blob: 5b9d7340f174fa220d0cf2e300fb302c67a8bf8b [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A factory test to ensure the functionality of CPU fan.
It provides two types of test:
A. target_rpm mode
B. spin_max_then_half mode.
For mode B, it first spins fan up to a max_rpm to get an empirical maximum
fan rpm; then it runs mode A with half of the empirical max rpm as target_rpm.
In mode A, the steps are:
1. Sets the fan speed to a target RPM.
2. Monitors the fan speed for a given period (duration_secs) with sampling
interval (probe_interval_secs). Then it takes average of the latest
#num_samples_to_use samples as the stablized fan speed reading.
3. Checks that the averaged reading is within range
[target_rpm - error_margin, target_rpm + error_margin].
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
import logging
import time
import unittest
from cros.factory import system
from cros.factory.system.board import BoardException
from cros.factory.test import factory
from cros.factory.test.args import Arg
from cros.factory.test.test_ui import MakeLabel, UI
from cros.factory.test.ui_templates import OneSection
_TEST_TITLE = MakeLabel('Fan Speed Test', zh=u'风扇转速测试')
_MSG_FAN_SPEED = MakeLabel('Fan speed (RPM):', zh=u'风扇转速(RPM):')
_ID_STATUS = 'fs_status'
_ID_RPM = 'fs_rpm'
_TEST_BODY = ('<div id="%s"></div><br>\n'
'%s <div id="%s"></div>') % (_ID_STATUS, _MSG_FAN_SPEED, _ID_RPM)
def _Average(numbers):
# Use 0.0 as the first term to sum to make sum a floating point.
return sum(numbers, 0.0) / len(numbers)
class FanSpeedTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""A factory test for testing system fan."""
ARGS = [
Arg('target_rpm', int,
'Target RPM to set during test. Unused if spin_max_then_half is set.',
default=0, optional=True),
Arg('error_margin', int,
'Fail the test if actual fan speed is off the target by the margin.',
Arg('duration_secs', (int, float),
'Duration of monitoring fan speed in seconds.', default=10),
Arg('spin_max_then_half', bool,
'If True, spin the fan to max_rpm, measure the actual reading, and '
'set fan speed to half of actual max speed. Note that if True, '
'target_rpm is invalid.', default=False),
Arg('max_rpm', int,
'A relatively high RPM for probing maximum fan speed. It is used '
'when spin_max_then_half=True.', default=10000),
Arg('probe_interval_secs', float,
'Interval of probing fan speed in seconds.', default=0.2),
Arg('num_samples_to_use', int,
'Number of lastest samples to count average as stablized speed.',
Arg('use_percentage', bool, 'Use percentage to set fan speed',
default=False, optional=True)]
def setUp(self):
self.args.target_rpm > 0 or self.args.spin_max_then_half,
'Either set a valid target_rpm or spin_max_then_half=True.')
self._ui = UI()
self._template = OneSection(self._ui)
self._board = system.GetBoard(self.dut)
def tearDown(self):'Set auto fan speed control.')
def SetAndGetFanSpeed(self, target_rpm):
"""Sets fan speed and observes readings for a while (blocking call).
target_rpm: target fan speed.
List of fan speed, each fan speed if the average of the latest
#num_samples_to_use samples as stablized fan speed reading.
observed_rpm = self._board.GetFanRPM()
fan_count = len(observed_rpm)
spin_up = target_rpm > _Average(observed_rpm)
status = 'Spin %s fan speed: %s -> %d RPM.' % (
'up' if spin_up else 'down', observed_rpm, target_rpm)
status_zh = u'风扇%s速: %s -> %d PRM.' % (
u'加' if spin_up else u'减', observed_rpm, target_rpm)
self._ui.SetHTML(MakeLabel(status, status_zh), id=_ID_STATUS)
self._ui.SetHTML(str(observed_rpm), id=_ID_RPM)
if self.args.use_percentage:
self._board.SetFanRPM(int(target_rpm * 100 / self.args.max_rpm))
# Probe fan speed for duration_secs seconds with sampling interval
# probe_interval_secs.
end_time = time.time() + self.args.duration_secs
# Samples of all fan speed with sample period: probe_interval_secs.
ith_fan_samples = [[] for _ in xrange(fan_count)]
while time.time() < end_time:
observed_rpm = self._board.GetFanRPM()
for i, ith_fan_rpm in enumerate(observed_rpm):
self._ui.SetHTML(str(observed_rpm), id=_ID_RPM)'Observed fan RPM: %s', observed_rpm)
num_samples = self.args.num_samples_to_use
total_samples = len(ith_fan_samples[0])
if num_samples > total_samples / 2:
logging.error('Insufficient #samples to get average fan speed. '
'Use latest one instead.')
num_samples = 1
# Average the latest #num_samples readings as stablized fan speed.
average_fan_rpm = []
for i in xrange(fan_count):
return average_fan_rpm
def runTest(self):
"""Main test function."""
if self.args.spin_max_then_half:'Spinning fan up to to get max fan speed...')
max_rpm = self.SetAndGetFanSpeed(self.args.max_rpm)
for i in xrange(len(max_rpm)):
if max_rpm[i] == 0:
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Fan %d is not reporting any RPM' % i)
target_rpm = _Average(max_rpm) / 2
target_rpm = self.args.target_rpm
observed_rpm = self.SetAndGetFanSpeed(target_rpm)
except BoardException as e:
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure('Board command failed: %s' % e)
lower_bound = target_rpm - self.args.error_margin
upper_bound = target_rpm + self.args.error_margin
error_messages = []
for i in xrange(len(observed_rpm)):
rpm = observed_rpm[i]
if lower_bound <= rpm <= upper_bound:'Observed fan %d RPM: %d within target range: [%d, %d].',
i, rpm, lower_bound, upper_bound)
'Observed fan %d RPM: %d out of target range: [%d, %d].' %
(i, rpm, lower_bound, upper_bound))
if error_messages:
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure('\n'.join(error_messages))