blob: 7f4720b26a47ba865fb0a176517dc048772b1f17 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is run in the factory, and provisions a UFS disk with a single
# LUN that spans the entire region.
# Try to find a UFS controller.
UFS_DEV="$(find /sys/devices -name '*.ufshc' -type d)"
# Set a default for bRefClkFreq, which can be one of 0 (19.2MHz),
# 1 (26MHz), 2 (38.4MHz), or 3 (52MHz). The default is arbitrary.
: ${REF_CLK:=0}
# Read in the board-specific file if supplied.
DIRNAME="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
if [ -s "${DIRNAME}/" ]; then
. "${DIRNAME}/"
if [ -z "${UFS_DEV}" ]; then
echo "No UFS devices present."
exit 0
if ! [ -d "${UFS_DEV}" ]; then
echo "Error: No UFS host controller found at: ${UFS_DEV}"
exit 1
# Helper function: Convert a number like 0x12345678 into its big endian
# hex bytes 12 34 56 78.
int_to_bytes_be32() {
printf "%02x %02x %02x %02x" $((${1} >> 24)) $(((${1} >> 16) & 0xFF)) \
$(((${1} >> 8) & 0xFF)) $((${1} & 0xFF))
# First set the reference clock frequency, since if this isn't set, nothing
# else will work.
if [ $(($(cat "${UFS_DEV}"/attributes/reference_clock_frequency))) -ne \
"${REF_CLK}" ]; then
echo "${REF_CLK}" >"${UFS_DEV}"/attributes/reference_clock_frequency || {
echo "Failed to set reference clock frequency"
exit 1
# Get the raw device capacity in 512B units.
TOTAL_CAPACITY="$(cat "${UFS_DEV}"/geometry_descriptor/raw_device_capacity)"
echo "UFS Capacity: $((TOTAL_CAPACITY / 0x200000))GB"
# The segment size reports the number of 512B units in a segment.
SEGMENT_SIZE="$(cat "${UFS_DEV}"/geometry_descriptor/segment_size)"
# Get the allocation unit size, expressed in segments.
# Dimensional analysis helps with understanding how the units convert from
# sectors to allocation units.
# TOTAL (sectors) | (segments) | (allocation units) allocation units
# ----------------------------------------------------------- =
# | SEG_SIZE (sectors) | S_PER_A_U (segments)
# Just allocate the entire disk to the first unit.
ALLOC_UNITS="$(int_to_bytes_be32 ${TOTAL_ALLOCATION_UNITS})"
# Build the configuration descriptor as a sequence of bytes.
# This is the point at which things might change depending on
# how the kernel support for this shapes out. The way it's looking
# now I'm expecting a configfs file that a sequence of binary bytes
# containing the provisioning data.
HEADER="90 01 00 01 00 01 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
UNIT0="01 00 00 00 ${ALLOC_UNITS} 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00"
EMPTY="00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00"
# Create an ASCII representation of the bytes
CONFIG_ASCII="$(echo "0x${CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR}" | sed 's/ / 0x/g')"
# Write the descriptor out to the configfs provisioning file.
CONFIG_PROVISION="/sys/kernel/config/$(basename ${UFS_DEV})/ufs_provision"
# Perform a SCSI rescan to bring the device online
echo "- - -" >"${UFS_DEV}"/host0/scsi_host/host0/scan
# Sync write and partprobe