blob: c1d7c2d2fc51a8b763531b855138a667c08b4cf9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import yaml
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.test.env import paths
from cros.factory.utils.process_utils import Spawn
from cros.factory.utils.schema import Dict, FixedDict, Scalar
"""Installs symlinks to factory binaries, based on symlinks.yaml.
See misc/symlinks.yaml for more information on installation modes, and
a list of symlinks that are installed.
# Schema for symlinks.yaml.
items={'binaries': Dict('binaries',
Scalar('bin', str),
Scalar('mode', str, ['full', 'mini']))})
# Valid modes.
MODE_FULL = 'full' # Install all binaries
MODE_MINI = 'mini' # Install only factory-mini binaries
def InstallSymlinks(target, dest, mode, sudo=False, symlinks=None):
"""Installs symlinks to factory binaries.
target: Path to the directory actually containing the binaries,
or a .par file to which binaries will be linked.
dest: The directory in which the symlinks will be created.
mode: The mode for installation: 'mini' to install only binaries
for factory-mini.par, or 'full' to install all binaries.
sudo: Whether to sudo when creating the links.
symlinks: The parsed contents of the symlinks.yaml file. If
None, this is loaded from symlinks.yaml.
A list of names of symlinks binaries.
assert mode in [MODE_MINI, MODE_FULL]
if not symlinks:
with open(os.path.join(paths.FACTORY_PATH,
'misc/symlinks.yaml')) as f:
symlinks = yaml.load(f)
# Binaries that we have linked.
linked = []
Spawn(['mkdir', '-p', dest], check_call=True, log=True, sudo=sudo)
for item_name, item_mode in sorted(symlinks['binaries'].items()):
link_path = os.path.join(dest, item_name)
if item_mode == 'full' and mode == 'mini':
# The item works only with the full toolkit, but we are
# installing symlinks for factory-mini.par. Don't write the
# symlink.'Skipping %s', item_name)
if target.endswith('.par'):
target_path = target
target_path = os.path.join(target, os.path.basename(link_path))
Spawn(['ln', '-sf', target_path, link_path], log=True, check_call=True,
return linked
def main(argv=None, out=sys.stdout):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Installs symlinks to factory binaries.')
'--mode', choices=['mini', 'full'], metavar='MODE', default='full',
help=('Whether to install symlinks for the full toolkit or just for '
'the mini toolkit (default: %(default)s)'))
'--target', metavar='TARGETPATH', default='/usr/local/bin',
help=('Base path for symlink targets; may be a directory or .par file. '
'The path may be absolute, or relative to DESTPATH '
'(default: %(default)s)'))
'--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='Enable verbose logging')
'dest', metavar='PATH', nargs=1,
help='Destination directory for symlinks')
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO if args.verbose else logging.WARNING)
linked = InstallSymlinks(, args.dest[0], args.mode)
out.write('Created symlinks: %s\n' % ' '.join(linked))
if __name__ == '__main__':