blob: 5a0c5ff9ba77940c8e755729e2f48a13d6ec50c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A simple battery test.
A simple battery test that charges, discharges, and charges a battery on a
DUT. The goal of this factory test is to do a quick basic verification of
battery function (typically less than 30 seconds).
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import time
import unittest
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory import system
from cros.factory.system import board
from cros.factory.test import factory
from cros.factory.test import test_ui
from cros.factory.test import ui_templates
from cros.factory.test import utils
from cros.factory.test.args import Arg
from cros.factory.utils import sync_utils
from cros.factory.utils import time_utils
_TEST_TITLE = test_ui.MakeLabel('Simple Battery Test', u'简单电池测试')
_UNPLUG_AC = test_ui.MakeLabel('Unplug AC to proceed', u'拔除 AC 电源')
_PLUG_AC = test_ui.MakeLabel('Plug AC to proceed', u'插上 AC 电源')
_TESTING_CHARGE = test_ui.MakeLabel('Testing battery charge...',
_TESTING_DISCHARGE = test_ui.MakeLabel('Testing battery discharge...',
_CSS = 'body { font-size: 2em; }'
class SimpleBatteryTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""A simple battery test."""
ARGS = [
Arg('charge_duration_secs', type=(int, float), default=5,
help='the duration in seconds to charge the battery'),
Arg('discharge_duration_secs', type=(int, float), default=5,
help='the duration in seconds to discharge the battery'),
Arg('min_charge_current_mA', type=(int, float), default=None,
help=('the minimum charge current in mA that the battery needs to '
'reach during charge test')),
Arg('min_discharge_current_mA', type=(int, float), default=-2000,
help=('the minimum discharge current in mA that the battery needs to '
'reach during discharge test')),
Arg('current_sampling_period_secs', type=(int, float), default=0.5,
help=('the period in seconds to sample charge/discharge current '
'during test')),
Arg('max_cycle_count', type=int, default=1,
help=('the maximum cycle count beyond which the battery is considered'
def setUp(self):
self._ui = test_ui.UI(css=_CSS)
self._template = ui_templates.OneSection(self._ui)
self._board = system.GetBoard(self.dut)
def VerifyArgs(self):
if self.args.min_charge_current_mA:
if not self.args.min_charge_current_mA > 0:
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'min_charge_current_mA must be greater than zero')
if self.args.min_discharge_current_mA:
if not self.args.min_discharge_current_mA < 0:
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'min_discharge_current_mA must be less than zero')
def SampleBatteryCurrent(self, duration_secs):
"""Samples battery current for a given duration.
duration_secs: The duration in seconds to sample battery current.
A list of sampled battery current.
sampled_current = []
end_time = time_utils.MonotonicTime() + duration_secs
while time_utils.MonotonicTime() < end_time:
time.sleep(self.args.current_sampling_period_secs)'Sampled battery current: %s', str(sampled_current))
return sampled_current
def TestCharge(self, duration_secs):
"""Tests battery charging for a given duration.
duration_secs: The duration in seconds to test charging the battery.
FactoryTestFailure if the sampled battery charge current does not pass
the given threshold in dargs.
sync_utils.WaitFor(self._board.power.CheckACPresent, timeout_secs=10)
sampled_current = self.SampleBatteryCurrent(duration_secs)
if self.args.min_charge_current_mA:
if not any(
[c > self.args.min_charge_current_mA for c in sampled_current]):
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Battery charge current did not reach defined threshold %f mA' %
if not any([c > 0 for c in sampled_current]):
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Battery was not charging during charge test')
def TestDischarge(self, duration_secs):
"""Tests battery discharging for a given duration.
The test runs under high system load to maximize battery discharge current.
duration_secs: The duration in seconds to test discharging the battery.
FactoryTestFailure if the sampled battery discharge current does not pass
the given threshold in dargs.
sync_utils.WaitFor(lambda: not self._board.power.CheckACPresent(),
# Discharge under high system load.
with utils.LoadManager(duration_secs):
sampled_current = self.SampleBatteryCurrent(duration_secs)
if self.args.min_discharge_current_mA:
if not any(
[c < self.args.min_discharge_current_mA for c in sampled_current]):
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Battery discharge current did not reach defined threshold %f mA' %
if not any([c < 0 for c in sampled_current]):
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Battery was not discharging during charge test')
def runTest(self):
if not self._board.power.CheckBatteryPresent():
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Cannot locate battery sysfs path. Missing battery?')
cycle_count = self._board.power.GetBatteryAttribute('cycle_count').strip()
if int(cycle_count) > self.args.max_cycle_count:
raise factory.FactoryTestFailure(
'Battery cycle count %s exceeds max %d' %
(cycle_count, self.args.max_cycle_count))