_script}"
+  # Add local bin to PATH before running locate_gpt
+  sed -i 's,locate_gpt,PATH="'"$PATH"'";locate_gpt,g' "${partition_script}"
+  sudo bash "${partition_script}"
+  sudo losetup -d "${outdev_block}"
+  image_umount_partition "${root_fs_dir}"
   # Activate the correct partition.
   sudo "${GPT}" add -i 2 -S 1 -P 1 "${outdev}"