blob: 456ba89754108ad0cdfb7b9be491a4bba03ccd39 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" Device detail reports for factory process.
The reports for factory is currently a python native dict.
You can use CreateReport() to create a native report,
ValidateReport() to check if a native report is valid,
FormatReport() to print a native report in text form,
EncodeReport() to transform a report to ASCII-safe format,
DecodeReport() to covert from an encoded string.
import base64
import gzip
import pprint
import os
import re
import StringIO
import sys
import gft_common
from gft_common import ErrorMsg, VerboseMsg, DebugMsg, ErrorDie
def ParseKeyValueData(pattern, data):
"""Converts a given key-value style into [(key, value)] format.
pattern: A regex pattern to decode key/value pairs
data: The data to be parsed.
A { key: value, ... } dict.
ValueError: When the input is invalid.
parsed_list = {}
for line in data.splitlines():
matched = re.match(pattern, line.strip())
if not matched:
raise ValueError("Invalid data: %s" % line)
(name, value) = (,
if name in parsed_list:
raise ValueError("Duplicated entry: %s" % name)
parsed_list[name] = value
return parsed_list
def ParseVPDOutput(output):
""" Converts "a"="b"\n list into [(a, b)] """
return ParseKeyValueData('"(.*)"="(.*)"$', output)
def ParseCrossystemOutput(output):
""" Converts [a = b # comment] into [(a, b)] """
return ParseKeyValueData("^([^ =]*) *= *(.*[^ ]) *# [^#]*$", output)
def EncodeReport(native_report, text_armed=True):
""" Encodes a native python-dict report into ASCII friendly form. """
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
zbuf = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='wb')
zbuf.write(FormatReport(native_report) + "\n")
zbuf.close() # prepare for read
data =
if text_armed:
data = base64.encodestring(data)
return data
def DecodeReport(ascii_form, text_armed=True):
""" Decodes a report in ASCII form into native python dict. """
data = ascii_form
if text_armed:
data = base64.decodestring(data)
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
buf.write(data) # prepare for read
zbuf = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='rb')
report_text =
return eval(report_text)
def FormatReport(native_report):
""" Returns a pretty-formatted text presentation of the report. """
return pprint.pformat(native_report)
def ValidateReport(native_report):
'''Type check the details data.
native_report: A dict object containing the detail report.
None if validation passed, otherwise a string of reason for failure.
mandatory_string_keys = ['hwid',
mandatory_dict_keys = ['crossystem',
mandatory_list_keys = ['wp_status',
if not isinstance(native_report, dict):
return 'native_report must be a dict'
# populate key difference
mandatory_key_set = (set(mandatory_string_keys) |
set(mandatory_dict_keys) |
detail_key_set = set(native_report.keys())
key_set_delta = detail_key_set ^ mandatory_key_set
if key_set_delta:
err_msg = 'detail key sets differ'
extra = detail_key_set - mandatory_key_set
if extra:
err_msg += ', extra keys [%s]' % ', '.join([repr(x) for x in extra])
missing = mandatory_key_set - detail_key_set
if missing:
err_msg += ', missing keys [%s]' % ', '.join([repr(x) for x in missing])
return err_msg
# validate value attributes
for key in mandatory_string_keys:
if not isinstance(native_report[key], str):
return 'property %s in report should be a simple string.' % key
for key in mandatory_dict_keys:
value = native_report[key]
if not isinstance(value, dict):
return 'property %s in report should be a dict.' % key
# each elements in value should be simple string
for subkey in value:
if not isinstance(value[subkey], str):
return ('property %s.%s in report should be a simple string.' %
(key, subkey))
for key in mandatory_list_keys:
value = native_report[key]
if not isinstance(value, list):
return 'property %s in report should be a list.' % key
# each elements in value should be simple string
for subvalue in value:
if not isinstance(subvalue, str):
return 'property %s in report should be a list of simple strings.' % key
return None
def CreateReport(create_params,
"""Creates a detail report for current device.
Collects hwid, vpd, probed components, and attach a timestamp.
create_params: the original command line that creates the report.
probed_components: A match result from gft_hwcomp.HardwareComponents
vpd_source: Optional input image for VPD values (None for system)
A dict mapping keys to details. Example:
{'hwid': 'ABC',
'device_timestamp': 'Thu Mar 17 07:39:04 UTC 2011',
report = {}
# System Hardware ID
report['create_params'] = ' '.join(create_params)
report['hwid'] = gft_common.SystemOutput("crossystem hwid").strip()
# crossystem reports many system configuration data
report['crossystem'] = ParseCrossystemOutput(
# Vital Product Data
vpd_cmd = '-f %s' % vpd_source if vpd_source else ''
report['ro_vpd'] = ParseVPDOutput(
gft_common.SystemOutput("vpd -i RO_VPD -l %s" % vpd_cmd,
progress_messsage="Reading RO VPD",
report['rw_vpd'] = ParseVPDOutput(
gft_common.SystemOutput("vpd -i RW_VPD -l %s" % vpd_cmd,
progress_messsage="Reading RW VPD",
# Probed hardware components
report['probed_components'] = dict(
[(key, ', '.join(value)) for key, value in probed_components.items()])
# Firmware write protection status
ec_wp_status = gft_common.SystemOutput(
'flashrom -p internal:bus=lpc --wp-status')
bios_wp_status = gft_common.SystemOutput(
'flashrom -p internal:bus=spi --wp-status')
wp_status_message = 'main: %s\nec: %s' % (bios_wp_status, ec_wp_status)
report['wp_status'] = wp_status_message.splitlines()
# TODO(hungte) we may also add these data in future:
# rootfs hash, dump_kernel_config, lsb-release from release image,
# gooftool version, result of dev_vboot_debug,
# /var/log/factory.log and any other customized data
# Verbose log. Should be prepared before the last step.
if verbose_log_path and os.path.exists(verbose_log_path):
verbose_log = gft_common.ReadFile(verbose_log_path).splitlines()
verbose_log = ['(Not available)']
report['verbose_log'] = verbose_log
# Finally, attach a timestamp. This must be the last entry.
report['device_timestamp'] = gft_common.SystemOutput("date --utc").strip()
return report
# Console main entry
def main():
""" Main entry as a utility. """
# only load the hardware detection and optparse if we're in console.
import gft_hwcomp
import glob
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true',
help='provide debug messages.')
parser.add_option('--decode', action='store_true',
help='decode a encoded report to human readable format.')
parser.add_option('--log_path', metavar='PATH',
help='use the given path for getting verbose logs.')
parser.add_option('--report_path', metavar='PATH', default='report.gz',
help='use this path to read / write reports.')
parser.add_option('--report_format', metavar='FORMAT', default='gz',
help='format of the generated report; '
'currently supported values: gz, base64')
parser.add_option('--db_path', metavar='DB_PATH',
help='path pattern for hardware components databases')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if args:
parser.error('Un-expected parameter(s): %s\n' % ' '.join(args))
if options.debug:
# Decode
if options.decode:
if not options.report_path:
parser.error('Need --report_path to assign target for decoding.')
data = gft_common.ReadFile(options.report_path)
if options.report_format == 'gz':
text_armed = False
elif options.report_format == 'base64':
text_armed = True
ErrorDie('gft_report: invalid report format: %s' % options.report_format)
print FormatReport(DecodeReport(data, text_armed))
# Encode
if not options.db_path:
parser.error('Need --db_path.')
# populate db_path
db_files = glob.glob(options.db_path)
if not db_files:
parser.error('No valid files in --db_path (%s)' % options.db_path)
hwcomp = gft_hwcomp.HardwareComponents(verbose=True)
best_match = None
for db_file in db_files:
VerboseMsg("gft_report: Matching for %s..." % db_file)
(probed, failure) = hwcomp.match_current_system(db_file)
if not failure:
best_match = probed
if not best_match:
best_match = probed
VerboseMsg('gft_report: Found hardware components: %s' %
# create the native report
native_report = CreateReport(sys.argv,
invalid_message = ValidateReport(native_report)
assert not invalid_message, "Invalid report: %s" % invalid_message
# write the text report into stderr, without being logged.
sys.stderr.write(FormatReport(native_report) + '\n')
if options.report_format == 'gz':
data = EncodeReport(native_report, text_armed=False)
elif options.report_format == 'base64':
data = EncodeReport(native_report, text_armed=True)
ErrorDie('gft_report: invalid report format: %s' % options.report_format)
if options.report_path:
print "Saved report to: %s" % options.report_path
with open(options.report_path, "wb") as report_handle:
print data
if __name__ == "__main__":